Multi-Task Your Way To A Healthy Body And A Booming Business


 Multi-Task Your Way To A Healthy Body And A Booming Business

Our generation is notorious for its lack of focus and inability to multitask, but the truth is that multitasking can be a huge asset in your everyday life. This article will teach you how to use multi-tasking as an asset in your personal life and professional career, as well as how it can benefit you during time management.

In our first section, we'll be talking about the best ways for you to implement this technique into your personal life. We'll delve into the importance of using multi-tasking in order to improve productivity at work and create new opportunities for yourself.

Finally, we'll discuss how this technique can be used to manage your time and help you become more efficient with your everyday activities.

Section 1: How To Multitask In Everyday Life
There are some days when you just don't feel like doing any of the things we discussed above. Maybe you got caught up in a boring class, or maybe you're trying to come up with a different approach to tackling your next project. Instead of letting yourself waste more time using outdated multitasking techniques, try taking a new approach to dealing with the stress, pressure and boredom of everyday life.

1. Listen To Music While You're Commuting
If you're in a hurry to get to your next class, it can be really tempting to try and dive straight into taking notes as soon as you sit down at your desk. However, if you're getting bored in class (and let's face it, most college classes are pretty boring), simply resist the temptation to start taking notes and instead try listening to music on your way there. Use the time commuting to get pumped up for the class ahead of you or settle down for some much-needed relaxation. The great thing about this technique is that it's really easy–all you need is a pair of earbuds!
2. Become A Runner
Trying to fit in a workout session into the middle of the day is usually pretty tough, but a little organization can go a long way. Instead of trying to squeeze in an intense session in the middle of your busy day, try working out first thing in the morning when you're most likely to have time for it. If you're looking for something that's more motivational than just an excuse to work out, try taking up running or cycling on your commute instead!
3. Put Down The Book And Work On Your Handwriting
If you're like many teenagers and college students who are constantly glued to their phones while they study, it's time to take some action. Instead of picking up your phone every few minutes to check Facebook or Twitter, try learning a new skill that could be beneficial to your professional life in the future. Try practicing hand-writing or taking up calligraphy to improve your penmanship. If you're not a fan of calligraphy, there are tons of other free apps for learning the skill (like the one we mentioned above)!
4. Change Up Your Interaction With Others
Staring at your screen all day really isn't necessarily an effective way of focusing on what's going on around you. Instead, try trying out some different techniques to help you focus more on what's happening in front of you. For example, if you're someone who easily gets distracted by their own thoughts, try talking to a close friend instead of focusing too much on your thoughts. Or, if you're someone who tends to pick up subtle mannerisms from those around you, try taking a break from those around you and instead get some fresh air for a little while.
5. Get Some Fresh Air
It's no secret that hanging out in front of computers all day can really be bad for your health. Next time you're feeling antsy or stuck in front of the computer screen all day, take yourself outside and get some fresh air. Go for a stroll through the park or along a nearby trail. Talk to your friends about things other than the computer by hanging out at a coffee shop. The great thing about this technique is that you don't have to really "multitask"–you can just sneak in some time between work and class to get away from screens and have some fun outside!
6. Learn A New Skill
Apps like Duolingo allow you to learn a new language while you're on the go. While it might seem like a good idea to try and get ahead in your next class, we know that it's really tempting to try and study while you're taking a break. However, this habit can really be detrimental to your studies in the long run, as it means that you have less time to practice what you've learned for test day. Instead of studying during your breaks, try learning a new skill that's not necessarily related to your classes! You might find yourself with some extra time on your hands once the semester is over, so why not spend some of it practicing your foreign language skills?
7. Take Up Yoga
There's no way you can multitask your way through every one of these techniques, so think about what you enjoy doing the most and do it. If you feel more motivated by running, then go for a jog. If you prefer to learn a new skill and read in the meantime, get involved in something like Duolingo. Or, if you love to draw, take up some calligraphy or even try your hand at origami. Whatever you choose, make sure that it's something that you enjoy doing in your spare time!
Interestingly enough this is the only section where we mention that multitasking actually destroys productivity. This is due to the fact that when we multitask it causes us to do less than one thing at a time and thus results in a dip in productivity. Multitasking has led us to many mistakes throughout history including the Vietnam War and the invasion of Iraq. The point is strive to master being a one thing at once person so that you can maximize your success while working smartly.

As you can see, it is totally possible to multitask in a productive fashion. It all depends on consistency and discipline. If you can master this skill than the sky is the limit on what you can accomplish!
I hope that this article helps you become a more productive worker in your everyday life!
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Multitasking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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