Would You Like Adwords Definitive Guide


 Would You Like Adwords Definitive Guide

Google Adwords may be one of the most powerful marketing tools on earth. It provides an easy and affordable way to advertise your products, services, or event. It is a cost-effective form of advertisement that can bring in significant amounts of revenue if properly managed.

However, this does not mean that Adwords is the best advertising tool for every company and needs no additional setup or customization. You must understand the nuances that make up this industry and make sure you are taking advantage of all relevant settings to get the most out of your investment.

You will find yourself in a different position if you neglect Adwords, as it could mean your business or site is losing out on income. The fault is not yours, but the results of poor implementation and other mistakes.

If this is true, then you need to read this article so that you can get a few tips and tricks to implement Adwords effectively.

1 Adwords Is Everywhere You Look And Written On Every Wall:  AdWords is everywhere – every high-traffic website uses it, and most businesses are familiar with it in their industry. There's no way around it – Google AdWords marketing could be the next step for your business. However, it is easy to overlook this solution because every website is already using Adwords.
"Advertising on Adwords can be a challenging task, as the general public bidding for keywords can be fierce. The Keyword Planner Tool helps narrow your choices of words or phrases you are interested in to help you refine your campaign." - Randy Ruff, Owner of Ruff Dog Media
Section Break 2. Get "Sneaky" With Your Keyword Research:  Your highest traffic comes from the keywords you use in your PPC ad. Take some time to really "get sneaky" with your keyword research by targeting long-tail phrases and variations on popular queries .
- Tools like Google Keyword Planner and Yahoo! Search Marketing allow you to search for a keyword, but then show you related, similar searches. Using this tool will help you discover "new" keywords that are related to your niche.
- Long-tail searches are those longer phrases that have more than three words preceded by a search query. For example, instead of using the term "Google", you can use the phrase "how to use Google." Although this might not have as much traffic, it could be easier to rank higher for – because it is shorter and easier to read – both of which contribute positively to user experience.
Section Break 3. Calculate Your Cost Per Click and Understand The Potential ROI:  You will need to learn how much it costs to run each PPC ad, and how that is factored into your advertising budget.  This can be difficult to do accurately, but by closely examining your data with third-party tools like Google's Keyword Planner, you will be able to estimate what you should pay every time you run an ad.
- To create a good PPC campaign, you need a clear picture of the conversion rates (the amount of people who click on your ads and convert into sales) for each keyword. This way, you can accurately figure out your cost per click.
- If the ROI is better than the standard cost per click, then you should use this keyword.
Section Break 4. Include Negative Keywords: A 'negatively' or 'exclusion' keyword is a word or set of words that will exclude any ads that use those words as targets in their ad groups.  The excluded keywords will not be shown to people who are using those search terms, meaning they will not be shown to anyone at all.
- You can run ads if your product or service doesn't match a negative keyword. There are certain search terms that you don't want to be associated with your ad copy, so you need to specify them as negatively targeted keywords.
- Google AdWords allows up to 7 variations of each keyword, using two methods:  You can include keywords in your campaign by writing them out in full; you can also use a wild card * to stand in for other words.
Section Break 5. Utilize Negative Match: A positive match keyword is a word or phrase that will trigger your ad when the customer types the exact wording into their search engine. For example, "diet pill*" is a positive keyword.
- Negative match keywords are those that do not trigger the ad – they are excluded.
- A negative match keyword is a word or phrase that will exclude any ads that use those words in their ad group. The excluded keywords will not be shown to people who are using those search terms, meaning they will not be shown to anyone at all.
Section Break 6. Be Mindful of the Display Network and Ad Extensions:  The Display Network refers to any website that is showing ads related to the Google Content Network. There are several dynamics that occur with the AdWords display network, including when ads run, how they behave and what to expect when you are utilizing this component of AdWords.
- Some research will be required to learn more about how your ads will show up on different websites, as it is different from a standard PPC campaign.
- You also have options for enhancing your ad: by adding images and text, you can enhance your PPC campaign using ad extensions. These include interactive app install ads and sitelink extensions .
Section Break 7. Get Your "IRL" And Use The Same Tools To Do So:   You need to get in the mindset and use the same tools that you have in your "real world", like a phone, to create PPC ads.
- To do this, you can log into AdWords Editor and type in text without worrying about formatting. This is an easy way to get past the need for precision and learn more about what works best when creating ad copy.
Section Break 8. Take Advantage Of The Free Trials:  You can create a PPC AdWords account for free, so you have no reason not to get started using this powerful platform.
- Since there are no limits to the number of keywords or ad groups you create, you are free to experiment. Don't get bogged down by your budget; just get started with a small campaign and see if your campaign is worthy of further consideration.
Section Break 9. Find A Partner:  Having a partner who can help manage PPC can save you time and money in the long run.
- An ad partnership can provide accountability, but only if both parties have time to focus on these campaigns at the same time.
- According to MyBusinessBuilder , over half of advertising professionals report getting stuck with less than half of their planned budget for PPC marketing .


That's it!  I hope this list of valuable tips helps you take a look at PPC and other digital marketing techniques in a new light.  Regardless of your online business goals, taking the time to integrate these tips will help ensure that your campaigns are more efficient. At a minimum, using the tips discussed here will help you create more successful PPC campaigns.
Finally, if you have any questions or suggestions for additions to this post, please comment below and let me know!
Post Date : 2013-11-04 11:51:48 . Category : Internet marketing . Comments Off on How To Create A Successful Google AdWords PPC Campaign [10 Tips] .

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