When Fear Comes Calling


 When Fear Comes Calling

When fear comes calling it can become difficult to keep learning and growing. Fear of failure or fear of the unknown can hold us back from our passions, hobbies, and career choices. It's natural to feel some anxiety or apprehension before taking a leap, but the way to conquer these fears is with action, persistence, and patience. Here are some tips to help you break free!

When fear comes calling it is easy for it to scare us into hiding in our rooms instead of stepping outside and going for what we really want. But a little push from what scares us can make all the difference in the world. Fear of failure is a great example of how you can use your fears to your advantage.

It's easy to be scared of the consequences if you give something your all. What if you make the wrong choice? What if everyone laughs at you? What if it doesn't work out? But when push comes to shove, it is these fears that are just distractions from what is actually happening. Fear does not stop you from doing things (if anything, it motivates you). Realize that fear stops many people from trying in utter chaos, but when things are a little less insane and chaotic it makes us stop and think about what we really want and why we think this thing is going to be successful.

Now, fear is a natural emotion. The reality is that everyone has fears, but we don't have to let them hold us down. Life happens, things change, and we need to know that it's okay to make mistakes and fail. This is especially true if you're learning something new. Many people learn from their mistakes and move on with a lesson learned from the experience of failure. Someone who can fail a lot without being discouraged will probably become one of the strongest people out there simply because they are willing to give themselves chances that others are not willing to take.

Doing things without fear may be scary, but the fear is not real. What we are afraid of isn't going to happen and what happens next is totally up to us. We have complete control over our own lives and our own reality, no matter what someone else might try to tell us or what is happening around us. If you believe in a goal this can help keep you motivated. If you believe that the worst thing that could happen is not doing well all of a sudden it will feel like something worth trying for and it may just be enough to push you through the barriers that were holding you back.

We have to realize that our own failure will not put us down, but it will make us stronger. We are human beings and we are going to fail from time to time. We aren't perfect, and this isn't about being perfect for the sake of it. It's about thinking about what the worst thing is that could happen and if we can handle it when the time comes. The worst thing than could happen is you don't try at all, which will probably make you even more afraid of trying in the future.

The best way to conquer your fears is with action, persistence, and patience. Try to focus on the things that you like, not the things you don't. Check out some of the positive lessons that we can learn from our fears and start thinking about what is going on inside your own head when you have those fearful thoughts.

The more you push through your fears, the more likely they will start to fade away. Trying new things and pushing yourself to do better are both great ways to learn from your fears and conquer them so that you can be happier in this world. If what you want is really important for you then it's worth trying for no matter how hard it might seem or how scared of failure people tell you are.

In conclusion, remember this simple fact. Fear is a natural emotion but it is not the end of the world. To move forward and make progress in life you have to learn to accept fear and control it at the same time. Learn to let fear push you, but don't allow it to stop you from doing what you really want in this life.

Source: The Art of Manliness – "When Fear Comes Calling" – Medium
Image Credit: Steve Rhodes via Flickr Creative Commons License CC-BY-SA 2.0

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Posted by Nicole White at 2:40 PM No comments:
I'm starting over here on WordPress after being pretty much off of here for a long time.


There are a lot of really good ideas on this site, but I felt that if I were able to do it over again, the site itself would be very different... Here's one thing that I definitely would do differently:

The Site Design

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