What do you need to know about business greats


 What do you need to know about business greats

The most successful businesses have the highest performance standards, and that means they have the best people. But what determines a "best" person? It's not just about smarts, it's about work ethic, knowledge of your industry and all its intricacies, confidence and creativity.

Here is a brief primer on some of the greatest business leaders who ever lived: Steve Jobs (Apple), Bill Gates (Microsoft) Michael Bloomberg (Bloomberg) Richard Branson (Virgin Group), Warren Buffet (Berkshire Hathaway).

Steve Jobs:
The founder of Apple Computer Inc. had a vision for the future of technology and the computer in everyone's hands. When he was ousted from Apple in 1985, he started NeXT Computer, Inc., which released its first computer in 1988. The NeXT workstation was notable for integrating UNIX with a graphical user interface (GUI), putting an end to the concept that you had to have a deep understanding of the underlying system to use a computer effectively. This idea directly resulted in Apple buying NeXT, bringing Jobs back as CEO.

Bill Gates:
In 1975 Bill Gates and Paul Allen started Microsoft, then enjoyed incredible success developing software that changed the way people use computers worldwide. Gates built a technology company that was so successful it became a household name.

Michael Bloomberg:
The best mayor the city of New York has ever had, Michael Bloomberg's business career also paid off: He started his own financial data company, which became the media giant and global brand you are familiar with today. In 2001 he decided to run for mayor of New York City. His outspoken position on social security reform landed him in the debates. And after four terms as mayor, he has not only been extremely effective but also politically savvy enough to become a major player in national politics by running as an independent candidate in 2016 for president of the United States.

Richard Branson:
A disrupter of the status quo to the core, Branson started Virgin Records, Virgin Airlines and the Virgin Group. In 1999 he sold his stake in Virgin Music and started to focus on innovating travel. His record label put out music by some of the world's top artists such as The Rolling Stones, Amy Winehouse and Adele. He launched commercial space travel with tourism flights into suborbital space on SpaceshipOne launched from Spaceport America in New Mexico in 2004. The carrier expanded its community-based approach by launching an aircraft into space for private citizens to buy a ride. Virgin Galactic is the world's first commercial spaceline, which has been a long-time focus for Branson.

Warren Buffett:
The fourth wealthiest person in the world, Buffett brings ethics and value to the business world. He is known for his no-nonsense management style and for being an investor with integrity. He took over his father's textile manufacturing firm, Berkshire Hathaway Inc., and transformed it into a holding company of diverse businesses ranging from insurance to clothing to ice cream as well as owning major shares in Coca-Cola, American Express and Wells Fargo. By any measure he has been one of the most successful investors of all time and has built up a multi-billion dollar fortune along the way.

If you want to learn how to build a business like these leaders, the best place to start is with the educational opportunity from an accredited online MBA graduate program. See how you can learn from the best instructors and experts in your field at Open Paths .


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Bill Gates walked into a bar one day. And the bartender said, "What'll it be Bill?"
Bill said, "do you have any grape Nehi?"
And the bartender said "I sure do."
The bartender gave Bill his grape Nehi and he drank it down.
Bill then went to the jukebox and put in a quarter. He pushed some buttons and out popped a song. He walked over to the bartender and when the bartender asked what it was he wanted, Bill replied "it's a song I wrote called, 'You're not my type either.'" Then Bill Gates walked back to his office.The End.
Bill Gates did not walk into a bar.
Bill Gates walked into a bar, and shouted "All Software Should Be Free!"
The bartender said, "You're nuts Bill."
Bill replied "I'm not Bill You're not my type either." He then slammed the door on his way out.
The End.
BAR TIP: Please tip your bartender. Thanks for reading. Please like my post if you do and follow me at Open Paths if you have time! Have a great weekend! ~Jen @Open Paths
What's green, has 671 answers to everything, and is rarely wrong? Yahoo Answers . What's green, has 666 answers to everything, and is always wrong? Google Answers .  And it's always wrong.
It's not a virus, it's a worm.
Whom should you trust? The government or your own eyes?
This is a scary story. This happened to me at my college, but I've seen this happen to others besides me. I am one of the many victims because my name is in there as one of the victims. In fact, I am so ashamed that I've been asked to leave this college for being associated with so many evil things that they are trying to cover up in their security cameras and cell phones.
I'm not saying this to be dramatic, this is real. I'll give you a better picture of what happened than the ones that I've read in the newspapers.
In the cafeteria there are two tables down on the left side that are reserved for faculty and staff members. During lunch one day our group of friends started talking about relationships among each other.
I'm just going to put it out there to where it may come back at me someday, but we were discussing how some of us were more into girls than others because they're easier to talk to and have more in common with you. So we started talking about how one person liked blondes and another guy liked brunettes, etc..  
It all started with a stroke of genius. One of the girls said that she liked redheads. It's not like it was some big deal to us, but we kept talking about it because we had nothing better to do. It was lunch time after all. So we decided to bust out our cameras and take pictures of these girls just for the hell of it. The next thing you know we're snapping shots and taking names, because something inside us just told us to do so.

Conclusion: These pictures didn't mean anything to us, and we wouldn't have posted them if it wasn't for this girl saying she liked redheads. After we got our cameras out, we decided to take a few shots of her as well. 
One thing led to another, and one of our friends decided to slip some LSD into her drink. That way when she opened up her mouth the drug would complete its journey into her system. 
She was a little weak from drinking the water from the fountain so she only started feeling it after a few minutes. The girl said it was all good because everyone was so high they didn't really notice that anything had happened to their drinks or food.

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