Panama Investment Corporation


 Panama Investment Corporation

The Panama Investment Corporation is a US-based company that specializes in investments. We help people to invest money in our mutual funds and we also help them with their retirement savings. We offer many different investment opportunities, ranging from conservative to aggressive, so there is something for every investor.

Or you might be interested in how we can help your business today! Whether you are looking to invest or just want information on the latest trends and current events, the Panama Investment Corporation can give you what you need. Contact us by phone at 123-456-7890 or online at


The Panama Investment Corporation is a US-based company that specializes in investments. We help people to invest money in our mutual funds and we also help them with their retirement savings. We offer many different investment opportunities, ranging from conservative to aggressive, so there is something for every investor.

Or you might be interested in how we can help your business today! Whether you are looking to invest or just want information on the latest trends and current events, the Panama Investment Corporation can give you what you need. Contact us by phone at 123-456-7890 or online at



The HTML is for a web page. Inside of the webpage we include our own CSS and JavaScript.

The following HTML tags are used in the webpage:
<HTML> - Web page
<HEAD> - Header of the webpage 
<BODY> - Main part of the webpage. Contains the content 

Included is our CSS and JavaScript. The CSS is usually needed because it contains rules for formatting webpages. The JavaScript is needed to enhance functionality to a webpage.

We split up our code into two parts: one for our web pages and another for our application. This keeps them separate so that things can be easily changed or added to them individually without having to worry about their other parts. In our HTML code we use one <BODY> tag (contains all physical formatting). This is used for the main part of our HTML code.

Our CSS code is kept in a separate file. It contains all of the formatting rules for our website except for web pages (usually used to apply colors and other aspects to the website). In this example, we use one <STYLE> tag (has formatting rules).

In our CSS file we make a list of colors that we want to be able to use in our website's font (text), background (background), and border (border). 

A CSS property is how we use a color on a webpage. For example, if you want to make text black, then you might use the color property #000000. This property is written before the format of that color. In this example we want to make the text black.

HTML is written in an HTML file with its own CSS and JavaScript. Each site has a different HTML file and its own CSS and JavaScript files. The code is separated into two parts: one for the webpage and one for the application's code (usually written in JavaScript). We use the <STYLE> tag to include our CSS rules. This way, if any rules need changing or adding to, it can be done simply by making changes to that specific part of our HTML file.

Below is an example of the HTML code for a webpage and its CSS.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <HTML><HEAD> <TITLE>Example webpage</TITLE> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function changePage() { var page = document.getElementById("people_list").getElementsByTagName("TD"); for (var i=0; i<page.length; i++) { if (page(i).align == "center") page(i).style.left = "20px"; if (page(i).align == "right") page(i).style.right = "20px"; } window.location = document.getElementById("people_list").options.url; } //--></SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY id="people_list" onMouseOver="changePage()" onMouseOut="changePage()"> <TR> <TD class="people_list"> <A href="/about/contact_us.html">About the Panama Investment Corporation</A> </TD> <TD class="people_list"> <A href="/investing">Investing in the Panama Investment Corporation</A> </TD> <TD class="people_list"> <!--content goes here--> </TD> </TR><TR></TR></BODY></HTML>.

The HTML is for a web page. Inside of the webpage we include our own CSS and JavaScript.

The following HTML tags are used in the webpage:
<BODY> - Main part of the webpage. Contains the content 
<HEAD> - Header of the webpage 
<TITLE> - Title of the page. Usually appears at the top of a webpage  and sometimes at the very bottom as a logo (logo tag)  or search engine listing (title tag)

We split up our code into two parts: one for our web pages and another for our application. This keeps them separate so that things can be easily changed or added to them individually without having to worry about their other parts. In our CSS code we use one <STYLE> tag (has formatting rules).


CSS is needed because it contains rules for formatting webpages. The CSS is usually needed because it contains rules for formatting webpages. The JavaScript is needed to enhance functionality to a webpage.

The HTML code for our website that is included above would be included in the following:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" > <html> <head> <title>Example website</title> </head> <body id="people_list"> ... </body> </html>

The HTML code for our application that is included above would be included in the following:
<STYLE type="text/css"> .

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