What Does Your Logo Color Say About Your Business?


 What Does Your Logo Color Say About Your Business?

Wintery blues are perfect for a more traditional organization. Think of the National Geographic Society, for example. If you want your business to convey that it has been around for a while and is stable, wintery blue is the color to go with.

Summer colors are just right if you're an innovative company on the cutting edge of what's new in technology or art. You might be part of Silicon Valley, or at least hope to be someday; your logo should reflect that with sky blues and sunny yellows or oranges.

Spring colors are great if you have an artsy vibe or have ties to nature (like as a botanical garden). Representing spring isn't a bad thing, but make sure you don't go overboard with this color. It's supposed to be bright, so don't go too dark or you will lose your visual impact. Instead, use light blues to add contrast and make your logo pop.

If you want to reflect simplicity and minimalism in your logo, then black and white is the right choice for you. This is a company that doesn't have much going on and wants its identity to be simple and classy. The black background of your logo should stand out against the white lettering, as well as the slight drop shadow that gives it depth.

Incorporating a metallic look can give your logo an upscale, glamorous feel. This high-class feel is perfect if you're looking to attract more business clients who have money to spend on your services.

Pink is a feminine color that's great for businesses that want to be approachable and friendly when they market their services. Think of the American Heart Association: it's a group that does good work, and people feel good about donating money to them because of their pink logo. Pink is also popular amongst makeup companies, candy makers and women's clothing boutiques.

Logos that are black and white look cool and this works well with any style of clothing. But black and white logos are also perfect if you're a car manufacturer because it gives your business a feeling of sophistication and sophistication.

A color that's great for an environmentally friendly business would be green. It's a bright color, which means it stands out and makes your logo more memorable than others. Simply by being green, you're on the right track as far as eco-friendly branding goes. A logo can speak for itself without having to state so explicitly what the brand stands for or what its intentions are with regards to the environment.

While a color like orange is often associated with Halloween, it has more positive associations when it comes to marketing if you're in the business of giving people fun experiences. Take a look at the logo of Disneyworld, for example. It tries to say that there's nothing scary or scary sounding about Disney. It's all about having fun! The color orange also resonates well when your brand relates to an upbeat and happy lifestyle.

If you want your logo to convey that you are trendy, edgy and cool, then a color scheme that includes bright colors and shades of purple is perfect for you. This is an edgy and trendy company that wants its logo to show off how cool it is. The purple combination also relates to fashion, so if you're trying to appeal to the young generation, then this is the color that draws them in.

If your business is all about luxury and high-class service, you might use a red logo. Think of an airline like British Airways or an exclusive restaurant. Both of those companies use red in their logo designs because such a color combination makes it easy for people to get the feel of what their business is about. It's sleek and modern, which means that people are drawn towards it and want it. But there's also something powerful about this color because they know they can trust it (because it once belonged to airlines that are no longer in operation).

If you have a crunchy granola vibe brand, then green is the perfect logo color. It's a nice way to show people that your company cares about the environment, and it has some of the same classiness associated with black and white. It's a unique color, but not so unique that it will be out of place for your particular business. A little bit of green goes a long way!

A logo in shades of maroon is great if your company is sleek and powerful. This kind of power might also come from an association with old money or even royalty. It has all the luxury connotations that purple has, but with a bit more strength to it; it's more solid and stable than purple.

Brown is an appealing color choice for both men and women. It's a nice color to have in business logos as it reminds the viewer of the home at which you work. A dark brown is authentic looking and adds a sense of stability to the brand.

A bright orange logo will look great in any industry that wants a little bit of flair and personality in its branding. A memorable logo with a strong color like orange will definitely help you stand out from the crowd, especially if your products or services are not easy on the eye (like green products).

Unless your business is based on something scientific or technical, then using black as an actual color scheme is probably not good. If you are a computer or electronics-related business, then black is a great choice for your logo for two reasons. The first reason is that it goes well with the other colors in your brand. The second reason is that it will help make your logo stand out from the crowd because of its purpose as an accent color.

A classic color scheme often uses blue as its base, but you can also use red to give your business an edgier feel. This kind of mood will help your brand if you want to be more creative and more refreshing than most of the other businesses out there that are selling similar things.

Red is a powerful color, and in business logos it can be used to give the company an edge and make it seem more powerful than others. This kind of color scheme is particularly good if you want customers to feel that they are in safe hands when they are doing business with your brand.

Gray design isn't as bold as black or white, but its cooler tones make it great for male-oriented brands. It also works well with blue on any branding where you're selling something during the cold season, like sporting goods during winter months or camping equipment during the rainy season. The coolness also helps balance out other hot colors in your brand identity.


The color of the logo you choose can really make a difference in how people feel about your brand. If you are trying to convey something specific through the colors of your logo, it's likely that there will be a few colors that work well with it. But if you just want something unique, then there are still many colors out there that will help your brand stand out.

Remember to use different shades and tints of these colors so that the logo won't look too boring or have an overwhelming amount of one color. If you're looking for some inspiration on your logo design, check out this infographic from Canva and see what other companies have tried in terms of color schemes in their branding.

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