Winning Logo Design - How to earn big money from your logo designs


 Winning Logo Design - How to earn big money from your logo designs

You're an entrepreneur in the making. You have a great idea for a business, but you don't know how to get started. And you need money - fast.
The good news is you can earn big bucks from your logo design portfolio!
Read this article and learn how to succeed as the next street-artist-turned-star designer!

This blog post will teach you: 

How to start your own logo design business,     what tools and techniques are best for a starting designer, and other useful tips for entrepreneurs on their way out of the door!

If you want to be one of those heralded designers that everyone knows about, just keep reading...

The 'All-New' Logo Design Hustle

The idea that you could get rich by creating your own logo designs is a cliché, but it's true. (Just ask Darren Rahim!) 
For years, designers have been making their fortunes from logos and other design projects. Discover how to do it too.
Click here for more on Logo Design Income Tax Reporting If you need help getting started as a designer, the first thing you need is an idea for a business. We've got some great ideas for you…
1.        Create a logo design 'portfolio'.
2.        Offer to create the logo for a small business for free, then sell the logo design rights to that business for hundreds of dollars.
3.        Offer online logo design courses and make lots of money from students and interested designers.
4.        Create your own online shop and sell your own unique designs, graphics, fonts or graphics as bundles or individually on websites like Creative Market .
5.        Create your own custom design software and make a few bucks from each sale. (We have a tutorial on How to Make $15,000 Using Photoshop + Logo Designer) 
6.        Research and get the rights to use famous designs or popular logos for your own personal websites or for products you manufacture…
7.        Turn your designs into real world products, like bottles, t-shirts, mugs, calendars… just name it!
8.        Sell your art, graphics and designs as prints or canvas prints. (We have a tutorial on Printmaking - How to Turn Your Art into Money) 
9.        Rent out your graphic design services by the hour on places like Fiverr , Upwork or 99Designs .
10.        Design banners for websites, or create cool tutorials and sell them (for a lot of money) to other designers. That's how we make money on this blog!
11.        Start your own logo business and brand, and sell your logos at a premium price. Sell the rights to use the logo, then get paid each time someone uses it. (Sounds crazy? It worked for us!)  
12.        Start your own design business and promote it on sites like BringMeTheNews to drive traffic, collect leads, and promote your business.
13.        Develop a set of templates for logos you design (just like we do!), sell the rights to use these templates for a multiple of the cost, then create more designs from the same template outsource them.
14.        Design t-shirts and other apparel for companies that don't have a designer on staff - cold call them and offer to design their logo for free! Then charge their clients for the shirts with your logo on it!
15.        Become the next Apple and develop your own products, but be different - imagine the iPhone 20 years ago!
16.        Invent new ways of creating logos (just like we did with our logo creator software !)
17.        Start a logo design service and charge clients by the hour. Get your logo right the first time, then increase sales and profits by selling more services to that client!
18.        Design fonts (or buy them, then sell them back at an incredible markup).
19.        Create your own fonts and sell the rights to use them to companies (sell them back just like our logo templates).
20.        Write a book or e-book and sell it on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or another online bookstore. If your book looks professional, people will pay more than $20 for it! (We have an ebook on How to Start a Successful Logo Design Business) 
21.        Create your own font creator software, graphic design software or any kind of design software and sell the product on .
22.        Create your own logo tutorial website that drives quality traffic to your site (like we do!).
23.        Sell videos on YouTube
24.        Create a blog where you talk about branding, fonts and logo design, and then sell that blog as an e-book and offer it as a service to other business owners (who will pay you more than $20 to use it).
25.        Learn WordPress and develop your own website to host your logo designs or anything else related to business. Host it on Weebly - which is great for beginners! 
26.        Have your own website where clients can submit their business' needs for you to design their logo and get paid for doing so.
27.        Have your very own game where you design logos for businesses and get paid for each one.
28.         Create an app that allows clients to design their own logos for free, then sell premium logo creation services to those eager customers.
29.        Be the next Picasso and paint portraits of business owners that can be used as their company's logo (and advertise yourself in the process)!
30.        Create a Kickstarter campaign that allows people to fund your new logo design software or online course!
31.        Create your own magazine and get paid by companies to write articles about branding (or whatever else interests you).
32.        Create your own design agency, connect with business owners, then sell premium services to those business owners.
33.        Or do all of the above!
There are 100's of ways you can get started as a designer and make money - we're just scratching the surface here. 
The important thing is to pick a product, create a website around it and start selling it! Some ideas may have higher margins than others and selling at a discount may be the key to attracting your first customers.


If you made it all the way to the end of this guide, then congratulations! We hope you found it helpful and it will help your business grow.

The important thing is that if you are brand new to logo design, then start small and build from there. Choose a field that appeals to you the most and work on gaining experience, promotion and involvement in this field before moving on to something else that may not be as fulfilling or fun!

Get involved with design communities: Facebook groups, forums, website love-pages etc. This can be the best way to get started when taking your first steps into the world of logo design.

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