Just What Do We Pay Graphic Designers For


 Just What Do We Pay Graphic Designers For

Hi, everyone. I'm Jennifer, and this blog post is all about what designers do in the graphic design industry. A designer's job can be a lot of things: there’s logo design, like for our company's website; interior design in a magazine; web and app design for our phones; branding for a new company; or even creating designs for clothes.

The point is that there are lots of different types of jobs that fall under the category “graphic designer.” Some designers are brought in to give a company's website a total visual makeover; others come up with the original look of a company, including the logo.

You could say that we’re artists and visionaries – but there’s more to it than that. A good designer has to know how to spot potential problems and ways to fix them so that everyone involved can stay happy and comfortable. For example, if one of our client's brands is too hard to read, we fix it so that people can see it better. We want everybody who uses our client companies’ websites, social media or apps just loves going there again and again. We’re also always thinking about how to make products different and better, whether it’s a new app or a logo for The Simpsons.

If you asked me what my designer shoes would be, I'd have to say that I'm a very practical, yet creative person with lots of imagination. My shoes are made from rubber with a lot of grooves and treads. They squeak really loudly on the floor so that I can fly around the studio looking busy and get stuff done; they're also great at picking up dog hair in the laundry room on my way back into the studio.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my designer shoes. Until next time. Don't forget to have a look at our website and stay in touch!

From the Design Shoes series of articles by the Tots100 Team http://www.tots100.com . Original article can be found here: http://www.tots100.com/articles/just-what-do-we-pay-graphic-designers-for/ [ARTICLE END]

More information about Graphic Designers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphic_designer
https://www.visualcv. com/graphic-designers-ireland.htm
http://www.tots100 .com/articles/how-graphic-design-works
https://www.visualcv . com/interior-designers-ireland,htm
https://dribbble. com/new_shots,php?page=4
https://www . visualcv . com / graphic- designers - ireland . htm
https://www.tots100.com/articles/just-what-do-we-pay - graphic-designers-for
https://www.tots100 .com/articles/designer-shoes
http://www.tots100.com /articles/graphicdesigner [ARTICLE BEGIN]
In our previous post, "Designers Gone Wild: Let's Talk About the Dangerous Side of Design," we discussed how a lot of designers are fiercely creative people who think out loud and have wild imaginations about what they desire in life. It's nice to have this kind of mentality when you’re an artist, because it inspires you to create something new in the world. However, after a while you might take your creativity too far and cross the line into crazy ideas that may have negative consequences. You might even need a little help to get back on the right track and follow your design passion in a more productive way.
So what do designers do when they’ve gone too far? Take note of this warning:
"The designer must always follow his own direction without deviation if he is to be at peace with himself. However, this does not imply a selfish pursuit of one's own ideas at the expense of everything else. Our work should be a kind of continual sacrifice: we should always try to ensure that it is pure and beautiful and that it benefits everyone. It is never too late to turn back." - Massimo Vignelli
To help you to stay on track and maintain focus, let’s take a look at some common problems that designers run into when they’re working on a passion project for fun or for personal growth. Here are some tips and warnings about what to avoid.
1. Don't Work in Isolation
One of the biggest problems that designers can encounter is working in isolation. Many designers work on designing projects alone, but this can lead to a lot of problems. For instance, you might spend too much time on a project and cause it to go off schedule or over budget. Or you might become frustrated by the process of making something alone and give up before you’ve finished.
2. Don't Set Unrealistic Goals for Yourself When You’re Passionate about Something
Designers are passionate people who tend to think big about what they want to create in their field.


Designers are problem solvers and creative explorers who are passionate about crafting the next big thing in their field. They have a strong desire to create something new and amazing in their area of expertise. Some designers work on their own, while others work as team members, but they’re all working hard to make the world a better place. Why don't you check out our other posts about designers and see what else we've got to say? If you enjoyed this article, share it with your friends!
http://www.tots100.com/designers-gone-wild-lets-talk-about -the-dangerous-side-of-design/
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