Life Insurance UK


 Life Insurance UK

Life insurance provides the peace of mind and reassurance that comes with knowing your loved ones will be looked after should you pass away. Purchasing life insurance is one of the most important financial decisions you will make in your lifetime. It’s also a decision that needs to take into account various factors and circumstances, such as age, income, dependencies and lifestyle.

Learn more about different types of life cover available on offer with UK Life Insurance from The Guardian Group. They offer advice on what type of cover is most suitable for you in terms of age, medical condition(s) etc., and provide a quick quote at the end of their article.
Although the main focus of this infographic is on life insurance, we have included other relevant information too. This includes the cost of a funeral and average earnings in the UK.
By looking at average earnings by age bracket and life insurance costs, you can compare your situation to those around you and make an informed decision about how much cover you may need to provide for yourself or loved ones should an unfortunate event occur.
The cost of a funeral in the UK has increased by nearly 19% in just 3 years (2011-2013). Some believe that funerals are being used as a status symbol, with higher-quality coffins often reflecting higher social status. This could be the reason for the large increase in cost. You can read more about funeral costs via this article on The Guardian.

Life insurance is one of the most profitable lines of business in the UK. With a savings rate of just 3-4%, it's hard to see how you could make any money out of your life insurance policy, but it's important to understand that if you die, this money won't go to waste, as it will be used to pay your beneficiaries.
The current cash value of an annuity is £35,000 at age 55 in 2013. This means that the current value of your life insurance is £35,000. Although an annuity is a type of life insurance in which you give the company money, and they pay you back as a lifetime income (i.e. salary), it is only relevant if you are looking to retire early and need short-term income support.
It's important to look at ways to make your policy more cost effective and tax efficient too, by taking advantage of Lifetime Allowance tax exemptions and investing in qualifying assets – i.e. assets prescribed by law not to count towards the overall value of your estate after death (such as annuities).
At the end of the day, it's up to you to decide whether you are prepared to spend so much in life insurance and for what purpose. You need to take into account your circumstances, financial situation and personal priorities.
If you have any questions or general queries about the infographic, please feel free to get in touch with our experts at The Guardian Group via their online form .
To learn more about how life insurance works and how it can benefit your financial situation, watch this short video from The Guardian Group:
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Every business that sells products or services has customers. That's just the nature of the beast in commerce. And if you are a business owner, then you know that getting new customers is often difficult and expensive. There are many ways that you can attract new customers to your business but some are better than others.
The infographic below details the 4 most effective ways to generate new customers. It outlines the different options that you may have and how they could be useful to you. You can view the infographic below but before you do, take a look at our blog post which explains each of the four options outlined in this infographic in more detail:
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Here are the most effective ways to generate new customers:
This is by far the most effective way in generating new customers. Word of mouth and referrals are free and can be very powerful. It's important to make sure that your product or services are of such high quality that your current customers will not only continue to use them but also recommend them to their friends, family and acquaintances.
When you have a product or service that people love, they will refer others to you because they believe in what you do and think it is beneficial for others. This has been proven over and over again in nearly every business category imaginable.
In order to do this effectively, you need to make sure that your current customers are satisfied. You should go the extra mile when doing this. You can give them better customer service than they expect or provide them with better products and services than they were expecting.
Most companies have a referral policy in place, however not enough companies take advantage of them. It's a sad fact but many businesses will lose a significant amount of money by not properly utilizing their referral policy.
This is one of the most effective ways in generating new customers and it does not cost you anything at all other than your time and effort. This is simply letting people know about your business by talking about it wherever you go; i.e.

Traditionally, referrals to a service or product have been through word of mouth but that is no longer the case today. There are many other avenues available such as :
• Search Engine Optimization ( SEO )
• Paid advertising or sponsorship campaigns
• Social media such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
All of these options can be extremely effective in generating new customers for you and your business. All that you need to do is decide what will work best for you and your business. Once you have made that decision, then all that you need to do is execute it. Thank You For Reading This Post! If You Liked It Then Share It... THANKS!!! - John Kimmich http://ow.

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