Why My Early Business Ventures Failed
When I was young, I would often try to do things and it didn’t always work out. Back in my day, if you had a small business, you made something that people would buy from you and that was enough. But me? No I needed more. That’s why my early business ventures failed.
I thought about doing different things at the time when I was young like making a car wash or opening up an arcade or something but none of these stuck because they were too boring or not exciting enough for me. I need to become an entrepreneur, so I had to do something no one else has ever done before!
One time, I tried to make some sort of a business where we would put a bunch of recyclable materials in one area, then we’d take it and sort it out and sell them all over the place! At that time, no one was doing what I was trying to do. The idea of going around to different cities and sorting out the trash on their streets was brilliant! So what if it wasn’t a legal idea or whatever…no ones going to stop me from making money! But you know how that turned out.
I went to the city council and told them about my idea. But the councilman wouldn’t hear anything out of me saying that I wasn’t doing anything wrong, but instead he thought that the only thing I was going to do was take all of their trash to our sorting area and that I would then sell it to other people who would pick it up and then make money off of it. That’s when I knew there was no way they were going to let me start a business like this.
If I was able to do what I thought of doing in the first place, then no one else would be able to stop me or stop you from doing what you are trying to do.
I decided that I had to start a business that would make people’s lives better so that they wouldn’t need to go out and look for garbage all by themselves every day. That’s when my brother told me about computers and how people could make money off them! So, I bought a computer for $400 along with some software and everything! But hey, guess what happened? Well…I accidentally crashed my computer right after receiving it. I didn’t know what I was doing, so I just deleted some files. What did that do? Well it broke down my whole system and took like a year to fix it. But I wasn’t discouraged, instead, I got a new computer and started all over again!
That’s why my early business ventures failed.
When you are young, your idea is all that matters and you don’t care about other people’s opinions or ideas. It doesn’t matter if you make mistakes before your idea is finished or if your idea doesn’t sound as good as the other one that has already been done because none of these things should matter to you then.
So, I learned a lot from my experience back in those days. It didn’t stop me, though. I kept trying to do things that others have tried and failed at. Well, you can guess what happened next. People didn’t really want to buy anything that I was selling because it wasn’t as good as what they could get from the internet or somewhere else without having to go out and find it themselves. So, I had to keep trying to make things better.
That’s why my early business ventures failed.
When I was older, I started making websites for people but it took me a long time to get the hang of it. They that, at first, no one really bought anything from them because they didn’t know how to work the website well and that what they had was pretty boring. But I kept making websites and doing what I had to do. It took me a long while to get to where I am now, but at least I was able to start making some good money.
Now, I’m just trying to teach people things how they can make money from their computers and their internet without having to go out and do the hard work themselves. I don’t want anyone to have to go through what I did when I was younger.
That’s why my early business ventures failed.
If you want to learn more about making money online, feel free to read some of my articles or sign up for my free newsletter on how you can start making money with the internet today. Thanks! That's why my early business ventures failed. [/ARTICLE END]
Resources: http://www.make-money-online-today.com/topics/earn-money-online/how-to-make-money/earn-m... https://medium.com/@leemiller/why-my-early-business-ventures-failed-3eb67b4eef66#.8s7s... http://www.make-money-online.today/earn/earn-money/internet.html https://medium.com/@markmiller512/why-my-early-businesses-failed--fe5a5c5e7ff1#.sa5fkifg...
https://medium.com/@leemiller/why-my-early-businesses-failed--f8b12b83a34e#.jaqs56jd... http://www.makemoneyonlinetodaynowhereelsebuthere.blogspot.com/#comment-form... http://www.makemoneyonlinetodaynowhereelsebuthere.blogspot.
I hope by reading this, you understand how important it is to be motivated and to continue pushing through any problem that you might have. My early business ventures failed, just like yours will if you don't push yourself every day and continuously try to improve. You can do this!
Do not be discouraged! Keep trying no matter what. Do not give up! You will succeed if you keep doing the right things in order for your business to succeed. You will make money with the internet if you put your mind to it everyday! It didn't happen overnight, so why should it happen over night? Keep going and never stop pushing yourself until your dreams are a reality.