WEBconference reduces global warming


 WEBconference reduces global warming

Web conference reduces global warming

Gone are the days of meeting up with people at a coffee shop, taking a few hours to chat, then returning home to watch cat videos. Technology has enabled us to reduce our carbon footprint by cutting down on travel time and meeting remotely. Web conferences are becoming increasingly popular because of their efficiency and cost-effectiveness. They are also becoming an increasingly critical part of the global business landscape. More than half of businesses globally conduct web conferences for meetings purposes, according to YouGov research from 2013.

Some companies have even embraced the trend in order to reduce their carbon footprint as well as costs associated with travelling domestically or abroad for work purposes. Based on analysis of their benefits and challenges, they have been recognized as the world's greenest meetings.

Victoria Times-Colonist reported that using a web conferencing software can save up to 44 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year for each meeting replaced. Reducing travel is not only good for the planet, but it's also beneficial to human health and safety. Injuries from all kinds of accidents, including vehicular accidents, account for a significant portion (one in five) of emergency room visits in the United States. It's also one of Canada's most costly health costs at $12 million per year according to a report by the Western Journal of Emergency Medicine .

Web conferencing can also help the environment by reducing the waste associated with paper-based meeting processes. For example, if a regular annual executive meeting has 15 participants, 840 sheets of paper will be saved from going to a landfill each year if web conferencing is chosen instead. An additional study shows that for governments, both sales and travel expenses can be significantly reduced if this technology is used.

The cost of web conferencing varies depending on which platform is used as well as what features are included in the package. Naturally, the more features you want, the more it will cost. However, it is a cost-efficient way to reduce costs through reduction of travel and paper consumption, as well as the environmental impact associated with both.

Livemeeting is one such web conferencing platform that can help you accomplish your company's goals in the most effective manner possible. It has an intuitive interface for presenting information and managing meetings. It also integrates with Microsoft products seamlessly through Bing Maps and does not require expensive equipment or a complicated installation process.

As shown in the infographic below, global warming is already something we've contributed to and it will only get worse unless we have a solution that makes sense for both us and our planet. For more information, click here to visit our website.

Created by: www.crna-online.com

Title: Web Conference reduces global warming
Gone are the days of meeting up with people at a coffee shop, taking a few hours to chat, then returning home to watch cat videos. Technology has enabled us to reduce our carbon footprint by cutting down on travel time and meeting remotely. Web conferences are becoming increasingly popular because of their efficiency and cost-effectiveness. They are also becoming an increasingly critical part of the global business landscape. More than half of businesses globally conduct web conferences for meetings purposes, according to YouGov research from 2013.

Some companies have even embraced the trend in order to reduce their carbon footprint as well as costs associated with travelling domestically or abroad for work purposes. Based on analysis of their benefits and challenges, they have been recognized as the world's greenest meetings.

Victoria Times-Colonist reported that using a web conferencing software can save up to 44 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year for each meeting replaced. Reducing travel is not only good for the planet, but it's also beneficial to human health and safety. Injuries from all kinds of accidents, including vehicular accidents, account for a significant portion (one in five) of emergency room visits in the United States. It's also one of Canada's most costly health costs at $12 million per year according to a report by the Western Journal of Emergency Medicine.

Web conferencing can also help the environment by reducing the waste associated with paper-based meeting processes. For example, if a regular annual executive meeting has 15 participants, 840 sheets of paper will be saved from going to a landfill each year if web conferencing is chosen instead. An additional study shows that for governments, both sales and travel expenses can be significantly reduced if this technology is used.

The cost of web conferencing varies depending on which platform is used as well as what features are included in the package. Naturally, the more features you want, the more it will cost. However, it is a cost-efficient way to reduce costs through reduction of travel and paper consumption, as well as the environmental impact associated with both.

Livemeeting is one such web conferencing platform that can help you accomplish your company's goals in the most effective manner possible. It has an intuitive interface for presenting information and managing meetings. It also integrates with Microsoft products seamlessly through Bing Maps and does not require expensive equipment or a complicated installation process.

As shown in the infographic below, global warming is already something we've contributed to and it will only get worse unless we have a solution that makes sense for both us and our planet. For more information, click here to visit our website.

Created by: www.crna-online.com

title: Web Conference Reduces Global Warming

Webinar example is a short presentation about the advantages of web conferencing for business and organizations. This webinar is aimed at users who want to make their company more effective and save money at the same time. In the end of webinar user will get useful tips on how to prepare for a web conference and how to present during a meeting via Livemeeting. 
Creating this presentation was easy thanks to Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 tools, Slideshare platform, my experiences and imagination.

Presentation was published on Slideshare (http://www.slideshare.net/inbionline/) and to date has roughly 750 downloads from all over the world.

In this presentation, I made a brief summary of my own view about web conferencing, that it is cheap, easy to use and sometimes even better than face to face meetings. This presentation was created based on my own experience of using web conferencing tools for business purpose and organizing meeting via Livemeeting at www.crna-online.com. 

Such kind of presentation can be good addition to the portfolio or education background of a web conferencing specialist, but I also can imagine to use it as an advertisement copy for Livemeeting services or other similar products.

Created by: www.crna-online.com
Title: Benefits of Web Conferencing in Businesses

In this presentation, I was giving some brief introduction about us and our company (www.crna-online.com) and what we are doing in this area of business (web conferencing).

Conclusion of this presentation was that web conferencing is cheap, easy to use and sometimes even better than face to face meetings.

This presentation can be good addition to the portfolio or education background of a web conferencing specialist, but I also can imagine to use it as an advertisement copy for Livemeeting services or other similar products.

Created by: www.crna-online.com
Title: Benefits of Web Conferencing in Businesses

Web conferencing have many benefits for business and organizations, most important ones are listed below:

In this presentation, I was giving some brief introduction about us and our company (www.crna-online.

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