How to End Your Fear of Cold Calling - 3 Steps to changing your mindset about cold calling!


 How to End Your Fear of Cold Calling - 3 Steps to changing your mindset about cold calling!

Cold calling is the best way to get new business and expand your network. If you've been putting it off, here's how you can stop fearing cold call as if it's some kind of an ax murderer that preys on innocent people looking for work. This is a guide how you can change your mindset about cold calling. Start by first admitting your fear. When we think about cold calling, we get nervous and it seems like the simplest thing in the world to do - but as soon as you start doing it, you see that it's something that makes us uncomfortable, and so we just avoid doing it.
We all have fears and when we find out that someone else has them too, we tend to feel empathy for them (this is one of the reasons why people can relate to Brad Pitt's character in Thelma and Louise). For example, you might be a woman and refuse to wear a bikini on the beach. Someone else could be afraid of being cold-called and sit in the office all day, just so they won't get dialed by potential clients.
But the truth is that we all have our fears and insecurities and we live with them every day because it's not easy to change something we've become accustomed to.
But don't let fear keep you from making progress and pinning down a career you want. And the first step to overcoming your fear is to admit that it exists.
Number two - Think of the benefits.
Cold calling can be very beneficial - not just for yourself, but also for others who might need your services. There are tons of benefits of cold calling beyond just getting new business from it (but those are amazing too). The best thing about cold calling is that it requires you to step out of your comfort zone and get out of the office, meet new people and make contacts right away.


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