Is a Broken Windshield Covered Under my Auto Policy Deductible?


 Is a Broken Windshield Covered Under my Auto Policy Deductible?

When a driver of an insured vehicle sustains damage to the windshield, it is usually covered under an auto policy. Unfortunately, this does not always translate into full reimbursement when the damage was caused by injury to someone else. Cases of property damage are also frequently excluded from coverage under auto policies. If you are wondering whether your broken windshield would be covered in such situations, talk to a car insurance agent in order to find out what your policy includes and does not include with respect to these types of claims.

Auto insurance policies differ depending on their individual coverage particulars which should be examined carefully before signing up for any type of insurance product. For example, if you have comprehensive auto insurance coverage, then your insurance company will cover damage to your windshield caused by an accident. However, if an individual files a claim with their own car policy and is found to be at fault in the accident which damaged your windshield, then you might not receive any compensation.

Most auto policies do not cover damage to the windshield caused by a collision with another vehicle. This is because policies like comprehensive and collision coverage are purchased separately from each other. A driver who has this type of policy will therefore need to look into other avenues in order to file a claim for this type of damage because such claims would fall under the responsibility of the other driver's policy. For example, if a vehicle with comprehensive coverage collides with your car and damages the windshield, the other insured driver is responsible for payment. This means that you would not be able to file a claim with your own insurance company for this type of damage. The same is true if a rock or any other unfixed debris is flung up by another vehicle in motion and hits your windshield.

If another driver strikes your windshield, and that damage is not characterized as fundamental (i.e., major), then you will most likely have to pay out of pocket for repair or replacement. The same applies if a branch falls on your car's windshield from another tree. In either situation, whether or not the damage is covered under an auto policy will depend on the circumstances of the incident. If a person has comprehensive auto insurance coverage, then the damage may be covered if it is categorized as a major issue.

Auto policies often contain exclusions which can allow them to deny coverage in certain situations. For example, in some cases an individual's car insurance policy can exclude damage to windshields caused by falling objects or projectiles from other vehicles. This exclusion may apply if another driver's windshield was damaged during a collision and causes glass from that vehicle to fly up into your windshield and crack it.

In these situations, you would likely have to pay for the repairs or replacement of your windshield yourself. This is because you are not covered under an auto policy and therefore not exempt from paying for such damage in the event that a claim is made. You should be aware, however, that other drivers may still be able to file a claim and collect compensation for damages which were caused by another driver.

In some cases an auto insurance policy will cover damage to a windshield if it is caused by collision with another vehicle and this damage occurs while the insured vehicle is parked in a location which has been specifically designated as a safe zone. For example, if a person is stopped at a traffic light and another vehicle strikes their windshield, then the other driver's auto insurance company may offer to pay for this damage. The same is true if any person is in the process of securing their car by locking all doors and windows during a heavy downpour.

One important thing to note is that an auto policy may not cover damage to your windshield caused by an animal or bird because of this exclusion. If such an incident occurs and your auto policy does not offer coverage for windshield damage resulting from such incidents, then you will have no recourse but to pay for any damages which are incurred as a result of the other party's negligence.

If you need help filing a claim for a damage which was caused by another driver, please speak to a trusted car insurance agent. They are able to explain your rights and responsibilities under your policy and can provide you with important information about how to file a claim without jeopardizing coverage under your own policy. Most auto insurance companies have policies which clearly explain the procedure for making claims in these situations, so it is important that you follow this procedure so as not to jeopardize your own policy.

About the Author: Kevin is a writer with ASR Insurance Services, Inc., an independent insurance agency located in Cleveland, Ohio. [ARTICLE PHOTOS]

Can Car Insurance Companies Pay for Windshield Damage?

Most drivers are already aware that their insurance policies will cover them if they damage another person's car and are held responsible in an accident, but what about if the vehicle is parked and unattended? If you smash into a parked car, then regardless of whose fault it is, your insurance company will not pay for the repairs. But what if the other person's windshield is broken instead? In that case you may be covered with comprehensive car insurance.

Comprehensive car insurance policies pay for damage to your car from collisions with other vehicles, vandalism, or impact from a falling tree. They will also cover windshield damage so long as that damage was caused by an accident, as opposed to malicious acts. Damages caused by things like rocks, ice and hail fall under the umbrella of comprehensive coverage.

If you smash into another vehicle or a tree during the night, then your comprehensive coverage is likely to cover the repairs. It's not always possible to tell which type of glass was broken in the accident and which glass would be covered by your coverage. They are two different types of glass and will end up being paid for individually rather than together.

If you damage another person's windshield, be sure to document the accident. Take down the other driver and vehicle owner's name and insurance information, including their policy number, and file a police report if necessary. You don't want to attempt to make a claim without a police report because it could backfire on you later. If your car is damaged in another state, get out your cell phone camera or digital camera and take pictures of the damage as soon as possible so you can prove liability later on.

When making a claim for something like windshield damage that was caused by an accident involving another party or their property, take pictures of your car from the same angle that you took pictures of the other car.


Many insurance companies cover windshield damage as a part of their comprehensive coverage. Keep in mind the terms and conditions of your policy, especially if you are parking your vehicle in a safe zone. If you are parked at a traffic light or stop sign and another vehicle strikes your windshield, then it's likely that the other driver's insurance company will cover the damage to your car. Be sure to document accidents and contact the other driver's insurance company immediately after an accident for additional information on what became of them and their car.


About the Author: Kevin is a writer with ASR Insurance Services, Inc., an independent insurance agency located in Cleveland, Ohio https://www.asrinsuranceservices.

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