Webmaster toolkit


 Webmaster toolkit

If you have a site and manage it yourself, then there’s no excuse for not having an arsenal of webmaster tools at your disposal. These are the best of the best—our top webmaster tools to make managing your site easier than ever before.

These guys will make your life much more convenient and productive if you’re serious about making money from the internet. They will create reports, generate traffic insights, check keyword rankings, do backlink analysis, optimize images and PDFs, highlight content issues—basically anything that you might need help with in regards to your website.

Some of you might be familiar with these tools, while others may not. Regardless, having the right webmaster tools can make a huge difference when it comes to analyzing your site and making the necessary fixes to get it back in top shape.

Google Analytics: Google’s Webmaster tool is an excellent analytical tool that tracks everything from traffic sources and keyword rankings to conversion rates and user behavior on your pages. It’s free, relatively powerful, and very easy to use. Go here for more information.

Pingdom: Pingdom monitors your site 24/7 for any downtime. It’s perfect for monitoring your site when it’s not in use, and it will indicate when there may be issues with your website.

Pingdom is a very effective tool for keeping tabs on potential downtime issues, as well as low page load speeds and slow-loading images. It runs in the background and you can access at anytime to see if there are any problems.

Fantastico: Fantastico is a highly effective tool that helps increase conversions by analyzing your site. It will integrate into your WordPress site and provide you with information about web visitors, page views, bounce rates and other important analysis.

It’s highly effective, but it does require a monthly fee.

W3Counter: W3Counter is another effective tool that tracks your site’s SEO performance. Similar to Google Analytics, W3Counter will provide you with valuable analysis on how your site is performing. If you have multiple sites, then this will help you gain an accurate picture of how each site is performing.

Image Optimization: The Image Optimization extension by Yoast provides you with insights into your images that can help boost engagement and increase conversion rates. It will analyze all of your images and give you recommendations on how to improve them based on 14 different aspects including file size and design considerations.

Keyword Tool: The Keyword Tool provided by Google is an excellent tool that will help you determine the competition for specific keywords. It’s a great way to find out which specific terms your competitors are ranking for.

This free tool will tell you what topics people care about and which keywords your competitors are using to rank on those. It’s a fantastic tool to have when it comes to optimizing and increasing search engine traffic.

Youtube Analytics: YouTube Analytics provides you with valuable insights into your video views, time on page, viewers, bounce rate and other important metrics detected by YouTube’s webmaster tool. It’s a very powerful tool that will help you track how your video content is performing, and it will also show you what viewers are responding to.

The main advantage to using this tool is seeing the overall performance of your video content, not just on YouTube but across other channels as well. If you’re trying to increase traffic from other channels, then this tool is an effective way of recovering lost views and getting them back in top shape.

Reviser: Reviser is a very useful and effective tool that can analyze all aspects of your site—including navigation issues, broken links, duplicate content and other issues. The information provided in these reports will be extremely helpful for anyone who is serious about making money online.

Site Explorer: Site Explorer, provided by SEOmoz, is an excellent SEO tool that can show you all of the backlinks pointing towards your site. It will show you what pages are linking back to your site, and it will also show which sites are hosting their own backlinks.

This tool is a very effective way of analyzing the quality and quantity of inbound links that point to your site. If there is a large number of low-quality inbound links—based on factors such as anchor text and domain authority—then this tool can help you shed those links and get rid of the ones that aren’t helping your site rank any better.

Keyword Difficulty: The Keyword Difficulty tool provides information on how competitive keywords are in the search engines. This can help you to determine what terms you should target and which ones you might want to avoid.

This tool is great for determining which keywords are most difficult to rank for—ones that have a high number of results, competition, and low traffic. If your site is trying to rank for terms with low traffic volume, high competition and little demand for those terms, then this tool may help you determine that sooner rather than later.

There are some other good tools out there as well—but these will provide you with the best insights into your website’s performance without a whole lot of work on your end.

Sure, there are more powerful tools on the market that will provide you with even more insights into your website’s performance—but you have to pay for those. The free tools provided here are still extremely valuable and can help give you a good picture of what’s working and what isn’t.

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Conclusion: Free SEO Tools Are Available

There are a number of good SEO tools on the market, but many people don’t have time to analyze the data that these tools generate. They also might not understand any of the data or how it’s relevant to their site. This can be very frustrating for anyone who is trying to take their SEO efforts to the next level. Thankfully, there are a number of free SEO tools out there that provide you with a range of useful insights into your website’s performance and ranking progress.

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