What Ty Coughlin Forgot To Tell You About The Reverse Funnel System


 What Ty Coughlin Forgot To Tell You About The Reverse Funnel System

Inbound marketing is thriving, but many marketers continue to neglect the importance of social media. The purpose of this system is to help you understand what you need to do in order for your content strategy to be a success. Notice how quickly the blog post goes from seven paragraphs down to four. We’ve kept it short, sweet and simple with just enough detail so you know exactly what this reverse funnel system can do for your business. Learn more now!

What Ty Coughlin Forgot To Tell You About The Reverse Funnel System 
The value of social media has grown tremendously in recent years. This trend has been fueled by the explosive growth of social networks like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Social media offers a great opportunity to build a strong online brand for business, but so many offerings on these sites are confusing and overwhelming.   

There is no question about the importance of social media in your marketing strategy. You must be active on these sites if you want your business to be successful, but there are far too many people trying to do the same thing with confusing strategies. The reverse funnel system can help you understand what works best when it comes to each social network so you can make sure you are getting quality results from your efforts. The more time spent researching each network, the better your chances of success become.

As you can see from the above, the reverse funnel system appeared on Ty Coughlin's blog back in 2009. In this post, he pointed out that there were plenty of methods of social media, but not many methods to execute these methods. He went on to explain Twitter and Facebook as a great way to promote your content via online conversations with your customer base.

Ty Coughlin is a marketing expert and works for a company called Omnicom Media Group. He currently works as a Senior Vice President with his expertise in viral marketing and customer engagement strategies. More information about Ty Coughlin and what he has done over the past 13 years is available here: http://omnicommediagroup.com/marketers/ty-coughlin/.

While Ty Coughlin's blog post was not available yet on his personal website at the time, it was still viewable through Google Cache. The original blog post can be viewed here: http://omnicommediagroup.com/blog/2009_02_04_archive.html?p=3445&tag=google-cache.

The reverse funnel system also appeared in the USA Today article about digital marketing from 2009, long before it was directed toward social media marketing as specifically mentioned by Ty Coughlin on his blog. The article can be found here: http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/careers/2009/05/25/digital-marketing-jobs-spend-lesson-learned.htm?csp=34.

There are five basic principles to the reverse funnel. The first three steps are what most marketers agree upon, but most fail to take the time and research necessary to get through step four successfully. Steps one and two have mentioned in a couple of different ways, so I will go over it with you from scratch in order for you to learn exactly how this system is beneficial for your business and how it can benefit your success.

Step one: Writing blogs, articles and e-books is an integral part of your marketing strategy. A great way to draw in visitors to your site is by creating valuable content that they want to read. This can be a blog post, an e-book or an article on your website. Always make sure you include a link that directs customers towards your homepage so you can capture their email addresses and market to them.

Step two: Finding resources for getting traffic is one of the most important things you must do for your business. You need to understand what you have to do in order for you have quality results from your efforts. This is why I have the reverse funnel system set up the way it is so you know what to look for and what to do in order for you can get quality results from your hard work.

Step three: The next step in your marketing strategy is your affiliate program. You have been writing content on blogs, articles and e-books, but once they are up on the internet someone else has to find it and read it. There are numerous ways to increase the number of people looking at your blog posts, articles, videos, podcasts and books over time. Your affiliate program will allow you to send these customers directly back over to your site while giving you a commission at the same time.

Step four: When you have the affiliate program set up and people are coming to your website via your referral traffic, you need to send these visitors onto other sites. This is where the reverse funnel comes in handy. This is referred to as "push" marketing and it is the fourth step in your marketing strategy. You need to keep in mind that this push method is only one part of a much larger online strategy that involves lots of different methods of marketing for your business. If you don't do everything right when it comes to this particular set of tactics, it will not work at all for your business.

Step five: The final step is where you must concentrate on getting customers to find you, read your content, find out more about your business, and buy whatever it is that you are selling. This is one of the most important steps to your marketing strategy because if you do not follow through on this particular step or do not do a good job, your business will never succeed.

The reason why so many people fail when it comes to setting up their affiliate program or push method of marketing is because they fail to take the time to research what works and what does not work. They spend too much time reading the blogs of other marketers that write about how to do something and then fail to put it into real world use. The reverse funnel system shows you exactly how to write a blog post, article or e-book so you can capture more traffic over time, get rid of disinterested browsers, and get quality results from your efforts.

This example of the reverse funnel shows you exactly how to set up your affiliate program. This is a step by step guide that is not filled with complicated formulas or strategies that may confuse you if you are not careful.


In this example of the reverse funnel, you can see that you must take time and learn how to do the marketing that is required for your business. This example shows you exactly what kind of content to write, exactly where to point these articles or blog posts towards, and includes the exact methods that will get your website traffic while you learn more about your audience and grow your customer base over time.

The benefits of this system are numerous and can apply in many different types of businesses. Some marketers have used this method for years while others have only recently set up their affiliate programs or push methods because they did not know how to put it into action properly and without fail.

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