5 Ways To Save Money On Your Car’s Gasoline


 5 Ways To Save Money On Your Car’s Gasoline

Many Americans have noticed that gas prices have been steadily on the rise. Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do in order to save money on gasoline for your car. These five tips will help minimize your costs at the pump and give you peace of mind over whether or not you're spending too much.

For starters, avoid driving if possible. If you must commute, try taking public transport instead of travelling by car, or reduce the number of trips into work and having multiple workplaces by using alternative ways to travel such as bicycling or walking. If you have to drive, try not to do it every day; by staggering your driving over the week you can avoid clogging up the roads with unnecessary traffic.

Next, check your tire pressure before every outing. If it's low, fill your gas tank up completely and make time to get new tires if necessary. Low tire pressure will make your car inefficient at burning gasoline, reducing the amount of fuel you burn at every mile. Check this regularly if you commute a lot, as tires can lose air when they are hot and then "cool down" during the trip home so that when you leave in the morning with full tanks they seem fully inflated but may be slightly low on air (which makes them marginally heavier).

Finally, have your car serviced regularly. This is worth doing because it's important to maintain the integrity of the vehicle at all times. A common pitfall that many people overlook is having the fuel and air filters checked every year; pollen and road dust can build up in the b uilding of a vehicle over time so that when you hit a foreign particle or lose your air filter, you can either burn more fuel than necessary or exceed emissions standards. It's important to keep an eye on these things in order to get a warranty that will cover any replacements you need if something breaks unexpectedly out on the road.

What do you do to save money on gasoline?

Categories: Lifestyle, Money, Rant/Reader Reviews, Travel & Places | Comments Off on 5 Ways To Save Money On Your Car's Gasoline By Kristie  Hauge | June 28, 2012 | NEWS, RANTS/READER REVIEWS | Hometownlife.com: Home - Community News and Stories from America's Heartland.
I have to admit that I am a petrol head. I don't really know what that means except that I spend way too much time thinking about my car... which is not good if you ask me but on the other hand it is something to talk about [with friends]...

Where was I going with this? Oh yeah, saving money on gas. I have tried various ways to save money on my cars gas and today I will share a few of them with you.

What do you do to save money on gasoline?

Categories: Lifestyle, Money | Comments Off on Saving Money On Gasoline By Kristie Hauge | August 21, 2012 | NEWS, RANTS/READER REVIEWS | Hometownlife.com: Home - Community News and Stories from America's Heartland.
I have to admit that I am a petrol head. I don't really know what that means except that I spend way too much time thinking about my car... which is not good if you ask me but on the other hand it is something to talk about [with friends]...

Where was I going with this? Oh yeah, saving money on gas. I have tried various ways to save money on my cars gas and today I will share a few of them with you.

There are many ways to help save some of your hard earned cash when it comes to your vehicles fuel consumption. Here are a few suggestions that could prove useful.

Maintain the integrity of your tires by checking tire pressure regularly. All tires lose air gradually, even when the tire is not in use. At a slow rate this can be neglected easily but if you are a regular commuter, you need to check the air pressure in your tires regularly to maintain optimal fuel efficiency. If you have more than two cars on your household, perhaps consider carpooling with others to reduce the amount of driving you do. By limiting the number of driving trips you make per week, you will compete less for resources on the road and reduce congestion overall.

Research your route before leaving and try to get as direct a path as possible between destinations. Traffic can be stressful and expensive often causing unnecessary delays which waste time as well as gas. By finding a route that cuts down on traffic, you will be able to save time and money. In some cases it may even be beneficial to consider alternative forms of transportation such as walking or cycling.

Be careful with your acceleration and braking habits. These two factors are responsible for the largest amount of fuel consumption in a car. Any unnecessary acceleration or stopping will cost you more in the long run by consuming more fuel than necessary.

Calibrate your cars speedometer so that you can accurately gauge how much fuel you are using on every trip. This is particularly important on vehicles with cruise control or speed alerts because they rely on an honest reading of the speedometer for optimal efficiency. If you are unsure, ask your mechanic or check with the manufacturer.

If your gas mileage is not as great as you would like it to be, consider purchasing a fuel-efficient vehicle. To find a good deal on a vehicle that gets better gas mileage than the average car currently on the road is not difficult. A good place to start is Edmunds.com . Just enter in your zip code and start shopping for a vehicle that meets your needs.

By following these few tips you can help to save some of your money and still maintain efficiency in your vehicle.

What do you do to save money on gasoline?

Categories: Lifestyle, Money | Comments Off on What Do You Do To Save Money On Gasoline? By Patience Jackson | August 1, 2012 | NEWS, RANTS/READER REVIEWS | Hometownlife.com: Home - Community News and Stories from America's Heartland.
I have to admit that I am a petrol head. I don't really know what that means except that I spend way too much time thinking about my car... which is not good if you ask me but on the other hand it is something to talk about [with friends]...
Where was I going with this? Oh yeah, saving money on gas.


The focus of the Wiki is to compile a list of the methods of saving money on gasoline. The list of the web sites and blogs (as well as comments) has been included here with permission from the authors. As you can see, there are many ways to save money on gasoline that range from inexpensive to costly. Some options may not make sense for everyone so take a look at what is available and choose wisely.

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