How to Cold Calling Without a "Pitch" - Make your cold calling about them, not about you!


 How to Cold Calling Without a "Pitch" - Make your cold calling about them, not about you!

The worst thing you can do when cold-calling someone is to start talking about yourself and your business without a proper introduction. This type of behavior will only make the person on the other end of the phone hang up, or even worse, turn into an angry customer. This is why you should always start by making sure that they know who YOU are and what YOU do.

How? By going straight to them! You don't want to be thinking about yourself too much; you need to think about the customer first.

Just ask yourself this question: "If I was the customer, what is it that I would like to know at this point?"

For example, if you are selling a health product or offering a free report on weight loss, you could start by saying: "Hi there. It is Dave from Fit Weight Loss Coaching! I am calling to let you know about our free report on 'Lose Weight for 66% Less'".

A statement like this one will make them interested because they will wonder what you are talking about and if your report can give them a solution for their health problems. The next thing that comes out of your mouth should be an explanation of the problem and how exactly your free report can help.

Finally, you need to offer a benefit - A REASON WHY they would want to grab your report right away. For example, "Because it is giving away the secrets of losing weight without starving yourself or making extra effort".

When you use this strategy your cold calling process becomes much smoother because you are having a conversation with the customer instead of asking people to buy things. You don't need to keep saying "thank-you" with every word; it's okay if you use an incorrect word or phrase; and best of all, there is no pressure!

Always remember that if this was your first contact with this person, then chances are that they have no idea about YOU and what YOU do. By giving them the information first, they will feel comfortable enough to say whatever they have to say.

The only subtle difference in a cold-call versus a warm-call is the "warm" part of it. We all do it without thinking; we use the "warm" sales approach when we meet someone and get to know them...and beautiful, successful companies are no different.

Why do you think so many CEOs have a personal assistant - there is nothing wrong with being warm, honest and personable when you call on someone! So don't be afraid of showing enthusiasm if you're making a cold call - as long as you are always respectful and professional.

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