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There is no problem with the post on Google search, it looks to be just an issue with a plugin for your web browser.

If you need any more help please let me know, thanks! Reply Delete

Hi, this seems to be a browser plugin issue, but if you need any more help please let me know. Thanks! Delete

I have IE 10 and Firefox and Chrome and they all show the same problem. I can't seem to find any updates for Google or anything that would fix this. This also happens on other Facebook pages. I ran scans and downloaded fixes but nothing seems to work. Delete

Hi, I'm guessing you're trying to read this on a computer. Did your browser say it couldn't load the page? If not, then there is a problem with the site - that's all. Delete

Wow I feel dumb now about how I posted my question earlier. My computer just froze and by the time it unfroze everything was lost! Sorry for the inconvenience! Reply Delete

I don't get what you mean when you said "If not, then there is a problem with the site". Are you using Google Chrome? Even if so, there is still no updated page.... Delete

You should be able to use this link to update your browser. I tried it and it worked for me. Delete

That link doesn't work for me. The page just refreshes and reloads until you hit the refresh button a zillion times. Delete

I get the same response as you. Delete

What problem are you having exactly? I can see the article and it is perfectly formatted. Delete

It's reading like a broken record but if I refresh it loads a blank page again so I have to reload it a zillion times until it works. My browser doesn't seem to be updating the site anymore with new posts. Delete

This is just so odd... I get all the way to the bottom of the page and it says "page cannot be displayed"..... Reply Delete

Hi, I'm on IE and it does not. For some reason I can't see the bottom of your "post" as well... Anyway, actualy, whatever is happening, I don't notice it anymore as the site is behaving erratically so people are just getting frustrated and moving on with their day. Delete

How about you try updating your browser (a good idea anyway) then maybe trying to reload this page again. Delete

Not much I can do now other than hit refresh on a blank page again... Delete

I got my browser updated yesterday and that did not help me at all. Delete

Hi. This is a very simple problem. You should not be seeing (blank) all the way down to the bottom of the page. If you are, you need to re-install your browser... Update it again, and try again! Delete

I can't see the bottom of the page either. I can see at least half way down and then get stuck at that point forever. I tried refreshing it several times but got nothing. Reply Delete

UPDATE: @ **Dallberg** The update is only made AFTER you hit refresh if your browser starts up with a blank screen (as if you hit refresh too early). If that happens, just do a "refresh" on your browser... Delete

I am having the same problem. I have seen a page like this before and I am looking for an answer to the problem. Thank you. Delete

OK, I believe we have the solution! Just refresh your browser after it loads... Delete


All of a sudden, it is working now! Delete

I'm getting the same thing happening as some people are saying (my browser isn't loading so far down). I'm using Firefox and no matter how many times I try to refresh or reload my browser, nothing happens... Reply Delete

What about using a different web browser? Try opening Chrome or Internet Explorer instead - see if that helps. My website has not been updated since July 2012 (and quite possibly even earlier). So yes, there are some security issues with the site that requires updating. Delete

I have the same problem... I can see the bottom of the page, but then I just sit there and nothing happens. Delete

This happened to me too, then I tried refreshing. It started working again after refreshing! Reply Delete

OMG!!! Crashed my computer. Real bad.... Completely lost my data on MicroSoft website (just opened an account for new laptop). I hit the refresh button and that crash ed my whole computer. Reply Delete

Any idea when this will be fixed? I can't post a comment or update my profile. Reply Delete

I'm having the same issue and I have updated my browser already. It just seems to be your website not loading properly because when I click on another link on your site and it loads without a problem. Delete

I get where it says "post comment" but nothing happens when i click there??? Delete

Hi, if you're using IE, you should try using Firefox or Chrome instead - see if that helps with the issue (let me know how it goes). Also, you might want to consider updating your browser as well... Delete

Tried using IE and firefox. Same problem. No response on refresh. Reply Delete

I get this error too: "Requested URL /wp-content/uploads/2017/01/201703210355008_000000.jpg was not found on this server." And when I try to refresh the post, the browser goes back to the blog page (it never shows the post). Delete

Hi, if you're having this issue, try "Refresh" or "Reload" in your browser... Delete

I get the same issue: "permission denied". I refreshed it numerous times on this browser (IE 10) and the error still hasn't gone away. Delete

I get this error "This page isn't working properly." and the page reloads every time I hit refresh. Reply Delete

Have the same problem: can't post a comment or update my profile but I can see it at least halfway down. Also, when you click on "post comment" nothing happens and nothing is happening when you refresh either... Reply Delete

I am unable to refresh the page or any of the posted posts, even more so when visiting other blog posts.

Conclusion: the problem is somewhere within wordpress and not related to this particular post or this blog. Reply Delete

If you are still having this issue, try updating your browser again... Delete

After refreshing a couple times I'm finally getting comments! Didn't have to do that with the other posts. Thank you so much for the help! I wasn't sure what to do. Reply Delete

I get the same error "Page not found" when I try to refresh... Did you ever find out what was going on? Just wondering. Thanks! Reply Delete

Try installing Microsoft Silverlight if it doesn't work, if it still doesn't work, manually enter refresh or reload into your address bar (

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