Battling an Unfair Health Insurance Claim Can Really Pay Off


 Battling an Unfair Health Insurance Claim Can Really Pay Off

Insurance companies are not always on your side, so when they deny your claim or turn down a payment, you don't want to take it lying down. There's some evidence that insurance companies tend to deny more claims than they approve because of the high probability of getting away with it.

The first step is an appeal if the company denies your request for coverage or payment. It's important to be prepared and have everything organized before contacting them in order to make sure you don't leave anything out and the evidence is all there. It is important to be logged in as the person who originally requested the coverage or payment because if the policyholder is not available, someone else may have made the request.

The second step is for them to provide a reason for the denial and check for any changes, errors, or omissions that may have been missed when you first requested coverage or payment. You should receive an initial response soon after you file your claim and contact insurance companies directly only if you do not hear from them first. In any case, it is best to check in with them periodically as they continue their review of your claim. They will probably deny your request unless there are extenuating circumstances such as a medical emergency or a death where paying would be appropriate.

The third step is to appeal the denial of your claim or payment and request an internal review. These reviews can be handled by a company representative, but it is best to have your claim reviewed by a billing specialist who does not have prior knowledge of the claim or other issues involving the company and the policyholder. This will prevent a possible conflict of interest.

If you are still denied following an internal review, you can appeal further with an external review by an independent party or medical professional. If they still deny your request, you can then proceed to court or submit an appeal to state insurance departments if the policy was not regulated by federal agencies.

Ultimately, if you can't get an insurance company to pay out on your claim, you can still recover compensation for the financial costs resulting from medical treatment. It may be time to consider consulting a personal injury lawyer to file a claim and demand compensation for damages, as well as possibly the cost of future medical bills. Getting an attorney on board early will ensure that you are able to protect your rights and stand up for your health.

In a similar vein, if you have been involved in an accident or suffered injuries from a defective product or due to someone else's negligence, then you could decide to take legal action towards getting compensated for damages and expenses related to the incident. A lawyer will guide you through the process of filing a claim and obtaining compensation.

Most of the time, a successful settlement will be granted to claim your judgement against the other party involved. The law has been there to protect you in such situations. If you have been hurt or injured in an accident and are not able to file an insurance claim or have inadequate insurance coverage to deal with legal proceedings, then it is best for you to consult with lawyers who can assist you in getting justice for your injuries.

By: Erin Smith for Small Business Trends with contributions from Jay Blackman . You can follow us on Twitter @SmallBizTrends .

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Title: Uninsured Motorist Claims: How the Law Protects You When Caught in an Accident Without Insurance Coverage

You hit a patch of ice on your way home from work and before you know it, you're going off the road into a ditch and your car is totaled (again). The last thing you want is to pile up the bills and get stuck with debt as a result of an uninsured motorist (UM) accident, so what can you do?

First, before you even think of contacting an attorney, you should contact your auto insurance policy's claims department. Depending on your policy, it may require that you file a claim within 30-90 days of the accident (every state has different deadlines). If not, call your agent and ask him to provide written instructions regarding how to file a UM claim. If the agent won't provide those instructions in writing, then consider switching providers.

Here are some tips for filing a UM claim and protecting yourself against having uninsured motorist coverage denied:

Talk to your agent. If you're unsatisfied with the answers you get from your auto insurance claims department, call back. The agent will most likely know more about your policy and be able to help you get through the process faster.

Get your paperwork in order. It is extremely important that you have all of the necessary documentation when you contact your insurer. You should have your police report and medical records. In addition, make sure that you have copies of all of your bills to support any damage repair expenses you will claim. If you don't, then at the very least get a letter from the auto body shop detailing the repairs made and a copy of the estimate for those same repairs.

Get proof that it was an UM accident. If someone else was at fault in causing the accident, or if there were road conditions that contributed to your accident, be sure to mention those points in your claim as well (it's not always easy). If the other driver is at fault, you may be able to get a cash settlement in addition to your compensation from your own insurer.

If you are still denied coverage or payment from your auto insurance company, ask for an appeal of their decision. You can also file a personal injury lawsuit against the other driver or seek legal advice from a personal injury attorney to discuss whether filing suit against the UM driver who was at fault would be appropriate.

Title: Personal Injury Attorneys Help Accident Victims Fight for Compensation and Justice

 ARTICLE START - Are you looking for a lawyer? Check out our directory of personal injury attorneys .


The hope is that this article will help you in your quest to resolve the issues with your auto insurance policy. For more information about car insurance, articles on related topics, or legal advice we encourage you to contact us.

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