Defining Point of Service (POS) Health Insurance


 Defining Point of Service (POS) Health Insurance

This blog post will provide you with an overview of point of service health insurance in the United States and help you find suitable health insurance options, get information about coverage, and learn more about what it means to be a point of service customer.

Point of Service Health Insurance- A Definition

Point-of-service (POS) is different from traditional health care because customers pay their own bills at their place of business or work. Under this approach, consumers have the responsibility for knowing when to visit a doctor and filling out all paperwork required for medical care.

You may have to pay a higher amount in co-payments, deductibles or another sort of cost sharing than you would with a traditional health plan. You may also have to make decisions around scheduling your doctor visit at times that do not conflict with your work schedule.

Definition of POS Health Insurance

A point-of-service (POS) agreement will give customers the option of going outside their network for services if they desire. In this case, they will be responsible for paying the entire bill until it is submitted to their insurance company for reimbursement.

This means that customers are the ones to decide when they want to see their provider or how often they want to see them. Customers can choose which doctors, hospitals and specialists they will want to work with. They are also responsible for paying out of pocket for any services not covered by their insurance company.

The whole idea behind a POS program is to allow people more choice in managing their healthcare costs and finding doctors who best suit the needs of their individual situations. However, customers still need to be aware of possible costs in co-pays and deductibles. They need to know what type of coverage that is being sold to them so they can make an informed decision as far as what is right for their family needs.

POS Health Insurance and Co-Payments

If a consumer goes to see a doctor or hospital outside of the network, they will have to pay a co-pay. This is similar to a deductible in that it is an amount that must be paid by the customer before their insurance kicks into effect. It is generally small compared to the deductible because it typically only covers routine services and tests.

The advantage of having a point of service plan is being in charge of your own healthcare. You can choose when and where you go for care, but you have to be aware that there could be additional costs involved in this type of approach to medical treatment.

You will find point of service (POS) plans offered by several health insurance providers. You can learn more about these POS health insurance plans at

Tags: Customer Service, Healthcare, Health Insurance, Point of Service Health Insurance, Uncategorized

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<a href="">Defining Point of Service (POS) Health Insurance</a>
 by  Kyle Field | Sep 24, 2013 | Uncategorized ,  Health and Beauty Care ,  | 2 Comments
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Posted by Kyle Field at 8:40 pm
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 Image credit: <a href="">Defining Point of Service (POS) Health Insurance - A Definition </a> By  Kyle Field | Sep 24, 2013 | Uncategorized ,  Health and Beauty Care ,  | 2 Comments If you would like to share this infographic on your blog or on your website, please use the HTML code below: <p><a href=''><img src=' m/2013/08/defining-point-of-service-pos_14.jpg' width='600px' alt='Defining Point of Service (POS) Health Insurance - A Definition ' height='550px'< /a> Posted by Kyle Field at 9:00 pm
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Many people are interested in purchasing POS health insurance, but it can be tricky to understand. It is important to compare your options with all other potential health insurance options. You need to check out all the different plans offered, as well as how they compare to each other on price and benefits. When you take the time looking for a plan that works within your budget and won't make you go bankrupt, you will definitely be glad that you chose POS health insurance!

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.

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