Why Haven't You Got An Article Directory?


 Why Haven't You Got An Article Directory?

How is it possible that you haven't already secured a listing for your website in the vast number of articles directories that exist on the web?

These directories offer a simple and efficient way to get industry exposure and recognition. And with so many different article directories to choose from, you have ample opportunity to massively increase your website traffic.

You might be tempted to skip this step because you're under the false impression that these article directories are only used by those who work online - but that couldn't be more incorrect! The truth is, in today's information-driven society, any company or individual can use an article directory to promote their business, whether they produce websites or not.

Getting listed in a directory is one of the most effective ways to use your website as an advertising tool. When opted-in visitors see your site's name in their news feed, they know they have stumbled across a legitimate resource that can help them with their problem or answer their question. And when you start receiving more visitors, your list of opt-ins will quickly expand, and you'll be able to turn new visitors into customers.

There are many different article directories on the internet, but only a few are worth paying attention to. To be able to effectively choose which ones you should create articles for, you need to be aware of the various quality factors that go into creating good articles.

Order a customized course on article marketing. Includes the day-to-day activities I've done to consistently produce quality articles and where to find free resources. Also includes how to sell your articles effectively on WordPress, Squidoo, Ezine and more.
The Importance of Duplicate Content in Article Marketing
One of the most common questions that newcomers have when they decide to join an article directory is whether or not they should duplicate their website's content. It's a very sensible question, but many newbies actually believe the opposite (that you shouldn't duplicate content).
The truth is that both methods can work if done properly. The thing to remember is that article directories and duplicate content sites work in different ways.
Duplicate content sites primarily advertise your website as a source for information, whereas article directories are meant to help with the promotion of your business.
Article directory businesses tend to attract more quality customers. When you submit articles to the directories, they will often contact you to confirm their destination (whether it's their site or another website). And if they decide that your resources suit them well, you'll be able to turn new visitors into leads and customers.
Article directory opt-ins are much easier to gain than duplicate content opt-ins. This is because most article directories are designed with the main intent of helping consumers find answers or solving their problems. The quality of the articles is often not as important as it is on duplicate content sites (due to the targeted audience).
Ideally, you should start by focusing on article directory submission. They are easier to submit articles to (simply requires an email address and your name), and there will be a greater chance of generating traffic. Once you have a few directories that are regularly publishing high-quality articles that are attracting visitors, you can then focus more attention on duplicate content submission.
But it's always best if you can avoid the common mistakes made by newbies who jump right into writing duplicate content. Remember, not all websites or article directories will accept duplicates (and usually won't publish them).
The Different Types of Article Directories
Not all article directories are created equally. And the differences can be very important to you and the success of your SEO campaigns.
Most directories will contain a few standard sections, such as:
Most generally contain an About Us section that contains FAQs and contact details for those interested in advertising their site, a Terms and Conditions section that covers all legal information, and a Tags or Categories section in which members can categorize their articles into different groups (such as by topic). But this is where most similarities end.
You may find other sections like: The reason why so many people recommend using Ezine Articles is because they're one of the most popular article directories out there. And they have proven to be an effective tool for exposing your website to targeted traffic.
Ezine Articles is free to join, but still has a very large number of members. If you're able to get yourself listed, you're sure to catch the attention of thousands of people interested in reading articles on a variety of topics.
Another advantage that Ezine Articles provides is that its members are allowed to display their ads on their articles (and this is one reason why content quality isn't too important). This means that if you can consistently write articles that Ezine's members will be eager to read, you'll be making money with very little effort or cost.
Another great feature about Ezine Articles is their email distribution system. You can include any other websites that you'd like to advertise in your article, and Ezine will send them a notification (along with the link to your article) when your article is published!
Even though Ezine Articles is one of the most popular directories around, there are still some drawbacks. For example, new writers may find it difficult to get listed as Ezine requires writers to have a certain level of quality before they're permitted join. And so-called "private" Ezines typically require an email confirmation (which you gain by writing an article that's approved).
Many newbies make the mistake of thinking that they can just post their articles to as many directories as they want in the hopes that one will accept it. But this is a bad idea because it's more likely to harm your website than help.
You need to concentrate on submitting articles only to those directories that you think will be able to help you generate traffic and make money. And if you're wondering which directories are worth joining, consider signing up for Ezine Articles here: http://www.ezinearticles.com/ If you're not sure how to come up with lots of high-quality articles, then check out my 5 Step Article Marketing Strategy.
The 5 Step Article Marketing Strategy
Many newbies get discouraged and give up on article marketing because they don't have the time or patience to write a large number of articles in order to get quality traffic. Instead, they just focus on submitting articles in as many directories as possible without really making much progress.
The problem with this approach is that it can be very time consuming and, more often that not, it doesn't produce results. And so many newbies never reach their goals because they fail to make any progress (and simply gave up).

Article marketing is an effective way to make money online, but it can also be very time-consuming and frustrating if you're not doing it correctly. But once you know how to do it properly, you'll be able to get a good amount of traffic to your website (and start making some extra cash).
Top Article Directory List: http://www.article-directory-list.net/article-directories.htm Start Your Own Online Business To Profit From Article Publishing: http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=5KMIA5XU6PBN8W Write Articles For Money: http://www.topicreviews.

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