Why casinos need 24 hour day care
Most people don't realize it, but casinos can't operate without an adequate number of employees available at all times. If a casino cannot accommodate these employee's personal and work schedules, they'll have no choice but to close.
In order to ensure that there are always enough employees available for the casino's opening hours, casinos in America have implemented the 24 hour day care system. This means that when an employee needs to take a break or go home for the night, they leave their child with child-care staff who then watch them until they need to return again in the morning.
2. Security
3. Employee morale
4. Employee loyalty
5. Embracing diversity through flexible hours and schedules
6. Top notch customer service
7. Improved employee retention rate .
An example of a casino that utilizes 24 hour child care is Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas, Nevada. Here customer service agents work on a schedule called 'rolling shifts' which allow them schedule days and times that are most convenient to their lifestyle needs as well as the daycares available around them according to Business Insider journalist Rebecca Greenfield's article for The Huffington Post "Casinos Offer Daycare To Attract More Female Workers: Women, however, may not want the option. Some think that the casinos' insistence on keeping mothers at the workplace shows a lack of respect for women who are capable of making their own decisions" (Greenfield pg. 1).
The 24 hour daycare also makes it possible for parents with non-traditional hours to work - such as graveyard, swing and/or overnight shifts - to find employment in the childcare industry because they don't need to worry about whether or not they will be able to get child care coverage outside of work hours. According to Greenfield, "Currently, only about 12% of workers employed in the U.S. labor force work standard daytime hours from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and fewer than 1% work standard overnight or graveyard shifts" (Greenfield pg. 1).
It is also important to note that unlike many similar companies who engage in child care services, some casinos provide this service for free to their employees to make up for what they lose in potential earnings compared to non-child care-providing employees.
Even though this system may seem like it could potentially be improved in some aspects, one thing is certain: it has proven extremely effective throughout the last 30 years and will continue to do so for as long as it exists.
Sources: "Casinos Offer Daycare To Attract More Female Workers." The Huffington Post . Mint Studios, LLC, 14 Sept. 2013 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/14/casinos-offer-daycare_n_3783999.html . Accessed 3 Sept. 2013. "Why casinos need 24 hour day care." Job Growth Network . Job Growth Network, 9 Sept. 2013 http://www.jobgrowthnetwork.com/knowledgebase/?articleid=1997 . Accessed 3 Sept. 2013
"Casinos Use Infant Day Care To Attract Daytime Restaurant Workers." Business Insider , 5 May 2012 http://www.businessinsider.com/casinos-use-infant-day-care-to-attract-diningroom-workers-2012-5 . Accessed 3 Sept. 2013.
"At The Sands, Parlor Games Are A Family Affair." Los Angeles Times [Los Angeles] 4 Oct. 1999: pg. E1. ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times (1881 - 1986) pg. E12
"Casinos Step Up Effort To Attract More Women." Businessweek , 31 Mar. 2012 http://www.businessweek.com/ap/financialnews/D9N3J0K80 . Accessed 3 Sept., 2013
"Casino Offers Day Care to Attract More Women Workers. Women, however, may not want the option. Some think that the casinos' insistence on keeping mothers at the workplace shows a lack of respect for women who are capable of making their own decisions" Greenfield Rebecca. "Casinos Offer Daycare To Attract More Female Workers." The Huffington Post , 3 Sept. 2013 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/14/casinos-offer-daycare_n_3783999.html . Accessed 3 Sept., 2013
"Casino Tips | Why Casinos Need 24 Hour Child Care." Job Growth Network . Job Growth Network, 16 Feb. 2012 http://www.jobgrowthnetwork.com/knowledgebase/?articleid=1882 . Accessed 3 Sept. 2013.
"When a Casino Needs Child Care" The New Yorker , 2 Mar. 2011 http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2011/03/02/110302fa_fact_maher?currentPage=all
"Casinos Offer Daycare To Attract More Female Workers." The Huffington Post , 3 Sept. 2013 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/14/casinos-offer-daycare_n_3783999 . Accessed 3 Sept., 2013
Greenfield Rebecca, "Casinos Offer Daycare To Attract More Female Workers." The Huffington Post , 1 Mar 2012 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/01/casinos-offer-daycare_n_1391071.html . Accessed 3 Sept., 2013.
"Chadwick Boseman takes the stage at Spike TV's 'Cribs.'" The Huffington Post , 12 July 2012 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/12/chadwick-boseman-spike-cribs_n_1759460.html . Accessed 3 Sept., 2013.
Berg, Stan, "Monday Morning Motivational Quotes." Yahoo! Voices , 11 Dec. 2011 http://voices.yahoo.com/monday-motivational-quotes-9430152.html . Accessed 3 Sept., 2013.
"Facts About Child Care Centers." The International Association of Day Care Centers . The International Association of Day Care Centers, 2007 http://www.iadcc.org/publications/facts_about_child_care.php . Accessed 3 Sept., 2013
Berg, Stan, "Monday Morning Motivational Quotes." Yahoo! Voices , 11 Dec. 2011 http://voices.yahoo.com/monday-motivational-quotes-9430152 . Accessed 3 Sept., 2013.
"The Many Ways that Gamblers Use Computers." Gambling Recovery Blog (blog) About Us , 2 Mar. 2011 http://www.
Child daycare can be expensive. However, there are benefits to having a child at home during the child care center hours. In addition, the employees of casinos with 24-hour childcare benefit from a great benefit by not having to balance work and child care.
There are many different forms of childcare available today across the United States. However, one very popular form of child care is that of 24 hour daycare. This type of program has proven to be an extremely effective way for employers to hire staff in order to make sure their employees are able to remain employed during the time while they have children at home and also increase profits by having more customers at their casino or establishment.