Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance


 Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance

If you’re interested in securing your financial future and your family’s financial stability, mortgage protection insurance is one option to consider. It can be a lot to consider and figure out, so we wanted to do the heavy lifting for you.

##What is it?
Mortgage payment protection insurance (MPPI) ensures that if you suffer an injury or illness, your home loan repayments will still get paid. MPPI pays out a monthly benefit if eligible conditions apply.

##What is it not?
The important thing to remember is that MPPI is different from income protection insurance. Income protection insurance covers your regular outgoings, such as your rent, mortgage payments or personal expenses. MPPI does not cover these expenses.

##How does it work?
The loan provider or the mortgage loan holder (the “lender”) arranges your policy and pays the premiums in exchange for a reduction in the amount of money that you have to repay them by on top of any other fees you are already paying them.

##How much will it cost?
Policies can range from as little as $2 a week to cover basic conditions, such as cancer or heart attack, to hundreds of dollars a week if you want more coverage and conditions. Of course the cost will depend on what you need – and what you can afford. It’s worth knowing that MPPI usually covers all or part of your mortgage repayments but not your property’s insurance, which is known as building and contents insurance. Be sure to factor this into your properly protection plans.

##What are the eligibility requirements?
The lender will require proof that you have been employed for at least 2 years, with no gaps in employment. They will also want evidence that you are currently earning enough to repay your mortgage and any other debts you may have.

##How can you apply?
Lenders usually require that you complete an application form and provide evidence of your income and any existing insurance. You will also have to pay a small fee, usually less than $50 one-off payment.

##Why should I consider this product?
Saving for a down payment may seem daunting to many people, particularly first home buyers who have yet to be self-sufficient. These borrowers may be able to use a mortgage protection product, such as MPPI, to provide coverage for their mortgage repayments if something unforeseen, such as sickness or unemployment, prevents them from making the monthly payments.

If you're the type of person who doesn't handle debt very easily, your debts may end up catching up with you in the long run. To ensure that your finances are in order and don't cause any financial worries for you or your family down the track, there are other types of insurance available that you should consider.

Mortgage Protection Insurance

Why would someone opt for this type of insurance?

Insurance policies can save you money in the long run if they will suit your needs. If you're the type of person who doesn't handle debt very easily, you likely will struggle less with this type of insurance. While it is not a bad idea to have insurance for your car or home, it is also important to be aware that this type of insurance can be expensive. Unless you can afford to pay for it, don't opt for it just because everyone else around you has it.

The following are some of the benefits that come with a mortgage protection policy:

It protects your home loan repayments in the event that something happens to you or your income is reduced due to injury or illness.

It protects your home loan if you lose your job through no fault of your own.

It can give full protection to the loan amount not already covered by a standard home loan or mortgage protection policy.

You can choose your own pay out period and how much you want insurance to cost.

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Home Insurance

Why are home insurance policies important?

Home insurance policies are important for everyone in order to secure their assets and ensure that they can be protected if something were to happen to their home or property at the time of need. Having a good home insurance policy in place means that your property is highly valued by insurers, which means you can negotiate better rates at renewal time. The following are some of the benefits that come with a home insurance policy:

It can help to protect your investment.

It can protect your life’s savings and ensure you are financially covered in the event of unfortunate circumstances.

If you have an existing home loan or mortgage, it is possible for your home insurance to be set at a reduced rate.

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Risk of Fire and Natural Hazards Insurance

Coverage for property from fire and natural disasters is an important consideration in Australia. Many Australians do not think about fire and natural hazards when they are given a quote for insurance, but it is imperative that you have adequate coverage in place to protect your business. Here are some ways in which your business can benefit from having cover for what can happen:

It can protect your business from the possibility of a fire or natural disaster occurring.

It can help to protect the assets of your company, including stock and equipment.

It can mean that you will be exempt from paying transfer duty on the value of the assets you carry on your business.

It is a tax deduction that can mean you will be able to claim back some of the expenses you have incurred.

for more information visit

Property Insurance

Why do I need property insurance?

The following are the benefits of having property insurance:

It can provide protection for your home and business in the event of damage or loss due to fire, water, theft or accidental damage such as earthquakes and storms.

It can provide protection for your business in the event of a fire or other natural disaster such as an earthquake or flood.


The financial services industry is a vast one, and without protection in the event of something going wrong with your finances, you could end up in serious trouble that can be difficult to get out of. It's important to understand that insurance is not only about protecting your business from anything that can go wrong, it also provides peace of mind and allows you to focus on other things, such as growing your business.

Buying insurance should be simple, and it should be easy for you to find exactly what you need without breaking the bank. Your service providers are there to help.

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