The Basics Of Starting An Online Business (Part 2)


 The Basics Of Starting An Online Business (Part 2)

In part one of this blog post series, we discussed the steps you should take before you start your business. We also talked about some common mistakes that are made when starting a new online business. Now, in part two, we are going to focus on what to do once you have started your business.

Before You Begin

You wanted to start an online business for years and finally convinced yourself that it's time. As with most things in life, there is always a learning curve. I am not going to lie to you and tell you that this is the easiest part by far. There will be setback after setback and there will be things that go wrong.

The key thing to remember is that this is a life-long game. You can't expect the business to magically just start bringing in money for you. You have to work hard at it.

In order for your business to bring in money, you need clients, right? In order for clients to contact you, they need to trust you and feel comfortable talking with you. So how can you get people to trust and feel comfortable?

1. Don't Pander To Them 

We have all been there before. You're busy, no one has time to talk to you unless they are in a bind. You're desperate for clients, you run out of ways to convince them and you end up creating obnoxious ads that basically say "If you need us, we'll be there".

No ones going to respond willingly if you pander to them constantly. No client wants the feeling of being sold on something every single time that they see your ad on Facebook or Google+.

2. People Are Anxious About Trying Something New, So Don't Force It

In the beginning, everything is new. It's exciting and confusing and you're going to be doing some really cool things that you've never done before. You're going to feel the urge to push your new business as hard as possible. You're going to want more clients than you've ever had before. You might even think that anything less than an immediate response is a failure on your part. Don't do it!  These feelings are normal, but there is a way to manage them without doing any permanent damage.

If you are always pushing your clients, you're going to make them feel like they are being forced into something that they don't really want to do. You have to give them time to adjust and react when they're ready.

3. Build A Relationship First

Let's go back to the trust issue for a minute. The only way that someone is going to feel comfortable working with you is if they trust you and know that they can rely on you. There are going to be a lot of people that you want to work with but simply don't have enough time for. That's okay.

You can get someone to convert into clients by building a relationship first and establishing trust before they feel the need to call you back. The key is to not try and do too much at once, especially in the beginning. While it's important that you establish yourself as an expert in your field, your business doesn't have to be perfect right away. You're going to gain clients over time just by getting started and making connections with other people in similar situations. Start off slowly and build up your clientele from there.

4. Don't Be Afraid Of Closing The Deal

Over time, you may discover that some of the clientele you have isn't as ideal for the type of business that you started. It's okay to let go of clients and move on. Chances are that it wasn't the perfect client for your business after all. You can always bring in new clients if you have the right kind of business to begin with.

Closing deals is one of those things that many new entrepreneurs don't do well until a later date when they're further along in the process. When someone is ready to make a purchase, it doesn't take long for them to decide if they want to make it at your online business or at another one.

The key here is to be confident and push for the sale. You'll be surprised at how many clients you can land if you are straightforward and let them know that you want their business.

5. Don't Let It Drag Out

This is a hard one but one that entrepreneurs need to learn quickly. If a client isn't ready to buy, they aren't going to make any decision at all. There are many cases where people want more information before they decide whether or not they should buy, but then they don't end up buying anything in the end.

You have to educate your clients and be upfront about every possible detail. If you've done your research and have as much information as you can, you won't leave any questions unanswered. Don't be afraid to ask for the sale if that is what it takes to close the deal.


The first few months of your online business are going to be hard work but the journey should still be enjoyable. There will be surprises and there will be setbacks, but it's all worth it in the end when you see the recognition that you get from everyone around you. You're probably feeling edgy and nervous, but remember that this is a long game that takes time to build up a steady income flow.

Start now and follow up in Part Two, a month and a half from now, for the rest of the tips that will help you turn your clients into your cash cow!

Did you enjoy this article? We believe that it contains some great ideas on how to build a successful business. To see our recommendations on what else we have in store for you please click here. We hope you are inspired by what we have to offer!

Photo Credit: Photo Credit:     Â© Kelsey Lason. All Rights Reserved.


The first few months of your online business are going to be hard work but the journey should still be enjoyable. There will be surprises and there will be setbacks, but it's all worth it in the end when you see the recognition that you get from everyone around you. You're probably feeling edgy and nervous, but remember that this is a long game that takes time to build up a steady income flow.

Start now and follow up in Part Two, a month and a half from now, for the rest of the tips that will help you turn your clients into your cash cow!

Did you enjoy this article? We believe that it contains some great ideas on how to build a successful business.

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