5 Great Reasons To Refinance


 5 Great Reasons To Refinance

Are you ever paying too much for your home loan? If that's the case, it might be time to refinance your loan. Even if you're paying just a few hundred dollars a month, refinancing could save you thousands of dollars over the life of the mortgage. That's why if you find yourself questioning whether refinancing is worth it, here are five reasons to refinance in 2016:

-It allows for easier pay off on homes with bigger mortgages which means more interest paid currently and less cost over the lifetime of your loan.
-You'll most likely be able to borrow more thanks to interest rates at their lowest point in years so this can lower monthly payments even further.
-House prices have been rising steadily for a few years now and refinancing your loan means you'll be able to take advantage of any equity you have built up in your property.
-Refinancing means that you don't need to make minimum payments on certain accounts and helps you reduce the risk of delinquency if for some reason you end up temporarily out of work.
-The newly lower interest rate on your new loan can help eliminate all kinds of debt like credit cards, car loans, or personal loans, so that once the loan is paid off, there are no other debts hanging around.
-With a refinance, you can often get your loan without penalty and when you do, it's often interest-free. That means more money in your pocket every month.
Refinancing is a great option for people at all stages of their life because there are many different options for refinancing no matter which stage you're at. If you're currently sending payments to the wrong company, switching over to a more qualified lender can save you money in the long run. If you have a loan with a painful interest rate, refinancing could be the icing on your financial cake. If you had been ready to refinance, but were waiting for the right time, now might be that time.
Source: http://www.investopedia.com/articles/money/120816/5-reasons-to-refinance.asp
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Millionaire success comes with challenges, as well as opportunities. Here are seven of the biggest ones one of America's youngest millionaires has faced so far in his entrepreneurial journey:
1. Everyone thinks they know what it takes to be a billionaire .
Source: http://www.forbes.com/sites/guestcolumnists/2014/12/07/7-of-the-biggest-challenges-one-of-americas-youngest-millionaires-has-faced/#1422a8e58cc6
Title: The 10 Best Places to Invest in Real Estate (Even When You Have No Money)
You don't have to be a millionaire to own an investment property. Whether you're cash poor or just starting out, you can invest in real estate and make money off your hard work and focus if you learn the basics of buying and selling. And, with the right information and tools, you'll be on your way to financial freedom.
On this page you'll find a step-by-step property investment guide that will help you:
·          Find property deals in any market
·          Identify the best neighborhoods for generating income
·          Reduce your learning curve with great advice from experts (and me!)
I'm not going to promise you that it's easy to flip houses or make money with rental properties. I'm going to promise that if you do the work, use the right strategies, and follow the advice of successful investors, you will be able to invest in real estate without a lot of cash, time or credit.
No matter what stage of the buying process you're at, this guide will help you make sound decisions and give you the tools you need to be a property investor in no time.
Real estate investing isn't just about having money to invest. If that were true, I wouldn't be writing this book—all of my friends could do it! The truth is, learning how to invest in real estate comes down to your level of experience and then some. While there are definitely some tips that could apply to anyone, there are also things everybody should know regardless of their investing level.
Title: My Million $ Lessons Learned the Hard Way
I have learned many lessons and acquired many skills from my journey to wealth and I want to share them with you so that you can learn how to do it all yourself. There are some things I wish I had known when I started in real estate investing that would have saved me a lot of time, money, and heartache.
You see, I was what they call "triple net" meaning that not only did I have to pay all the bills for the building (mortgage, taxes, insurance), but also for everything in it (common area maintenance fees). I was paying for the roof, I was paying for the water and sewer, I was paying for the swimming pool maintenance, I was paying for snow removal, and everything else you could imagine.
If I had known how to do it myself I would have saved a lot of money by not having to pay someone else to do it. Believe me when I tell you that many times people are interested in buying your property because of what they think they can save by doing these things themselves instead of hiring an outside company.
When you are a beginner, it is best to know how to do everything yourself. This will save you a lot of time, money and heartache. When I started out in real estate investing, I had to call every one of my contractors for every repair.
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Title: Self Storage Tips And Tricks For Better Management | Inman News | News & Opinion on Top Real Estate Trends
By Charles D. Young, Contributor October 05, 2015 03:08pm MDT Here are some basic strategies for managing self storage facilities.

The laws and regulations surrounding self storage have evolved over the past several years. As recently as 2010, many corporate storage facilities were exempt from many of the regulations and requirements. As a result of this exemption, some corporate storage facilities opened with little or no accountability. Unfortunately, this resulted in a number of problems including:
·          Poor Management
·          Poor training programs
·          Poor record-keeping systems with no accountability for property or risk management issues
·          An environment that lacked high standards for sheltering customers' goods. Indeed, some reported that their goods were often damaged or stolen after being stored in these facilities.

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