The Chatty Cheerleader…
The Chatty Cheerleader is a blog dedicated to starting conversations about the things we often keep quiet about. It's a place where nobody will judge you, because they're going through the same thing.
As somebody living with severe mental illness, I struggled with my own self-doubt and shame for years before finally coming to terms with it...and that's kind of what this blog is all about. My goal is to make mental health less scary for everyone by sharing stories of my own experiences and the insights I've gained from them so far on The Chatty Cheerleader Blog!
Mental illness can be tough enough as it is without having to worry about being judged. I hope the readers of The Chatty Cheerleader… will find encouragement, strength and maybe even some inspiration from my words and stories.
...But for all those who don't know me personally, let me tell you a bit about myself as I create this platform for myself and hope that you might enjoy reading it enough to reach out to me in your own time…
I'm 25 years old, a recent graduate of the University of North Texas School of Music. I've been in a relationship for about 3 years now. I have a son from my previous marriage, and I'm currently studying for my Master's in Music Therapy.
I am an active member of the North Texas Outreach Center: an organization providing care and support to people with serious mental illness. It is very much like a family to me - where I found not only support, but true friendship that allowed me to begin to heal myself from my own crippling mental illness.
Despite knowing how much the world has changed since my childhood days, it is still overwhelming at times to have people judge you based on your appearance or mannerisms…leading some to feel like your thoughts don't matter if they don't 'match up'. I found an outlet for that in music. I know that it makes me unique, perhaps even weird - but it's a huge part of who I am and how I express myself.
I'm not going to pretend like my abilities are average - the truth is, nobody is average…and even if I do think about what others think about me, it's just a thought at most.
I don't want to be a victim anymore…I am happier than I've ever been since coming out with mental illness. I hope my blog will inspire others to tell their stories and feel free to be themselves.
It's time we all stop hiding from one another.
– Jonelle Blalock
I want to thank all of you for your support and encouragement in sharing this blog! It means a lot to see you guys reading my work, especially when I know that you're getting something out of it! Even if I don't know who you are, I love getting emails with your kind words and thoughts. Just know that I read all of them, and I often reply! So please let me know if you want to email me at with any thoughts, questions or suggestions :)
I hope you'll continue to follow along and consider sharing this blog on your own blogs or websites! The Chatty Cheerleader blog is a place where people can feel accepted for who they are, and to be part of the conversation about mental illness. I'm proud to say that not only am I doing what I want with my own life and speaking up about it, but so are my readers...and we're doing better than ever.
So without further ado, please help by following my blog. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I hope you enjoy writing it!
Peace & Love,
~ Jonelle ~
"You don't always have to be strong." ~ By: Scandalous Breezy
"You already are… Just not enough to fight your own battles. That's okay… you can't control everyone and everything around you anyway." ~ By: Scandalous Breezy
"You just gotta do what's so easy for ya. Don't stress over it!" ~ By: Scandalous Breezy [ARTICLE END]
-No related posts.
http://www.dailymotion. com/video/x1yngj_jonelle-blalock-the-chatty-cheerleader_creative .html!/jonelleblalock
Jonelle Blalock is a blogger for the mental health awareness site, The Chatty Cheerleader blog! She released this article on June 27th, 2011: "How I Met My Mental Illness".
Conclusion: I love the way that this article is very short, but exactly what it needs to be: a whoosh of information, all of which are absolutely true. It's one thing for us to hear about someone else's experiences with mental illness in passing, but it's quite another for someone to just write it out and tell their story. That is simply amazing.
Conclusion: I'm not 100% sure why this was added on to the end of this article by the author, as it doesn't really seem necessary. With that being said, there isn't any content that has been added in as a result of this addition (although some of the words used do appear repetitive; this may have just been an oversight on my part)...
The Chatty Cheerleader…