What is a Notary Signing Agent and How Do You Start a Business?


 What is a Notary Signing Agent and How Do You Start a Business?

What is a Notary Signing Agent and How Do You Start a Business?

Notary signing agents (NSAs) are responsible for notarizing documents on behalf of their clients. In order to become an NSA, you will first need to complete a training course and then pass both the notary exam and state licensing requirements. Becoming an NSA can be both time consuming as well as expensive in the beginning, but it can be rewarding in the long run. If you're interested in becoming an NSA, read on to learn more about what it means to work with them!

*The Deadline for submitting this post was 4/5/17 at 11:59pm.

No (can't state for certain, but it's possible) yes (depending on where you live)

The Position of a Notary Signing Agent (NSAs) is one that revolves around notarizing documents on behalf of others. You will typically know when you're required to, and will have the ability to provide your clients with safe and secure documentation, which they can then present at their local courts. What this means is that your job is to ensure the safety and security of someone's property by performing notaries on the documents they've created or signed.

As you may have guessed, there is more to this business than simply notarizing a piece of paper. You must also have the ability to sell your services on a regular basis, and you will be required to keep track of all of your customers in order to ensure that they are being taken care of. Running a business can be complicated at times, especially if you're just getting started. Fortunately, there are plenty of tools out there to make things easier for you so that the transition can be comfortable.

First thing's first - if you're wondering how much money an NSA can make each year, it's important to know how much it should cost newcomers in order to get started. Here are some of the costs you can expect:

Notary Signing Agent Course: $250-$500+

Notary exam and state licensing: $100-$500+

Total Cost: $500-$1000+ each year (depending on how many customers you sign with)

You could also potentially save money if you choose to purchase an NSA package. As an example, one company claims to offer a basic package which will cost you around $200 per year. This gives you access to all of their available products and services, including the ability to sell your services directly through them without additional costs or fees. They also have a special offer available for new members which is completely free. This free package includes a free notary signing agent course, and access to their educational materials. This can be a good way to start out, since you don't have to worry about paying an extra fee right off the bat.

How many customers will you need?

How much money you can make as part of your NSA business depends entirely on how effective you are at selling your services. The people in your local community will be able to recommend you if they like the work that you do and are willing to pay for it. Your best bet is to make yourself available whenever possible, and make sure you're always willing to help those who need it. If you don't care about helping, then you won't get many customers.

Another thing you'll want to keep in mind is that your own efforts and time will determine how much money you make as an NSA. You'll need to learn how to market yourself properly, how to use social media effectively, and how much time is needed in order for your business to grow over time. Practice, practice, and more practice will be necessary if you want to start making a profit right away.

How Much Does It Cost To Become a Notary Signing Agent?

The best way to get started is by studying. If a business is worth anything, it's important to apply what you learn in the classroom to your work in the industry. This is where most people make their mistakes when trying to become an NSA - they simply give up and don't study hard enough for the exam. This can lead to not only an unsuccessful life as a notary, but also unhappy customers who won't be happy with receiving poor quality services from you.

The exam is available all over the country, and you can pick up a copy of the study guide for free at any notary association or land records office. You'll also want to practice your skills in order to get ready for the actual test. This can be done by practicing on your own time using a practice notary signature. This will help you learn how everything works, and will give you confidence as well as knowledge that you need before taking the NSA exam.

Start a Business With a Notary Signing Agent

Notary signing agents are responsible for notarizing one's documents on behalf of their clients. Most notaries make the bulk of their money by charging an annual fee to those they work with, while their personal time is then used to serve clients themselves. What this means is that your job as an NSA is to ensure the safety and security of someone's property by performing notaries on the documents they've created or signed. The internship and certification programs described below may provide a partial salary, paid at least partially through non-monetary compensation such as commissions and bonuses.

What are the requirements to become a Notary Signing Agent? How do I get started?

The first thing you'll have to do is attend the notary signing agent course. This will teach you everything that you need to know about being an NSA, and will give you the foundation in order to succeed. You'll also want to obtain your state certification as well as your state's application form from their officiating agency. Finally, you'll want to submit both of these documents for review by a state licensing authority. The requirements to become a notary signing agent vary from state to state, but generally you must be at least 21 years old.

Once you have these requirements in place, you can focus on the rest of your business operations. You'll want to start by having an excellent customer service record, and this means that you must be available whenever possible. You'll also have to market yourself effectively in order to get the customers that you need in order to make money in this business. Finally, it's important to realize that making money as a notary signing agent requires at least some level of skill or experience with document preparation, salesmanship and management skills.


The idea behind starting a notary signing agent business is simple - make yourself available to your customers and help them with their documents. This means that you'll need to know how to complete the job correctly, while having a proper knowledge of the standards in your state and the laws of that state. Not only will this put you in a better position when it comes time to complete the notary signing agent certification process, but it will also make you stand out as an expert in your field.

What you'll find here at Spotlight On Business is that there are plenty of things that may be confusing about becoming part of any specific industry.

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