Deciding if you need Life Insurance?


 Deciding if you need Life Insurance?

Deciding if you need Life Insurance?

This is a big purchase and should not be taken lightly. Deciding on the appropriate insurance to carry, knowing what rate it costs, and understanding how this is going to affect your life are just some of the key ingredients in making an informed decision about life insurance. It’s important that you come up with a strategy to decide how much coverage you will need, whether for yourself or someone else who needs help securing their future. Many people believe they can make these decisions for themselves without assistance but many experts would recommend having a financial planner work with you throughout the process to develop a comprehensive strategy.

The first question that you should ask yourself is, “Is my family protected?” This may seem like a silly question, but you would be surprised to find out how many families are not well protected against the unexpected. Many families do not have life insurance coverage because they are religious and feel that their faith will protect them. After all, we are supposed to have faith in God and not our insurance policies. Others believe that they don’t need this type of protection because they have a lot of money in the bank or other investments. Still others believe that they can just live off of their savings and investments while waiting for their kids to get some age on them before determining if additional support is needed.

The next question is, “How much life insurance do I need?” Well, you should determine the amount of coverage you need based on three things: your dependents’ needs, your personal goals and the cost of providing for these needs. The level of coverage that you should be looking at is around 5 to 10 times your annual salary. This will help provide more than enough protection to make sure that your family is taken care of. If there are a lot of people that rely on you financially then more insurance may be needed while if there are not many expenses then less coverage is probably all that’s needed in order to protect the future security of those who depend on you financially.

The next question is, “Where can I get my best rate?” Many people don’t realize that their current insurance company may not be giving them the best rates available. There are a lot of companies working hard in order to find out who has the best rates and will encourage you to call them. It’s important when doing this that you are very careful with whom you choose to do business with. You want someone who will provide a variety of quotes for you to take advantage of and help you understand why one is more expensive than another. You also want someone who can make sure that your needs are being met through the life insurance coverage that they provide. And, you want someone who is going to take the time to make sure that you are able to get the very best rates available.

Reviewing your needs makes sense and can help you be more efficient with the funds that are available so that you can get a better return on investment and give your family the very best in terms of financial protection. Take some time today to start reviewing your options for how much coverage is necessary and how much it should cost as well as what company might be able to provide you with these services at a great low-cost premium rate.

Life Insurance Tips from an agent who understands life insurance.

~ Timothy Carlson, The Carlson Group, Inc. ~

Title: How to Choose Life Insurance?

By: Timothy Carlson

Date: Feb 19, 2014

Everyone should have insurance for their entire lives, since there is always the possibility of a catastrophic issue that can affect your health or life. There are many different types and types of insurance available that you can choose from to protect yourself and your family in the event that something unfortunate happens in your life. One of the most important types of insurance to have is life insurance. Life insurance is different from other types of insurance in that this policy is taken out just before you die. This means that the money you have set aside for your children and their future will go to your children if something bad happens to you. This means that the amount of coverage you need can be a lot higher than other types of insurance, since you won’t be able to use it for any other purpose after death for example. Having life insurance in place can be extremely helpful.

Some people believe that you need life insurance, while others believe that you don’t. Some people think that it is for the old, but many young couples need it more than you think. The truth is, no matter what kind of insurance you buy, you should always have some kind of coverage in place since there could be a big issue in your life that would require money to pay for medical bills or to make sure your family is taken care of financially if something happens to you.

When you are trying to choose a company to go with, it’s important to review the companies out there and see what they have to offer. You should try to get several quotes and look at each one carefully as you compare these quotes. Make sure that you are getting coverage that is specifically designed for your needs since a straight life insurance policy may not always provide enough protection in your case.

Some people believe that once they have enough money to pay for their funeral, then they don’t need any insurance. The truth is that when you pass away, nothing will be able to pay for your funeral. Many people wind up having to take out loans to pay for their deaths and this often cuts into the amount of money that is left for the rest of the family. Make sure you have enough insurance in place to make sure your family is protected.

You should consider a whole life policy if you want something that can cover a lot of different issues. This type of policy covers you for everything and will even help provide a death benefit unlike other types where it just pays bills or funeral reimbursement. This may be more costly, but it’s necessary for most people who are looking for protection against a variety of issues or events that may occur in their lives or death.


Like most things in life, insurance is crucial because you never know what might happen in your life. If you are looking for a good company to work with that can provide you with the best insurance coverage for your needs, then you should consider contacting The Carlson Group today. We have been around for over 40 years and have a lot of experience working with different people to help them find the right coverage for their needs and protect themselves and their family members. Give us a call today to learn more information on how we can help you find the perfect coverage plan at a price that will make sense for your financial situation.

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