Planning An Event: If You Think You Can't, You're Right.


 Planning An Event: If You Think You Can't, You're Right.

It's very tempting to start thinking that there are just too many things to worry about for an event and that it's not worth it. Or, you might be thinking you don't have the budget for all of this. Perhaps you're feeling lazy.
The good news is, after years of planning events, I've picked up a few tricks to help make the process easier on everyone involved! With these tips under your belt, you'll be able to take on any event with no problem and probably even have fun doing it.
For those who aren't familiar with the term, I'm going to give a brief explanation of what a wedding is. A wedding can sometimes be referred to as a "wedding party". Some people refer to it as a "coronation" and some refer to it as an "encounter" or an "engagement party". I tend to prefer the term wedding .
This is not about how big of a budget you have, if you have one at all. Or even being able to afford things like flowers and tuxes. But more so that this guide will help you plan your event in a way that can accommodate everyone's tastes and budget limitations You'll need quite a bit of space for this. A good rule of thumb is to choose a space that's about 100 times the size of what you want your party to be.
Even if it's just you and your best friend, don't worry about not having enough room. You can still choose a few places where people can mingle in groups or small groups. If you have lots of space, it will make it easier on everyone who's coming and attending the party to have enough room to enjoy themselves without feeling cramped.
The first thing we're going to talk about is lighting. We'll move on from there though, I promise.
But in the early stages of planning, it's very important to think about what kind of lighting you're going to use.
The reason why we're thinking about this first is because the lights you choose can decide how much room you need for your event. And how many people need to be involved in its planning and preparation.
Depending on how big your party is going to be, you may need a lot of lights for a small event. Or if you're only having a small gathering, you can probably get by with just a few candles or something like that.
This might sound silly, but don't underestimate lighting in terms of its importance.
If you have bright lights, you might need to plan more places for people to congregate. If you're having a small party with very little space, you'll need to think of ways to make it look bigger.
The final thing we're going to talk about is music. Again, we'll move on from here though. 
If you think that the music will determine how big of a space or how many guests you can expect at your party, think again! You may have guessed it already, but it's not about the size of the space or even how many people are coming.
You might have had a great idea for a song you want to play at your party as it's getting closer, and that's great. But don't forget about how many people are going to be involved in planning and preparing for the event.
Since most people will be involved in the planning, it'd be easier to plan one or two songs per group of people instead of one song for everyone. And then everyone would have their own radio to follow along with the music and make sure everyone's having a good time.
Even if you mix up groups by gender or whatever, we'll come back again to this.
If you have a small group of people coming, you might end up having one of the groups playing music just for themselves to dance or sing to. It's a good idea to plan this music out in advance.
Again, we're going to stick with the same idea for lighting for this part. If you want your party's music to be very loud and flashy, bright lights will help everyone enjoy it more.
If you want your party's music to be quiet and relaxing, dim lights are easier on people and they might enjoy it more that way.
And now we're back again! You can choose whether or not you have flooring by your choice of lighting. If you have bright lights, or even candles, you'll probably want to cover the floor with something that can be cleaned easily and quickly.
If you're planning a quiet party, maybe with dim lights in a small space with a few people, there will be less mess!
And that's it for lighting and music. Once again, don't get too caught up on being able to afford these new fancy things you may have read about.
(More on this later)
Artwork is another important thing to consider when planning your event. The artwork can help make the area look more life-like and interesting to people. But don't worry too much if you're not an artist. Or don't have the money to hire one.
It's not because you can't afford the artwork, it's because you don't need it. 
The artwork can make your party more fun and memorable.
This is a good time for us to think about where people will congregate during the event. You might decide you want your party at a specific location.
But if that's not your style, then you could just let people choose where they'd like to go when they arrive at your party.
If you do that though, you'll need to make sure you have artwork available for them to look at in each location.
If you have just one room or place and someone doesn't like the artwork they see there, they might feel uncomfortable and leave. Or just not want to visit that room or place.
But if you have choices of where everyone can go, everyone will be able to enjoy themselves more. You'll also have a wider range of people that you can invite!
It's not just about having choices of where everyone can go.

In the early stages of planning your event, these choices can help make sure people are having a good time at your party.
It seems like they're not related, but they are!
If you have no art at all, then your party could have an empty feeling to it and people won't have anything to relate to. Without artwork on the wall or any other surface you don't want the guests to interact with, then people will most likely feel uncomfortable.
If you're only planning on having a small group of people there though and they know each other very well, then adding artwork might not be necessary or even helpful.

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