On Hold Messaging | Your Secret Marketing Weapon


 On Hold Messaging | Your Secret Marketing Weapon

Interacting with an organization just to be placed on hold is a gross waste of time and money. Wouldn't you rather spend your precious minutes during these frustrating moments interacting with the company you're on hold with? You can use your minutes to market yourself, build relationships, and nurture potential business opportunities for yourself. So get in the game and start answering these messages!

Answering On Hold Messaging Helps Boost Your Business — What Are You Waiting For?

The behavior of waiting on hold is universally disliked because it's incredibly frustrating. However, there's one plausible reason to answer when someone calls: it could result in more business for you. If a potential customer is calling with a pressing issue, and your company fails to address their calls, you could be missing out on major business opportunities.

Here are three reasons why answering your on hold messaging is an essential part of your business:

Statistics show that when customers call a business they want to solve the problem immediately. They want to get satisfied, and they want it now. If you answer their calls, you are showing that you care about them as customers and want to serve them in the best way possible. That's definitely going to build trust in the customer-business relationship. Statistics also show that making customers wait for service can result in lost sales. When a customer is waiting for a business to return their calls, they are most likely focusing on the negative aspects of that experience. Instead of thinking about how good of a customer they've been or how great your product is, they are focused on their frustration and letdown. The fact that you have answered the call shows that you understand this pain point and are there to serve them — which will give them confidence in your business. Statistics show that businesses which answer calls to their main line actually grow faster than businesses who don't. That's because these businesses are showing customers direct attention and care. These businesses are already providing great service, making their customers particularly happy, and then further proving that they care by answering their calls and requests.

Whether you're a fast food place, bank, or retail store (just to name a few), you can benefit from the power of answering your on hold messaging. You might even go a step further by creating your own engaging on hold messaging!

Getting Your On Hold Messaging Right: Keep It Short And Sweet

You want to highlight only the most relevant information about your business in the shortest amount of time possible. On hold messages should be brief and to-the-point.

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