Cover the Uninsured Week Provides Opportunities for All Americans to Get Involved in Solving National Problem


 Cover the Uninsured Week Provides Opportunities for All Americans to Get Involved in Solving National Problem

Cover the Uninsured Week provides opportunities for all Americans to get involved in solving a national problem that impacts all of us. Each city in the United States is holding a Cover the Uninsured Week event to spread awareness and educate individuals about current health insurance policies. The week's activities include public forums, health screenings, rallies, film screenings, and more.

This week's events are scheduled from March 29 through April 5th. The events will take place at various locations throughout the United States so people can easily attend them without having to travel far or to large sporting venues. Many cities have also offered free admission for children and certain individuals during these dates with proceeds going towards helping those who cannot afford healthcare policy premiums or medical costs.

The Cover the Uninsured Week is being coordinated by Healthcare For America Now (HFAN) which is an organization made up of grassroots healthcare advocates and progressive groups. HFAN works with other organizations to spread awareness about important health care issues such as the aforementioned Cover the Uninsured Week. HFAN also works to promote awareness of Insurance Fraud and Health Care Fraud.

"Healthcare needs to be a human right [and] everyone needs access to health insurance," said Cherri Collins-Lee, Vice President of HFAN's Education Fund, who will be participating in one of the events in Williamsburg, Virginia on March 31st. "The Cover the Uninsured Week is a great way for healthcare advocates and others to come together to promote awareness about the uninsured. We can all help by participating in the events."

The Cover the Uninsured Week was created by HFAN to educate more people about how they can get involved in helping those who do not have health insurance. The week is filled with events held across the country so anyone can attend an event without having to travel far or use up a lot of time. In addition, many of these weeks will also be held at local schools, libraries and other public locations so everyone who wants to attend can easily do so.

Please visit for more information about this week's events.

Cover the Uninsured Week, an event sponsored by Healthcare For America Now (HFAN), will be held in Williamsburg, Virginia on Thursday, March 31st and will continue through Saturday, April 3rd.

At the event in Williamsburg, citizens can participate in health screenings and learn how to get involved with HFAN's health care reform efforts. The organization has launched a petition that urges Congress to pass legislation that provides health insurance for all Americans. To participate in the screening activities or learn more about the Cover the Uninsured Week visit:

Healthcare For America Now is an online community that organizes individuals and groups to craft an effective healthcare reform message, communicate with political leaders, build grassroots support and redouble efforts to challenge opponents of reform. Healthcare For America Now (HFAN) bills itself as an advocacy organization that works for the health and well-being of Americans.

The organization's website calls on citizens to voice their concerns about America's broken healthcare system by signing a petition that seeks to educate Congress about the importance of providing all Americans with a health care policy. The petition can be found at: .

Healthcare For America Now is associated with several other organizations that are comprised of healthcare-related grassroots organizations. Healthcare For America Now's membership includes: Common Ground Healthcare Center, a nonprofit organization that predominately serves uninsured, underinsured, and low-income individuals and families in the central Virginia area; Health Across America ( ), an advocacy group that works to educate Americans about the ills of the current healthcare system; Virginia Organizing, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to creating a more progressive democratic society by working for health care reform legislation in Virginia; Community Health Advocates Inc. ( ), a non-profit organization in the Washington DC area that works for better healthcare for all citizens; and Health Fairness, a non-profit organization in Michigan that works to bring awareness to health care issues and supply accurate information on how to address them.

For more information about Healthcare For America Now (HFAN) please visit .

Contact: Healthcare For America Now (HFAN): Communications Department Phone: 202-316-3482 E-mail:

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About Healthcare For America Now (HFAN) Health Care for America Now (HFAN) is a national advocacy organization dedicated to creating a more progressive democratic society by working for health care reform legislation in the United States and abroad. HFAN works with other healthcare related grassroots organizations to help educate individuals and the public about the problems with America's broken healthcare system. HFAN supports a single-payer healthcare system for the United States.

Healthcare For America Now is associated with several other organizations that are comprised of healthcare-related grassroots organizations. Some of the groups associated with HFAN include: Common Ground Healthcare Center, a nonprofit organization that predominately serves uninsured, underinsured, and low-income individuals and families in the central Virginia area; Health Across America ( ), an advocacy group that works to educate Americans about the ills of the current healthcare system; Virginia Organizing, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to creating a more progressive democratic society by working for health care reform legislation in Virginia; Community Health Advocates Inc. ( ), a non-profit organization in the Washington DC area that works for better healthcare for all citizens; and Health Fairness, a non-profit organization in Michigan that works to bring awareness to health care issues and supply accurate information on how to address them.

For more information about Healthcare For America Now (HFAN) please visit <<< Back to News and Press Releases

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Conclusion. The importance of the right to bear arms in the state of Illinois is outlined throughout the court rulings and statutes. In fact, as was noted by District Court Judge Thomas R. Fitzgerald, in, “the right to bear arms in defense of self, home, and country is one of our most basic civil rights” (Berglund v State (Illinois)) at 20. The Illinois General Assembly made it clear that it saw the need for an individual’s right to bear arms when passed the Firearm Concealed Carry Act of 2008.

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