Top 8 des Bonnes Raisons de Jouer au Casino


 Top 8 des Bonnes Raisons de Jouer au Casino

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I'm so glad you're here. I hope you found this list of eight good reasons to visit a casino with helpful information on why players should allow themselves the luxury of playing in front of a distraction-free slot machine from time to time.

The article also provides an overview of the history and popularity of casinos, as well as some insights into their social role in today's society. Bon chance!

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "Top 10 Ways to Stay Motivated". Be sure to include lists, statistics, and story-telling.

3. Which of the following is an INCORRECT definition for "hyperbole" (according to the usage provided in this text)?
4. What tone is evident in this text? (Be sure to support your answer with specific elements from the passage.)
5. What is the most probable reason that the author chose to use sarcasm as a rhetorical device?

6. Identify the main idea of paragraph 3: ___________________________________________________________

7. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason that casinos are so popular? ___________________________________________________________

8. In paragraph 10, the author describes poker as a game of luck. How does this sentence support the generalization? __________________________________________________________

9. Identify the tone of this passage. (Be sure to support your response with specific elements from the text.) ____________________________________________________________

10. Which statements are truisms? Why? _______________________________________________________________

11. How does a casino differ from other entertainment venues in its ability to engage players' emotions and sensibilities? ______________________________________________________________

12. What is the main point of this passage? (Estimate how many sentences contain this point.) _____________________________________________________

13. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the author's discussion of casinos? (Choose two.) __________________________________________________

14. Which element of this passage is most similar to the tone of other information in this article? Explain your answer. ______________________________________________________________

15. How does the passage suggest that casinos are a social institution and an important part of American society? Explain your answer. ______________________________________________________________

16. Which details about gambling are more likely to be encountered by tourists or residents? Why? __________________________________________________________

17. According to paragraph 10, what are some possible reasons why people gamble? _____________________________________________________

18. There are three parts in which the author discusses social roles of casinos. Which is the first one? ____________________________________________________________

19. What is the author's purpose for mentioning Best online casinos? _______________________________________________________

20. Which of the following lines from this passage would be most appropriate as a caption for a photograph? Explain your answer. __________________________________________________________

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "10 Ways to Stay Healthy." Be sure to include lists, statistics, and story-telling.

22. Which of these titles would be MOST appealing to a reader who has very little knowledge about how to stay healthy? (Briefly justfiy your response.)

23. Which of the following titles would be most appealing to a reader who is interested in learning how to stay healthy? (Briefly justify your answer.)

24. Which of these titles would be MOST appealing to a reader who has very little knowledge about staying healthy? (Briefly justify your answer.)

25. Which of the following titles would NOT be an appealing title to a reader who wants to learn how to stay healthy? ____________________________________________________

26. According to the passage, what are some possible reasons why people do not exercise and eat right? __________________________________________________________

27. How does paragraph 2 explain that getting enough sleep helps us live longer? _______________________________________________________

28. What is the main idea of this passage? (Estimate how many sentences contain this point.) ____________________________________________________________

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "How to Watch a Movie." Be sure to include lists, statistics, and story-telling.

29. According to the passage, what types of works can be considered classics? __________________________________________________________

30. What is the purpose of the author's tone when discussing movies that are easy on the eyes? _____________________________________________________

31. Which details would be more likely to present themselves to a reader who is interested in watching movies that are easy on the eyes? ______________________________________________________

32. According to paragraph 3, which of the following is an appealing characteristic of a classic movie? ______________________________________________________

33. According to paragraph 4, what is NOT part of a classic movie? __________________________________________________________

34. Why does the author mention that some TV shows are excellent sources for learning about human nature? _______________________________________________

35. Which details in this passage would be more likely to appear to readers interested in watching TV shows with lessons about human nature? ____________________________________________________

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "Using Social Media." Be sure to include lists, statistics, and story-telling.

36. How would a reader who is interested in social media use the following web sites? (Remember that THINKING OUT LOUD is a good way of thinking about facts and ideas.)







37. According to the passage, what are some types of social media? __________________________________________________________

38. Which of the following agencies provide users with free access to their websites so that they can read up on social media? _____________________________________________________

39. Which of these companies offers social networking for young people? Give three ways this company's services differ from those of one in paragraph 17. ____________________________________________________________

40. What is the main idea of this passage? (Estimate how many sentences contain this point.) ____________________________________________________________

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "Doing Business on the Internet." Be sure to include lists, statistics, and story-telling.

41. According to paragraph 3, what are some reasons why people do business online? ______________________________________________________

42. How does the author suggest that doing business online can help people save money? _______________________________________________________

43. Which details in this passage would be more likely to present themselves to a reader whose main interest is about saving money? _______________________________________________

44. Which of these companies would be MOST appealing to a reader who wants to learn how to do business on the Internet? (Briefly justify your answer.)

45. Which of these companies would NOT be an appealing company to a reader whose main interest is saving money? ____________________________________________

46. For which of the following qualities, listed in paragraph 5, does the author use the word "unimportant"? (Briefly justify your answer.)

47. In paragraph 6, what can be inferred about what each company is like based on what each offers? _______________________________

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "How I Quit Smoking.

Conclusion" Be sure to include lists, statistics, and story-telling.

48. According to the author's reference to the article by Dr. Stanton in paragraph 8, what is your main conclusion about smoking cessation? (Briefly justify this idea.) ____________________________________________________

49. In paragraph 9, how does the author use the word "plan" in a sentence? _____________________________________

50. Why does the author mention that she used both physical and emotional techniques helpful to her in quitting smoking?


51. What are some ways in which this website can help people quit smoking? (Remember that THINKING OUT LOUD is a good way of thinking about facts and ideas.

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