Web Page Design is a Reflection of Your Business


 Web Page Design is a Reflection of Your Business

A lot of businesses are still trying to understand why they should invest in a website. Websites are not only just for the purpose of connecting with customers, but also serve as an advertising tool, an online brochure, and a way to provide services online. The truth is that any business cannot perform well without it!

That's why you will find many free resources online that teach people design principles like white space and typography. You'll also be able to understand how these principles can be applied to your specific needs when you visit websites like Creative Market or if you take advantage of one-week free-trial subscriptions for Sitesnap Pro. What's more, you'll be able to pick up tools like Photoshop and Illustrator.

Now that you have the tools to design a website, it is time to start learning content management systems (CMS) like WordPress. This way, your website can be updated regularly. A website that is not updated regularly will likely look old and outdated in the eyes of target customers.

If you are looking for some good professionals that can help with the development of your site, then check out websites like Fiverr and Designcrowd where you can find talented professionals who are willing to do the job at competitive prices.

It's your business and it is time to make a move. You'll be surprised at how much money having an up-to-date website can do for your business. Not only can you get more customers and higher sales, but having a site will help you stay ahead of your competitors in the industry.

Examine what other businesses in your area have done with their own websites and take the time to learn about website design principles. You need to understand that a website serves as the face of your business online, so you should make sure it reflects well on your brand. This means that you should be doing something more than just writing content for your site.

At the same time, it's also important for you and your employees to know that if something happens to your website, then it may reflect negatively on the company as a whole. That's why it is important to have a maintenance plan in place, so that you will not need to suffer from downtime or lose customers while waiting for the web developer to fix your site.

Your website is the reflection of your business, so take responsibility and talk to professionals about how best you can achieve this goal.

Article written by Jonathan Fong . Read other  articles Jonathan has written here . Check out his Web Design portfolio here .

Copyright (c) 2012 Jonathan Fong
All Rights Reserved. No reproduction, republication or re-distribution of this article is permitted without the express written  consent of Jonathan Fong.

Copyright (c) 2012 Jonathan Fong All Rights Reserved. No reproduction, republication or re-distribution of this article is permitted without the express written  consent of Jonathan Fong.
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Tags: Design, Contents, Content Management System Posted in: Articles , Tips & Tricks , Web Design . You can comment below , or trackback from your own site.
Posted on Friday, 25 August 2015, 12:41 by Jonathan Fong . Read all the latest articles written by Jonathan here .
Article by:
Jonathan Fong Top 3 Things to Do When You Design Your First Website
Article updated on: Monday, 17 March 2016 16:30 Article date: Saturday, 11 July 2015 13:07 The truth is that there is hardly a business that cannot benefit from a website. Websites serve as online brochures and an online advertising tool. Customers can easily ask for information or place an order from their favorite mobile devices. At the same time, your website can serve as a source of revenue for your business. According to Forbes , "75% of consumers are likely to search for local products and services online". This means that with a well-designed website you can easily gain more customers. Even if you are someone who does not consider yourself a "computer geek", then you can still design a decent website for your business. There are many free resources online that teach people about basic web design principles like white space and typography, which can be applied to your specific needs. For example, when you visit websites like Creative Market or SiteSnap Pro, you will be able to pick up templates and tools like Photoshop and Illustrator. Now that you have the tools to design a website, it is time to start learning content management systems (CMS) like WordPress. This way, your website can be updated regularly. A website that is not updated regularly will likely look old and outdated in the eyes of target customers. If you are looking for some good professionals that can help with the development of your site, then check out websites like Fiverr and Designcrowd where you can find talented professionals who are willing to do the job at competitive prices. It's your business and it is time to make a move. You'll be surprised at how much money having an up-to-date website can do for your business.


If you want to maximize the return on your investment and make sure that your website is the best that it can be, then it is time to get in touch with professionals. Find someone who has the skills and knowledge needed to design a site for your business. You can also pick up some useful tips from websites like Creative Market and SiteSnap Pro. It's important to know how websites work so that you can update them regularly with new content or offer valuable information. Take advantage of free resources like Creative Market, SiteSnap Pro or Fiverr and find a designer who can teach you how to design an effective website which is appealing to both clients and customers.

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