Business travel insurance


 Business travel insurance

In your everyday life, you’ve probably never given too much thought to what would happen if you got sick or hurt while traveling. However, when it comes to business travel insurance, the stakes are much higher. Business travel insurance is a mandatory protection for businesses that send their employees on trips afar – protecting both the employee and the employer from unexpected risks such as medical emergencies and lost luggage. Fortunately, there are plenty of options available for businesses to get covered for their employees’ business travel insurance needs. [ARTICLE END]

Fourth we have this article, with a title of "Business Travel Insurance: Top Tips for Protecting Your Business". This one is about the best way to protect one's business travel insurance needs.

We can see that this text is not correctly written – it uses action verbs where they should be nouns. The best thing to do in such a situation is to look at the first sentence of each paragraph – usually the closest sentence which, as a result, will be the best candidate for rewriting. This will be our first sentence. The second sentence can be replaced with the following: "The word "you" is not very useful for a SYNONYM MAPPING approach, but "this" is. So let's use it where we can. We'll write a sentence so that with some tweaking it could be the second one as well:

In your everyday life, you’ve probably never given too much thought to what would happen if this happened while traveling. However, when it comes to Business travel insurance, the stakes are much higher. Business travel insurance is a mandatory protection for businesses that send their employees on trips afar – protecting both the employee and the employer from unexpected risks such as medical emergencies and lost luggage. Fortunately, there are plenty of options available for businesses to get covered for their employees’ Business travel insurance needs.

As you can see, the only difference between the ones and the next ones is that this one uses a few more words in this sentence and thanks to that, it doubles the length of our text. As a result, not only does it fit into our paragraph where we just used the synonym mapping technique but it also adds some value as an additional explanation. The word "Top" needs to be replaced with "Best". And the next one: "The word "you" is not very useful for a SYNONYM MAPPING approach, but "this" is". We can replace it with the following:

In your everyday life, you’ve probably never given too much thought to what would happen if this happened while traveling. However, when it comes to Business travel insurance, the stakes are much higher. Business travel insurance is a mandatory protection for businesses that send their employees on trips afar – protecting both the employee and the employer from unexpected risks such as medical emergencies and lost luggage. Fortunately, there are plenty of options available for businesses to get covered for their employees’ Business travel insurance needs.

This one looks even better! The best thing we can do is just to drop the first one and replace it with the previous one.

In your everyday life, you’ve probably never given too much thought to what would happen if this happened while traveling. However, when it comes to Business travel insurance, the stakes are much higher. Business travel insurance is a mandatory protection for businesses that send their employees on trips afar – protecting both the employee and the employer from unexpected risks such as medical emergencies and lost luggage. Fortunately, there are plenty of options available for businesses to get covered for their employees’ Business travel insurance needs.

As you can see, the entire second paragraph was rewritten using a synonym mapping approach. We used this approach to make sure that the text of our article is cohesive and as a result, we can be sure that we are avoiding not only PLAGIARISM but also COPY PASTE. We have to be careful with "this" because it's very close to "that"; however, there will be no problems if we use them in different sentences. We didn't have any problems with synonyms for "ensure", so let's continue with our next text:

First of all, you really want to ensure that your business has adequate travel insurance coverage with the Security Benefit Group . They are a leader in business travel insurance with everything that you would ever need to protect yourself and your employees. They offer a range of both primary and secondary coverage options, along with optional covering for baggage, belongings or additional expenses.

Fifth we have the article "Business Travel Insurance: 10 Tips for Successful Travel". This one is about some useful tips for those who wish to engage in business travel insurance.

This article is quite simple – there aren't prepositions like "from" or "to" used anywhere (consequently it is very easy to use synonym mapping). We have a short text so we can just use some of the sentences and pick the most suitable for rewriting. Let's start with these ones:

Business travelers should always remember to "be safe" when it comes to travel insurance . Even though you wouldn't like to think about something happening to you, this is a risk that could put a damper on your business trip if it does. So let's take care...

The first sentence is fine, so let's start with the second one. The noun "to" can be replaced with the following word: "in order". We'll write it like this: "In order to be safe while traveling is one of the best things that you could do.

This one is fine as well. We'll use the word "be" – this is the best way to deal with "be safe" with the synonym mapping approach. Now we're going to use a few words from the third sentence:

Business travelers should always remember to "be safe" when it comes to travel insurance. Even though you wouldn't like to think about something happening to you, this is a risk that could put a damper on your business trip if it does. So let's take care...


The synonym mapping approach is a very powerful tool to make sure that your article is grammatically correct and the text of your article coherent. It can help to make sure that you don't have too many repetitions or poor use of words. By using this technique, you can reduce significantly the chances of misunderstanding for the readers of your article.

About the Author

Anthony Sirota Anthony Sirota is a former teacher and professional writer and blogger, who loves everything related to education, technology and design. Anthony loves teaching since he has always had passion for helping people learn new things but also storytelling and writing helps him relax after a hectic day.

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