Write on your business card


 Write on your business card

Your business card is one of the most important marketing tools for your company. It should say everything about you and your business with a quick glance. 

A well-written, attractive, and professional business card will help you make a lasting impression with every client (or potential client) that you come in contact with. With just one quick look they'll know who you are, what you do, how to contact you, and they'll know just how great of a person they're dealing with — let's be honest here: everyone loves feeling smart!

This post includes lots of tips for designing the perfect cards for any industry or occupation so that all the information on them is clear and easy to find. Even if you don't do any print design yourself, you may only need to send the files off to a printing company and they will be able to provide everything you need.

There are three main components of your business card which appear on every business card:

1. The information, including contact info, business info and other relevant details 
2. The most important element, the brand image that sets your company apart from competing brands 
3. A statement/quote or a symbol that represents your business (or a special characteristic)

If you own the service, product or company, the name should be in large and all-caps letters. This will help people to quickly read it and can be "blurred" by the printer in their design software.

As with any design, there are many aspects that need to be considered, including:

These are things that make perfect sense for a professional looking card but also need to show off some personal style and knowledge of your business purpose. For example, if you're a real estate agent, it may be helpful to include a picture of your latest property listing.

When designing a business card there are three "musts" that should always be included (everything else is optional):
Don't forget: adding in the smallest details can make or break your final product! The little things like the colour, font and style of your contact information can really bring the whole item together and make it more impressive.
The colour and font of your business name will help to define the overall look of your card. You should avoid choosing any unusual colours or fonts. The colour and font you choose for your business name will carry over to your contact information. You want your business card to look amazing, so you don't want to end up using a bunch of different colours or fonts.

Keep in mind that the biggest mistake many people make when it comes to cards is using too much colour on their business card. A professional looking card should never be all out with colour. Never printed in solid-colours and always avoid completely black backgrounds unless they're a very small section (for example: a small logo). 

If you don't feel comfortable designing your own business cards, you can always hire someone to do it for you. Generally, this is a cheap and easy way to have businesses look great. However, with so many different templates out there some of them will just be cheap and poor quality — this means that the person doing the print-outs of your business cards may not be able to offer any real information about the card design. This can result in business cards that may look good at first glance but are quite poorly designed and have no meaning whatsoever (for example: with a font style similar to the one on their website).

In general, a business card should be printed in a clear typeface with high quality printing. The most popular typefaces are Times New Roman, Arial, and Helvetica. 
Some companies may print their business cards in Times New Roman or Helvetica but choose to print their names in a different font (literally just changing the fonts that are used). This has a big impact on the brand image of your company and will be easily seen by potential clients if you have only one version of your business card — it will help them to identify your company faster and be more memorable if you have different variations of your business card each with a different font.

Business cards can be created using traditional methods such as ink, paper and a printing press, or they can be printed virtually in software such as Adobe Photoshop or Photo Shop Elements.

Many of the templates available online have been specially designed for this purpose. They're very simple to use and you don't need any previous design experience — just download the template and add in your logo and text. You can also choose from hundreds of different options including rich colors, textures, clip art and even abstract designs (which may help to boost sales). The most popular options include business cards that are simple with just a touch of colour added in or those that include a photograph but little to no colour. You can even find templates that have unique shapes such as a heart, star or triangle. Many of the templates available online have been specially designed for this purpose. They're very simple to use and you don't need any previous design experience — just download the template and add in your logo and text. You can also choose from hundreds of different options including rich colors, textures, clip art and even abstract designs (which may help to boost sales). The most popular options include business cards that are simple with just a touch of colour added in or those that include a photograph but little to no colour. You can even find templates that have unique shapes such as a heart, star or triangle.

Using templates allows you to design a professional looking business card in under ten minutes. All that is required is a logo and some contact info. A template can offer up to 100 options, which makes business card creation easier than ever before. On top of this, you don't have to know anything about design as these templates are simple to edit with pre-set colours and fonts.

If you're not worried about time or have a lot of experience with design, there are plenty of options that allow you to create a unique card. Writing your own CSS (cascading style sheet), using different fonts and colours, using photos and vectors are all great ways to make your card stand out from the crowd.

Business card design differs greatly depending on the needs of your business. There are many different aspects to take into consideration when designing a business card. Things such as your logo, colour, images, language and message all have a huge impact on the overall design of your card.

Your logo is what represents you — this will be immediately recognizable to people so it should reflect who you are and the services or products you offer. It is important that your logo look good in black-and-white as well as colour. You may also want to consider putting it in different sizes so that it looks good on other mediums such as phone cases, stickers and shirts.


It is important to create a successful and amazing business card for your business. Recouping costs and gaining new customers are the two main questions that need to be answered when it comes to business cards. The good thing about business cards is that they are affordable ways of advertising your business. If you think that something can be done better or if you have any criticism regarding the existing guide, please comment below.

A limited amount of research was made in regards with the article source (http://blog.solusdesign.com/business-card-design/). 

The image above was recommended by an individual who commented on http://blog.solusdesign.

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