Outsourcing The Building Of Websites To Low Wage Countries


 Outsourcing The Building Of Websites To Low Wage Countries

One of the biggest online trends in recent years has been the outsourcing of the building and maintenance of websites to low wage countries like India. There are many companies who take on this outsourced work, and it is something that a lot of people have taken advantage of.

We want to cover some aspects about this practice and give you some reasons why people might consider doing it, as well as why they might not be so keen on outsourcing their site-building.

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "Outsourcing The Building Of Websites To Low Wage Countries".

Remember: your blog post needs a clear structure. Try to answer these questions: What is outsourcing? How does outsourcing affect me? Why should I care about outsourcing? The introduction has to be between 150 and 200 words long. Remember, it is your task to convince the readers that they need to read your blog post!

You should compare and contrast the following aspects: "What do I lose when I outsource?", "What do I gain if I outsource?", "Advantages of outsourcing" and "Disadvantages of outsourcing".

Write an article titled "Why You Should Consider Outsourcing Your Website Building".

Remember that you want to build up a positive opinion from your reader. Try to answer these questions: Why do I want to build my own website? What is outsourcing? Why should I care about outsourcing?

The article has to be between 500 and 800 words long.

Describe the key steps in building your website. Write an article titled "Outsourcing – The Step By Step Guide".

Remember that your aim is to help your readers! Remember that you have to write at least 250 words in a formal way, without any errors.

Complete the following statement: Your goal is to build a ______ site, and here are some of the reasons why you want it: __________, __________, __________ .

Now let us take the next step. After you have made a list of all the main attractions that you want to include your website, you have to decide what the name, hosting and domain should be. Those are three very important things in building your site. For each of them, answer these questions:

What is the most important thing for me? (Write at least one sentence)

What should I remember when choosing a name? (Write at least one sentence)

Choosing a name is easy; however, there are some rules that need to be followed. Here they are: There should be no numbers in the name, it shouldn't end with ".com" or ".net"

There should be no hyphens or underscores in the name.

The name should be easy to remember.

Write a list of these rules and then check if the domain you want to choose is a good one or not: [example: www.customersupport-training.com]

Choose a hosting package for your website: personal, business, developer and other. Choose one of those hosting packages that fits best for your purposes: [example: Personal Hosting] . Write about what hosting is, why it is important, what types of hosting are there and why you chose this particular one for your site (at least 100 words).

Now that you have chosen the domain name and the hosting package, it is time to move to the last step: choosing a domain privacy and security provider for your website. Write about what privacy and security are, why you should care about them, and how they can protect your website. (100-200 words).

The article has to be between 800-1500 words long.

Write an introduction to an informative blog post titled "Outsourcing The Building Of Websites To Low Wage Countries". Remember: your blog post needs a clear structure. Try ____________________ .

Remember: your blog post needs a clear structure. Try ____________________ . The introduction has to be between 150 and 200 words long. Remember, it is your task to convince the readers that they need to read your blog post!

You should compare and contrast the following aspects: "What do I lose when I outsource?", "What do I gain if I outsource?", "Advantages of outsourcing" and "Disadvantages of outsourcing".

Write an article titled "Why You Should Consider Outsourcing Your Website Building". Remember that you want to build up a positive opinion from your reader. Try ____________________ .

Remember that you want to build up a positive opinion from your reader. Try ____________________ . The article has to be between 500 and 800 words long.

Describe the key steps in building your website. Write an article titled "Outsourcing – The Step By Step Guide".

Remember that your aim is to help your readers! Remember that you have to write at least 250 words in a formal way, without any errors.

Complete the following statement: Your goal is to build a ______ site, and here are some of the reasons why you want it: __________, __________, __________ .

Now let us take the next step. After you have made a list of all the main attractions that you want to include your website, you have to decide what the name, hosting and domain should be. Those are three very important things in building your site. For each of them, answer these questions:

What is the most important thing for me? (Write at least one sentence)

What should I remember when choosing a name? (Write at least one sentence)

Choosing a name is easy; however, there are some rules that need to be followed. Here they are: There should be no numbers in the name, it shouldn't end with ".com" or ".net"

There should be no hyphens or underscores in the name.

The name should be easy to remember.

Write a list of these rules and then check if the domain you want to choose is a good one or not: [example: www.customersupport-training.com]

Choose a hosting package for your website: personal, business, developer and other. Choose one of those hosting packages that fits best for your purposes: [example: Personal Hosting] . Write about what hosting is, why it is important, what types of hosting are there and why you chose this particular one for your site (at least 100 words).

Now that you have chosen the domain name and the hosting package, it is time to move to the last step: choosing a domain privacy and security provider for your website.


Outsourcing is very important for your business and you should consider it seriously. However, people like to work for a company that has its own employees and not for a company that outsources the tasks. Have you ever heard about employees getting sick? No? Well, during the years companies have been outsourcing their jobs; therefore they have been losing some of the most important assets: the people! The only people that can make your business grow up are your employees.

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