Your Advertising Does Not Have To Be Boring


 Your Advertising Does Not Have To Be Boring

What are the keys to engaging with your audience? This blog post outlines a few of the most important steps that you should take.

- You should know who you want to engage with, be it a certain age group or demographic
- You should know what mechanisms will be most effective in engaging them
- You need to find out how they interact with brands online, and what their attitudes towards advertising might be

If you're interested in getting people's attention more than just blindly posting an ad on Facebook, you might want to read this.   The key is learning what works for your specific target audience so that you can achieve incredible engagement numbers. If you know how to use those insights and the data you have to create more effective ads, the engagement will be incredible.

- Brian Clark
Creative Director at Passion Taxi

*To read more about what Brian discussed in this post, check out his post earlier this year on how to do an amazing Facebook ad: *
The 7 Keys To Engaging Facebook Ads - Brian Clark - AdWords University Blog -

Key Takeaways:
1. You should know who you want to engage with, be it a certain age group or demographic.
2. You should know what mechanisms will be most effective in engaging them.  This can include behavior tracking and algorithms based on interests, demographics, etc.
3. You need to find out how they interact with brands online, and what their attitudes towards advertising might be. This can include surveys, user testing on new advertisements and more.

*To read the entire article on AdWords University Blog , click here: *
There are different types of Facebook ads, and each of them has to be created for a specific target. There are story ads and engagement ads, both of which have certain goals that you should set for your brand. Ultimately, you want to give people an incentive to interact with your ad. They need to see something that makes them want or need your product or service.  Think about what is going to work for your business in the long run when thinking about how to create better ads all around.  If you have a variety of products and services to offer, you may want to create multiple ads with similar objectives.
2. Be Persistent
Anybody can post an ad once and hope for the best. The real challenge is being able to post an ad regularly that still gets good engagement numbers. A popular way of doing this is through the use of Facebook Pulse ads. This is a type of ad that you can schedule in advance, so that it goes up at certain times during the week or month.  This lets you continue to engage with your audience while they enjoy their day-to-day activities without any additional effort from them.
3. Track What Works
A lot of people think that they can just tell Facebook what to target and they will do it. It doesn't really work like that, as you are trusting ad placement with this platform. You need to be able to track how effective your ads are in order to come up with the best ones for your brand.  This includes testing out different placements, message types and demographics in order to see what works best for your audience.
4. Create A Realistic Budget
Facebook Ads are not cheap, especially if you want to be able to reach a large audience reliably and cost effectively. If your budget is lower than you would like, you are going to have to modify which ads you place and how often. This can mean that it takes time for your ad to reach the right people. Contact Facebook and let them know that you need help with ad placement and they may be able to find pricing deals with other advertisers in your area or online.
5. Use A Facebook Mobile App
The entire purpose of Facebook Ads is to engage the audience in such a way that they will purchase a product or service from your business or otherwise engage with your brand on other platforms such as websites or email.  A mobile app provides a lot of different ways for people to interact with your brand, and it is an extremely effective way to do so.  Use all of Facebook's tools that you can in order to reach them where they are.
6. Create A Schedule For The Right Time Of Day
Even if you have the right methods in place, you don't want to put up ads too early or too late, as you will not be able to reach the right audience. This is especially true with mobile users, who might never look at your ads at all. The best time is when people are active on the platform and likely to notice something new related to your brand. It's also a good idea to create ads when things are happening in the community, such as when something newsworthy is happening.
7. Be Creative
There are many different ways to make your ads more effective. For example, you can integrate a video or other content with your ad, a strategy that has proven quite successful. You can also use images instead of text on some of your ads, something that might be more effective with certain demographics.  The key is to know your audience and their habits so that you are able to engage them in the most effective manner possible.
Facebook Ads - Brian Clark - AdWords University Blog -
Key Takeaways:
1. Know the audience you want to target, and how to reach them.  This includes age, location and interests.
2. Find out what works with other brands in your industry, as well as how they engage with customers on Facebook. This can include surveys, user testing and more.
3. Determine the best way to modify your campaign in order to keep it fresh without overly interrupting the user or being spammy or repetitive.  This may require some trial and error on your part as you try new strategies with this platform.

4. Set realistic goals for your campaign, especially when you are trying to reach a large audience.
5. Create a small budget and adjust it as necessary so that it suits your needs.
6. Find out how to use the functionality of Facebook so as to get higher engagement and better conversion rates with your ads.
7. Be creative in the way that you find new ways to use the platform and engage with your audience by using text, images, videos and other tools that you can access through Facebook's dashboard

This article provided a great overview of Facebook Ads and how they can be used to reach your desired audience, along with some tips on how to use them to your benefit.  It's important to note that Facebook is constantly updating their platform and implementing new features, so it's important that you know how to use them in order to stay ahead of the curve.  You can create ads for your business or brand and contact Facebook if you have any questions about ad placement or want some tips on how to make the most out of your campaign.
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Facebook Ads: Step 1 - http://www.

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