Choosing Life Insurance


 Choosing Life Insurance

Choosing life insurance is a daunting and confusing task. It is important to understand the different types of life insurance and how they work.

Types of Life Insurance  : Term (Payment) Life, Whole Life, Universal Life, Critical Illness Coverage, Disability Insurance

Life Insurance Payment Options : Term (payments are made for a specific period of time), Whole-Life (payments are made until death), Universal-Life (payments are made for the lifetime)

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "Car Accidents".

You never know when car accidents might happen. They happen everywhere and to anyone. Although it is much more common in the rural areas than in the inner cities, they still happen everywhere. That is why it is not a good idea to drive distracted, impaired, or tired. If you keep these tips in mind while driving you can minimize the risk of being involved in a car accident.

Write an outline for an informative essay titled "Causes of Autism".


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects 1 out of every 68 children, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It can be hard to diagnose and there are many factors that contribute to autism. Autism is a disorder that can cause difficulty in communication, social interaction, and behavior. Some people believe that there are multiple causes of autism including genetics, birth complications, genetic mutations, environmental toxins or diseases during pregnancy, and early childhood experiences.

Write an outline for a fictional horror story titled "Doctor Slasher."

It’s the end of the day at general practice. Dr. Kendall is about to lock up for the night when he sees Anne standing outside his office window. He walks out of his office to talk with her but he immediately gets attacked by a masked murderer with a butcher knife. The killer stabs Dr. Kendall multiple times in the body and cuts off his head.

Write a summary of a passage taken from a novel titled "A Woman's Revenge".

As Angela Paris walked down the hospital corridor, she heard another woman sobbing. The other woman was sitting on a chair, holding her left arm that was covered in blood. Her face was pale and anguished; she kept looking at her right arm which was completely red and swollen. Her eyes were filled with horror and regret. Angela helped the young patient up, handed her cup of water, examined the wound on her arm, cleaned it with antiseptic and bandaged it up as best as she could.

Write an outline for a fictional short story titled "A Murderous Night".

It was a dark, stormy night. Leo woke up to the sound of torrential rain and cries of barn owls. He found himself in a pitch-black room, lying on an old couch that smelled musty. He was trembling because he felt very cold and wet. At first he could not figure out where he was; then it all came back to him: the wedding, the destination wedding at his best friend’s country house.

Write an outline for a fictional short story titled "Stranger in My Bed".

It was a hot summer day. Someone was knocking on her front door. She opened the door and saw a man in a business suit. He told her that his wife had just been killed and that he had no idea where his teenage daughter was. She invited him inside, poured him a cup of coffee, and offered him her condolences.

Write an outline for a fictional short story titled "My Best Friend's Wedding".

It was the day of the wedding of Alyssa Wells and Jake Fleming. Jake’s best friend, Andrew, couldn’t believe that Jake got married because he didn’t think that Alyssa would be the one to tame his wild ways. He couldn’t even imagine the two of them together. He told his girlfriend that he wasn’t going to the wedding, but she didn’t want him to miss out on such an event.

Write an outline for a fictional short story titled "A Night of Horror".

The weather was getting worse and worse by the hour. The sun had set and it was completely dark outside when Angela got off work at 9pm. She walked through the empty parking lot, got into her car, started it up and turned on the headlights. She pressed down on her gas pedal and drove off into absolute darkness in search of home.

Write an outline for a fictional short story titled "The Stalker".

It was a foggy, drizzly day. Angela had just left work at the library and walked home. She had to walk a mile of muddy streets to reach her house. The drizzle had gotten heavier and heavier by the minute, making it harder and harder for Angela to see where she was going. About five minutes after she stepped out of the library, she noticed someone standing there in the middle of the street in front of her. She did not know who it was at first because he was wearing a black cloak on his head that covered his face; but she could tell that he was watching her every move by how he turned around every time she looked in his direction.

Write an outline for a fictional short story titled "The Murder".

It was the day of the murder. It was supposed to be a quiet day. Angela only had two clients: her friend Wendi and her mother, who would be checking out books; but after she got home with the books, Wendi’s husband called to tell her that their daughter had been in an accident and was now in the hospital. Angela rushed back to the hospital where she learned that the little girl had suffered a severe head injury and was fighting for her life.

Write an outline for a fictional short story titled "The Dreamer".

It was night time. Angela couldn’t sleep. She was lying in her bed and staring at the ceiling; thinking about her fiancé, the father of her unborn child and the reason she wasn’t feeling well recently. She had been having horrible dreams ever since she got engaged to him. In these dreams, there was a man who seemed to follow and stalk her wherever she went; someone who would not leave her alone no matter what she did or where she went.

Write an outline for a fictional short story titled "My Wife's Retirement".

It was a hot summer day in July when Angela Wells decided to retire from her job as a librarian for good.


As you can see, this writing prompt consists of a number of different parts. To help you to write the main ideas for each part, take a look again at the table that shows the different types of tasks to complete.

Task Type Task Name What Is It? Think about why Angela quit her job as a librarian. Write an outline for a fictional short story titled “A Night of Horror”. Think about why Angela quit her job as a librarian and what she did before she retired. Write an outline for a fictional short story titled “My Best Friend’s Wedding”. Think about why Angela quit her job as a librarian and what she does now that she is retired.

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