Why do startups and small companies need to attend trade shows?


 Why do startups and small companies need to attend trade shows?

Recently, we’ve seen the rise of trade shows for startups and small companies. Trade show events are essentially events that allow small businesses to meet with potential customers and partners where they can display their products. In this article, read about why startup companies should attend trade shows, how they can benefit from them, how to create a cost-effective plan for attending a trade show as an entrepreneur or business owner, as well as some of the benefits that attendees can take advantage of. 

Trade shows have been around for many years with businesses advertising their products and services in front of interested audiences who likely have much more experience than these other smaller companies do. For these small startups, trade shows can be a great opportunity to get in front of potential customers and partners who have a background understanding of their products.

However, with the rise of online sales and marketing, trade shows are increasingly put under the question as to whether or not they are even needed anymore. Personally, I believe that in today’s business world many businesses still need to attend trade shows; especially because most of the consumers that attend trade shows actually view them as an important step for smaller businesses to reach out and communicate with potential partners, customers and other interested parties.

However, with the rise of social media and online marketing, there are often many more ways to get in front of potential customers and get it out there for them to see. For instance, a business could create a blog post about their product or service and then send out a tweet about it or send out an email blast. This often gets a business’ products and services in front of thousands of interested customers without any cost at all. In fact, in the age of the internet anything that is done offline is put under great scrutiny as to whether or not it actually works. If a small business really wants to have success on their own terms they need to be willing to work hard for it. They need to be willing to do the legwork and go out there to find potential partners and customers on their own.

For attending a trade show, whether it is your first time going or it's been a long time, here are some pointers that will give you an idea of how to successfully plan for a trade show:

First visit the trade show website webpage, where you'll find all of the benefits and details about the event. Some highlights include:
The number of attendees they expect. The types of people they would like to meet including businesses and higher education professionals that are interested in hearing about new products or services. The cost for each attendee (including parking). They also provide a map that shows the location of the event. They also provide a wireless network, either wireless internet access or wireless internet with outlets in every room where you can use your laptop for presentations, meetings, and socializing.

After you fully explore this website and it's benefits, register for the event by filling out their online registration form available on the website.

After you register, you'll receive an email confirming your attendance. You can then print out this confirmation and bring it with you when planning out your schedule at the trade show so that everything looks smooth and professional.

Depending on the trade show that you may be attending, you should always try to schedule meetings with other business owners or individuals who are looking to expand their business. These meetings can last anywhere from a few minutes to an hour depending on what the agenda is for your meeting. Typically people who attend these events will have business cards. Always ask them if they have one and if they don't that's okay; they'll just give you their information in order to schedule a follow-up meeting at your convenience.

The trade show itself is where you'll be meeting with potential partners, customers and even employers in the event's exhibitors themselves. Show your professionalism by dressing to impress. When you go to a trade show, you'll want to dress in professional clothing, so skip the high heels and the tight pants and opt for a pair of black pants that fit comfortably but professionally. You can also add a nice blouse of your choosing. Make sure you have everything that you'll need for that day such as:
If you'll be flying in for the event:
If there is wireless internet access at the event, then you can use this time to meet up with those who scheduled meetings with you before hand or those who just wanted to meet with you at your discretion. You can also use this time to meet with potential new partners, customers, or employers. 
Bring a laptop along with you in order to spread out your presentation or meet with potential customers, partners and employers. If you're going to be attending an event where there is wireless internet access, then you can use this time to quickly check your e-mail for any potentially important information; like meetings that you are going to have or the updates on the products that your company is developing. 
Remember that these meetings are just a way for you to establish personal relationships and business relationships so always make sure to bring enough business cards with you.

That's it, you're ready to rock and roll!

Now for the most important part: 
How to present yourself. There are numerous tips on how to do this including: wearing a suit, wearing comfortable business attire that is appropriate and professional, don't wear high heels because they will only distract from the subject at hand (This is especially true when doing presentations in front of people who may otherwise be interested in buying your product or service) Learn more on how to do this by reading Business Professionalism.

A trade show can take a lot of work depending on the size of a business as well as the industry that they're in. There are several trade show companies that will help coordinate all of the details in order to insure that you have a successful trade show. Some of these companies include:

There are a wide array of ways to get noticed at or attend a trade show. Some examples are:

Some trade show companies also assist in helping small businesses host their own booths at a certain event so that they can generate additional income. These types of shows can help both the small business owner as well as the company hosting the trade show help them both reach out to new potential customers and opportunities for new business relationships.


A trade show can be a very beneficial way of getting seen by new potential partners and customers as well as increasing the profitability of a business. However, there are several precautions that you should take before attending one of these events. Firstly, make sure that you're well prepared for the event beforehand by doing proper research. Secondly, make sure to attend with an open mind in order to make new connections and gain the ability to sell your product or generate interest within one's own business ventures. Lastly, most importantly, learn from your mistakes and be prepared for what to do next time!

Trade Shows Industry Profiles:
Globalshows.com Profile - The world's leading trade show services company .

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