Shopping Wiser for Electronics
The first thing to know is that you're going to find a huge variety of prices and models for the same type of product. We live in an age in which there are so many electronics brands on the market, each with their own strategies and marketing teams. Comparing prices is not as simple as it was just a few years ago, when all one had to do was head down the nearest electronics store and check out whichever brand they liked best.
How can shopper deal with this? You need to know where you can get reliable information about what's good and what's not. And that starts with price comparison.
To do this, you need to find a good site, a site where you can be confident the prices are accurate and up to date. For this reason, I think one of the best ways to find out about prices is [The Good Guys]( ) . They are a well-known website that has been doing price comparison for years now, and they're always working on keeping their database as up-to-date as possible so that every product they list gets updated with all the latest details.
So, how do you take advantage of this?
The first thing to do is look on the Good Guys website for the product you are interested in. If you have a brand in mind, it's probably best to start there, but if not, it doesn't really matter.
If you find a model that looks good and has all the features on your shopping list, add it to your "shopping basket" on the site. Next, click on "prices" and add in as many of your preferred brands as possible (you don't even have to click through them). Then just click through all the models they have that fit your search until you come up with one that's cheapest out of all of them.
When you have found a product you like, click through to the add to cart button and continue shopping.
The other thing to remember is that after you've added a few items and then return back to your original product, don't forget that you can check out the price of any of your add-ons at anytime. Just go back through your shopping basket and click on the "prices" link, which brings up all the prices for each individual item.
This way of checking prices is not fool-proof and doesn't take into account all the different offer prices a company might have, but it's very useful overall.
The fact that Good Guys is a price comparison site and not an actual store means that they have to be very vigilant when it comes to making sure their prices are up to date. Some other big sites are also starting to do this, but they don't always have the most credible information. When you check out the prices on Good Guys, you can be sure that what you find there is going to be as accurate and reliable as possible, otherwise they would lose all of their customers.
So next time you are looking for a good deal on electronics or appliances, make sure you take a moment to check in with The Good Guys first.
-- By [Sam Cook]( )
Title: A Guide To Getting The Best Price When Shopping Online
Author: [Jim Breen]( ) and [Sam Cook]( )
Introduction: [Easily compare prices of electronics you find at one store with those at other stores.]( )
By [Sam Cook]( )
Fall is also the time when many people buy electronics such as computers and home stereos for their homes, so it's a good time to check out prices and find the best deal. It's also when some consumers are thinking about buying laptops and other things that aren't bought all at once, like TVs or even household appliances, so there's even greater competition for those items.
So, if you are planning to buy an item that is too big to be taken home in one big box, and which you can't resell once you have it, then it's a good idea to use the Internet. This is so that you can find the best deal without having to wait days or weeks for your order.
To do this, check out [price comparisons]( ) by [Jim Breen]( ), [the Australian correspondent for [GumTree (and JB)]( ).]( )
Jim and [Sam Cook]( ) work together every week to find the best price for the items you are about to buy and post their findings here each week, along with tips on how to get great deals on other items as well.
There are no membership fees or hidden charges with [GumTree (and JB)]( ), so you can shop freely and find the best prices and deals on anything you want.
What's more, all the listings and descriptions here are reviewed by at least two people to make sure they are accurate, but they don't have a much time to check each listing out. So if you do use [GumTree (and JB)]( ) or [Jim Breen](
Conclusion: [Jim and I]()
Japanese electronics are not always the best for your needs. There are many great brands you can buy from overseas, but when you don't know how to find them, or how to choose the best of them, it's easy to end up getting stuck with a product that has a lot of features you don't want and doesn't do what you bought it for.
By using GumTree (and JB), you will be able to compare prices on whatever product you are interested in. Plus, since they provide no sales service or guarantees, products here are all sold by individual stores and vendors who have been screened and verified by [Jim Breen]( http://www.