The Myth Of The Sticky Wall


 The Myth Of The Sticky Wall

You may have heard about the Myth of the Sticky Wall. Have you tried to walk through a wall, but found that it is really really difficult, and you end up pushing on it with your hands instead? The Myth refers to the idea that if we just tried hard enough, we could somehow walk through walls.

This isn't true at all! Though many people believe in this Myth and spend their days trying to make themselves fly or walk through walls. There isn't any scientific explanation for this belief - it's just a common misconception among kids and inexperienced adults who haven't learned how real life works yet.

The real reason that your body can't pass through walls and other objects is because you lack a special organ called the "Stomach". This organ is used in practically every animal on the planet. It's responsible for digesting food, and it also helps with breathing by ensuring that air stays inside your body so you don't suffocate.

Humans used to have this organ in the distant past. But it shrank to microscopic sizes over the ages, until it was completely gone by the time you were born.

It is impossible for walls or any other objects to get inside your body because humans no longer have a Stomach so they can't digest and break down food particles. This is true even when you swallow something accidentally! If anything enters your mouth - be it food, liquids, or solid objects - it cannot pass through your throat and into your body. That's why you can breathe normally even when you're eating! It is impossible for food particles to get inside your lungs, as that would require them to pass through them first.

The reason that you still feel pain and other sensations when you get hurt is because your body doesn't have the Stomach anymore. Instead, there is just a small organ called the "Brain" which allows you to feel these things and react to them. That's why you can scream in pain when a rock falls on your foot! Your Brain determines that something hurts, and it sends signals throughout your body so that you cry out in agony.

You can also feel sharp pains when someone steps on your fingers or hits your nose - even though there is no obvious damage! These feelings are actually caused by your brain telling you that something has happened to a part of your body, but not having enough information to determine exactly what happened. There are a lot of nerve endings in your fingers, and they can be easily damaged by even the gentlest of touches. Your Brain has no idea how much force is being applied to them, so it just assumes the worst, and sends out painful signals throughout your body.

The Myth of the Sticky Wall probably arose from this situation. In most people's early childhoods, they had no idea that there was an organ called a Stomach. So when they tried to walk through walls or push through solid objects like trees or rocks, their hands would usually hit first.

Since the Myth of the Sticky Wall has been around for such a long time, people have come up with a number of remedies and exercises that they claim will make it easier to go through solid objects. Try them out if you want - but don't expect any miracles!

One common suggestion is to try walking through trees while they're covered in leaves. The leafy branches would be much softer than bark, so it might be easier for you to push them aside.

Some have tried to overcome the Sticky Wall by wearing more clothes. The extra material might help you push through trees more easily, as well as break your fall when you fall off of a steep cliff. However, this will cause you to become really hot (if it's summer), or really cold (if it's winter). Not to mention that it would make walking and running difficult!

Some people actually claim that they can walk through walls using nothing but their own willpower - but there is no evidence for this. Since they don't have the Stomach, it would be impossible for them to break down food into smaller particles. They would end up choking on their own saliva - and thus die. Besides, we already know that humans lack a Stomach! If you are one of those people who claims to have super powers, please contact us and let us know how you do it - including a live demonstration!

In fact, there is no scientific evidence that walking through walls is possible at all! As we've already discussed, humans don't have the Stomach anymore. It has shrunk over the centuries until it was completely gone by your birth. Even if it was still there, it would be located inside your body, so you would have no way to get to it. You could not "eat" anything in order to digest its molecules and convert them into smaller particles.

What about walking through other objects like trees? Everyone knows that trees are made of wood - a type of solid substance created by combining lots of smaller particles together! If humans had the Stomach, they could theoretically break down the wood into smaller pieces and pass through the tree. However, we've already proven that humans no longer have this organ! The Stomach has shrunk over time until it disappeared completely.

The fact that it has gone missing is also one of the reasons that people stop growing after they're done with puberty. Without a Stomach, there can be no more growth!

So don't get your hopes up - there is no way that you will ever be able to walk through walls or trees using any method. All of those theories are nothing but pure fantasy! Scientists have been studying this myth for many years now, and the results are conclusive: There is no Stomach organ in humans anymore.


The Myth of the Sticky Wall is just a myth - a tale that has been created around humans' shrinking Stomachs. It is impossible to eat anything in order to digest it using an organ. You will always choke, even if you are an old man or woman. Your brain can sense pain and other sensations, but it cannot determine exactly where the damage is happening. Some heart patients have tricked themselves into believing that they're feeling pains in their chest by covering their chests with ice cubes.

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