What Is The Big ‘R’ For Marketing Your Business ?


 What Is The Big ‘R’ For Marketing Your Business ?

Marketing your business is an essential step of success in any industry. Sometimes, though, it can feel like the whole world has changed since the last time you tried to promote your business. So what's a small-business owner to do?

In order to successfully market your company, these 4 R's might be of some use: 

Rapport - Building a connection with people when they first hear about you 
Relevancy - Making sure people are interested in what you're selling 
Relationship - Connecting with people over a long period of time 
Results - Generating income for your company or organization.

Each of these 4 R's play a crucial role in helping your business grow. In order to fully understand how they relate to your marketing strategy, you might want to take a look at this infographic.

Infographic Source: https://formulatrixmarketing.com/blog/2016/09/13/big-rs-marketing/

Title: Social Media and Your Business: What Every Small-Business Owner Needs to Know
Source: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/278226

Social media has become a platform for connecting with people all around the world. Every day, more and more people start using social media to build brand awareness, gain customers and increase their visibility. But what exactly is it? What should you know about social media?

Social media is the practice of using a wide variety of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn to develop networks that allow you to build relationships with your audience and attract their attention. These can be done in one or two steps. 
By connecting with your audience on social media platforms, you can get them involved in promoting your brand. You can also use the data that you collect through social media to create meaningful customer relationships.

Successful social media marketers tell us that it is not the number of followers or friends that matters. They say that it is the quality of connections and the relationship with those followers and friends that really matter.

Some small-business owners have a hard time deciding which platform to invest in (they have to invest their time, effort and money). But, they are advised to focus on one intense campaign on one platform rather than spread themselves too thin over many platforms. They also advise small-business owners to think about ways they can stand out in any channel they choose.

Those who use social media effectively and build a strong brand reputation are in high demand. They can get more clients or even customers, because people trust them and they can gain the trust of their audience. If they are able to manage the relationship between themselves and their audience, they can also find new opportunities.

Infographic Source: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/278226

Title: The Five Ways Social Media Marketing Can Help Your Small Business Grow - Online Marketing Blog
Source: http://www.online-marketing-blog.com/2014/12/marketing-your-business-social-media.html

Small business is a growing industry that is experiencing unprecedented growth in demand. The number of small businesses has grown over the past years and will continue to grow in the coming years. This growth and need for small business means there are greater opportunities, more customers and higher profit margins than ever before. Social media tools can help you increase your visibility, add value to your products or services and focus on building loyal customers by leveraging group buying power, discovering what's trending with target markets and increasing engagement.

The ability to not only reach the people you want to reach, but also track where and when you are reaching them, is one of the best aspects of social media. Depending on your goals, these can be some of the best tools out there for your small business.

Infographic Source: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/278226

Social Media Marketing - The Clarity Of Communication
Source: http://logicmarketingblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Social-Media-Marketing1.pdf

Social media marketing is a piece of cake if you know how to sugarcoat it. You just need to be wise, smart and clear in your communication.

In other words, what we want to say here is that communication is the soul of social media marketing just like salt is the soul of any dish. Without salt, food tastes bland and bland food may not be appreciated by you but if we add salt in right quantity then it will bring out the real taste of food. In the same way right ingredients can make or break your marketing effort through social media. Without proper communication, people will not know what you want to say them.

Let’s check out what some of the best social media marketing tips are.

Infographic Source: http://www.provideocoalition.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Social-Media-Marketing1.pdf

Common Social Media Marketing Mistakes - How Avoid Them & What To Do Instead
Source: http://www.websitedesignerbloggersnetwork.co.uk/2014/03/common-social-media-marketing-mistakes.html

Infographic Source: http://www.business2community.com/smallbusinesses/tipstobuyguide/Common-Social-Media-Marketing-Mistakes

Social Media Help Guide - What is Social Media Marketing? 
Source: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/278230
There is no question that the social media marketing landscape has changed dramatically over the past few years. Everyone has a different reason for using social media and everyone is using it in a different way.

Conclusion: Social media marketing is an effective way to reach a large audience. It is also an effective way to build your brand's credibility and trust with the people who are already following you.

Infographic Source: https://www.entrepreneur.com/slideshow/275806

Social Media Marketing Done Right - Get Started Now! 
Source: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/279199 Deep relationships with your customers can help grow and/or maintain business success in these economic times, but it takes a lot of work to get there, much of it at a very granular level that can feel overwhelming without the right tools in place or strategy to back it up.

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