Write Keyword Articles and get more traffic


 Write Keyword Articles and get more traffic

Learn the secrets of keyword articles and how they can help you increase your traffic by 400%!

As a marketing technique, keywords are used to drive targeted traffic to your website. Though they’ve been around for a while, keyword articles are becoming increasingly popular. These articles often rank higher on search engines due to their use of popular keywords in the title and content.

In this post we’ll show you how to create keyword articles that will help bring in more visitors and improve your SEO ranking—guaranteed! Read on for all the details.

What Are Keyword Articles?

Keyword articles are a form of content that we’ve been using for years to help rank websites. These articles are typically written for blogs and website owners who want to gain more inbound links and traffic to their site.

Since the purpose is to get those keywords ranking on search engines, keyword articles generally follow the following format:

For example, if you wanted to write an article based on the keyword “keyboard,” your article would include information about keyboards (descriptions, pictures) starting with a title like “Best Keyboards of 2018.”

That would give you a decent starting point, but you can improve upon this format. To truly rank on search engines, your article needs to do the following:

Lift the keywords from popular searches in Google. Pull these keywords into a title that’s attractive to readers. Include those keywords throughout the content (top and bottom). Link out to other keyword-based articles. Include images (use stock photos or ones that include your keyword). Use active language and present information in an easy-to-understand format. Write keyword-based content in a conversational tone to keep readers engaged.

To help you get started, here’s an example of a great keyword article:

The article linked above is just one example. There are many more out there, and we’ll share several examples throughout the post. We think this format is the best way to start writing keyword articles.

How to Write Powerful Keyword Articles for Maximum Impact

Here are 5 steps to writing great keyword articles:

1. Choose Your Keywords Carefully The first step to writing a successful article on a specific topic is choosing the keywords that will lead to it ranking in search engines. Start by going to http://www.google.com/insights/search/, where you can see popular search terms by location and time. Stick with broad, generic keywords that are likely to perform well every month. Make sure your keywords have enough volume (about 1,000 searches per month), and will be relevant for the next 3–4 years. Keyword research is one of the most important parts of a successful article because it will determine whether your article succeeds or fails at achieving success in the long run. Start with some broad keywords and then begin refining based on how your article performs in Google Search Console.

2. Inject Your Keywords into the Title It’s important to place your keywords in the title. Google rewards websites for linking specific keywords, so that aspect of your article is critical. You don’t have to use every keyword in the title then—instead, focus on the 2–3 most popular ones. It’s best to aim for one of the top 10 search terms in a particular category (like “keyboard reviews” or “top keyboard recommendations”). The headline should be long enough to include all of these keyword variations in order to boost its ranking.

3. Keep the Title Short and to the Point The title is an important aspect of an article as well. Studies have found that a website’s title ranks higher than its description. Keep titles short—at most 50 characters without a comma or less. The title should also be about the keywords you’re using (and not about your product). You should use a format similar to the following:

Keyword 1 + Keyword 2 + ...

4. Use Active Language Active language shows Google that you understand and care about it, which makes it more likely that your article will rank in search engine results. Here’s an example: Rather than just stating “X is a type of keyboard,” change it to something like “Find the top X keyboards of 2018.” You can also use keywords that relate to your product in your content (like “our reviews” or “our suggestions”). This helps boost your rankings.

5. Include A Call to Action (CTA) Not all articles require calls to action, but they are necessary if you want clickthroughs from those searches (which will help you get more traffic). Your main call to action should be at the end of the article, and it should take readers directly to where they can buy products or make a purchase. This makes it easier for potential customers to click through and find exactly what they’re looking for. You can also use a CTA at the beginning of the article that describes what the reader will get when they click on it (this can include a free ebook or other offer).

6. Use Active Language Active language shows Google that you understand and care about it, which makes it more likely that your article will rank in search engine results. Here’s an example: Rather than just stating “X is a type of keyboard,” change it to something like “Find the top X keyboards of 2018.” You can also use keywords that relate to your product in your content (like “our reviews” or “our suggestions”). This helps boost your rankings.

7. Write in an Easy-to-Understand Format It’s a good idea to write keyword articles in a conversational tone, and to keep things simple by using short, understandable sentences where possible. You don’t want readers asking each other, “what does he mean here?” Rather than using technical jargon wherever possible—write the way you would talk to someone when talking about the topic in real life. Here are some basic rules: Use active language (avoid passive voice). Keep the article easy to understand.


The most effective way to rank on search engines is to write keyword-based content. If you want your articles to rank on popular search keywords, you have to structure them in an obvious way that people can find on Google. This leads us to our next point:

8. Rank Google’s Hierarchy of Keywords in Your Article Just as you need a title that’s attractive to readers, the rest of your article needs to be attractive as well. This means that everything in your article needs to strengthen this aspect of it by including phrases or words related to it when possible (you could even use “keyword-based” or “keywords-based”).

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