The Most Popular Subjects People Will Pay For!


 The Most Popular Subjects People Will Pay For!

If you have a knack for writing and would like to earn some extra cash, there are plenty of subjects out there that will pay well. Whether you write non-fiction books on your subject, create infographics or videos that demonstrate it, or just share your expertise with others in the form of blog posts and social media – if people want what you know, they’ll pay for it. Take these popular subjects as a starting point, find the ones with the best return on investment and go from there:

Business: Podcasting - $43/hour or $1.5K/month (no clue where that number is coming from, but it's real!)
Marketing: Blogging - $50-$100/hour (again, a wide range, but you can make decent money with it too)
Personal Development: Social media - $20/hour (check out the work of this one-man-band!)
Exercise: Running - $22-$25/hour for coaches ($50+ depending on location)
Photography: Acting - $0.8K-3.5K/month (this one is weird, but it's a legitimate source)
Music: Tour Manager - $15-$20/hour (no clue where that number is coming from, but it's real!)
Photography: Hiring Models - $20-$24/hour for models ($50+ depending on location)
The best way to start is by making a list of what people actually pay for on sites like Fiverr or UpWork. Then look at the ones that are overpriced, and figure out why. Maybe it's because the work is done manually, or maybe it's because the freelancer relied on a cheap phone for the recording. Perhaps your target audience is willing to pay more for a specific feature. Whatever it may be, there are plenty of ways to charge more for your services as long as you can deliver what people want in a quality way that ensures repeat business and referrals.
If you don't have anything to offer at this point, look at what people are willing to pay for on these platforms – but then try making an infographic or video that proves your claims. From there, be on the lookout for what people often ask for, but get a little better than what they're used to. A lot of it has to do with having the right equipment, knowing all the right software tricks, and continually learning more about your field of expertise.
The more you can offer and do, the more you can charge – and the more likely you will be to sell your services at higher prices. Overall, if people are willing to pay $25/hour for something they consider fairly easy, how much are they willing to pay someone who's truly an expert in their field?
I've been a blogger for a few years now and I've made money from writing about everything from politics to science-fiction novels. However, my writing rarely earns me more than $10/month. I recently signed up for the Fiverr platform to see what other services I could offer that made me stand out from the crowd.
With a little bit of brainstorming and some basic research, I created a few videos and various written products that have garnered some attention. The first product that I've tried to sell so far is this collection of "101 Winning Blog Post Ideas". This is by no means something you can't find online in plenty of places. However, I took the best ideas out there and packaged them in an easy-to-read format that anyone can understand.
Not only does this blog post collection serve as a great starting point for bloggers, but it's also been a great way to introduce me to my readers. I'm earning $2/month from this post alone! Although that may not seem like much, if I convert even half of my visitors into subscribers or customers then it could be worth more than what I spend on Fiverr each month.
Again, if you're able to make even one sale a month then it's probably worth it in the long run. I'm not saying Fiverr is the only place to make money online if you can write well enough and find something people want to buy, but it's an affordable way that has allowed me to sell a few unique services for a little bit of profit. [ARTICLE END]
So as you can see writing can be a very profitable subject and its not just limited to book writing! I decided to do this post as it makes more sense with what i do and my main area of interest is photography. At 25 years old i am still trying to figure out how i can make money from photography, mainly with online advertising.
I have a profile on and its been a great way to make some $, the more the better!!! and it's so easy to use it!! I have tried this aswell on ebay but i am just not good at putting my items up for sale and i never seem to get any sales. This is partly due to me not following through with the listings and getting them up, then the other part is i think people just don't see a clear shot of my items.
So if you have any advise then please leave a comment below, these are things i am looking for as i know there is money to be made online.

The conclusion of this article falls into a few different categories. First, it is about the major publishers. As this article points out, people that want to make money as a writer can do it in many ways. I have come to the same conclusion after writing for many years and trying many different things with my writing career. After you have written something that you feel is good enough and not just going through the motions, you need to put your time and effort into making your work stand out from all of the others out there.

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