WEBconference applications for service


 WEBconference applications for service

The Web Conference on Innovation, Education, and Business (WEBconference) is an annual conference held in the United States that brings together educators, researchers and industry representatives. The WEBconference provides a dynamic forum for dialogue in order to examine how institutions can use the Internet to support knowledge transfer by promoting innovation in learning and teaching.

1. School of Continuing and Professional Studies - University of Minnesota
2. Professors' Center for Educational Technology- California State University Northridge
3. Learning Spaces Workshop: Creating New Learning Communities 
4. Distance Education Networking Club International (DENCI) - University of Iowa
5. Virtual Online Learning Association's Virtual Think Tank - Michigan Technological University (MtU)
6. Collegiate eLearning Coalition - George Mason University
7. AIGA, the Design Association - Ohio State University
8. e-Connections: The Online Newsletter for Distance Learning Professionals 
9. The Higher Education Forum – University of Louisville - Colorado State University
10. RICC (Research in Collaboration through Communication) - Arizona State University 
11. Research Information Center – Western Michigan University 
12. WebConference – Northern Western Michigan College - Cooley Law School 
13. Virtual Library: The Information Center of the Americas - Macquarie University
14. Virtual Library: Information Technology in Education - Bowling Green State University
15. CyberCampus: The National Student Network for Distance Learning – Texas Woman's University
16. WebConference 2010 – Minnesota State University, Mankato 
17. College of Southern Nevada Distance Education Conference (CSN-DE Conference) - Colorado Mountain College 
18. WebConference: 2011 – University of North Dakota School of Mines and Technology 
19. WebConference 2012 - Michigan Technological University 
20. WebConference 2014 – University of Wisconsin-Madison 
21. WebConference 2015 – University of Maryland University College
22. Web Conference: Distance Education Connections - Stony Brook University 
23. e-Learning and the Student Success Initiative (Especialista), Portugal – Universidade do Algarve 
24. Distance Education Organizational Effectiveness (DiSE) Conference - George Mason University 
25. The Virtual Learning Commons - Purdue University at Indianapolis 
26. HEMA Master in Distance Education (HDEE) 2014 - Michigan Technological University 
27. eLearning Africa - University of Cape Town, South Africa 
28. WebConference 2015 – University of Maryland University College
29. The eLearning Africa Conference (TELAF) 2014 – University of Cape Town
30. MOOCs and the Future of Higher Education – Purdue University at Indiana 
31. "e-CELL" International Conference on Distance and Online Learning - George Mason University 
32. Distance Education, Teaching, Technology and Innovation (DETTI) - Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Lithuania 
33. Social Media in Higher Education Conference - North Central Missouri College 
34. TELAMUN – The Latin American Association of E-Learning - University of Chile 
35. "World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications" (EDMEDIA) - University of Cape Town 
36. Teletopia: Interactive Technologies for e-Learning in the 21st Century – Penn State University, ERI 
37. Distance Education in Europe: a New Paradigm? - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona 
38. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (EDMEDIA) - Open University of Catalonia

Articles from selected past WEBconference proceedings have been included in:

1. Books 
2. Book chapters
3. E-books
4. Journals

1. WEBconference 2010 – Minnesota State University, Mankato
2. WEBconference 2011 – University of North Dakota School of Mines and Technology 
3. WEBconference 2012 – Michigan Technological University 
4. WEBconference 2013 – Clemson University, South Carolina 
5. WebConference 2014 - University of Wisconsin-Madison 

 1. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (IRRODL)
2. The Journal of the Learning Sciences (JLS)
3. The International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA)
4. The Electronic Journal for Web Years (eJOWY)
5. e-Learn Magazine
6. EDUCAUSE Review - Proceedings from the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference 
7. College Teaching 

 1. http://www.webconference.net/index_eng_1/index_eng_1___past_conferences/past_conferences___html 
2. http://www3.mstc.edu/~callahan/webinars.htm
3. http://edtechreview.colostate.edu/schools_and_colleges/webconference

1. http://downloads.iwu.edu/files/webconferences/WEBconference_2011_University_of_North-Dakota-School-of-Mines-and-Technology.pdf 
2. http://edtechreview.colostate.edu/schools_and_colleges/webconference




1. http://www3.mstc.edu/~callahan/webinars.htm
1. http://www3.mstc.edu/~callahan/webinars.htm
2. http://edtechreview.colostate.edu/schools_and_colleges/webconference
3."Webinar Series: Distance Education and Online Learning" - Sloan Consortium - April 13, 2013 (The University of North Dakota School of Mines & Technology).
4. http://www3.mstc.edu/~callahan/webinars.htm

1. http://www3.mstc.edu/~callahan/webinars.htm
2."Webinar Series: Distance Education and Online Learning" - Sloan Consortium - April 13, 2013 (The University of North Dakota School of Mines & Technology).

Conclusion WEBconference 2015 – University of Maryland University College 

1. http://www3.mstc.edu/~callahan/webinars.htm
2."Webinar Series: Distance Education and Online Learning" - Sloan Consortium - April 13, 2013 (The University of North Dakota School of Mines & Technology).
3."Webinar Series: Distance Education and Online Learning" - Sloan Consortium - April 13, 2013 (The University of North Dakota School of Mines & Technology).

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