Party Jokes: Startling But Unnecessary


 Party Jokes: Startling But Unnecessary

Do you find yourself waiting for someone to crack a joke? Do you constantly need to be entertained with punchlines and clever one-liners? Do you agree that the person who makes a joke is the one being entertained and not the other way around? Well, we've got good news for you: Party Jokes: Startling But Unnecessary by Shaun L. Harlow gives hilarious party jokes that will not only make your group laugh, but they'll get rid of any pre-party awkwardness. With short punchlines like "I didn't know what to do so I started peeing in my pants," or "My uncle also has a degree in ____. I think we all know what that means," these jokes will be a hit at your next get-together.
"The best way to make a friend is to buy for one. If you buy for one, he'll buy things for you."
This joke: "The man I met on the street was Jimmy Cliff and his hair was on fire!" (Wow, that's creative!)
This joke: "I deleted my Twitter account because people read it as an invitation to suggest projects I should work on." (That actually happened…")
"My professor once told me that if a math problem is too difficult then just use the word 'phantom.'" (That seems like some of the best advice ever. Who needs to solve the problem when you can just use "phantom"?)
Nobody likes listening to corny jokes from a stand-up comedian, but who ever said that a pun couldn't be funny? Party Jokes: Startling But Unnecessary is unique in that it contains jokes that are both catchy and amusing. These aren't the kind of jokes you tell someone who's having a bad day, but these are the kind of jokes that make for a great conversation starter. So if you find yourself at a loss for words, pick up this book and get ready to be entertained!
So let's just go back over here one more time and talk about what we've got going on here in this book. We've got a choice of ten jokes. And this is another thing that's pretty cool about this book: It only contains ten jokes, so it's not going to take you all night to read the whole thing. So these are all brand-new jokes that were engineered for your amusement, and I think we can safely say that they're going to be quite amusing. That's why this is such a great book to have on hand at your next party… or any party, really. So let's see what we have here.
"I went to the doctor and he said, 'Man, your prostate looks huge.' I said, 'Yep, it's like a big party in my pants.'"
"My uncle was molested as a child because he worked in a mine and his uncle used to say, 'The mine is haunted by the ghost of Joseph Bloeckman.'"
"An engineer once told me that if you fix one hole then you're already halfway done with the solution." (That's a good one.) "I had to sell my car because I couldn't afford my gas. So that meant selling my car and then my gas tank. I'm like, 'How am I going to get around?' I mean, you know...?" (This is smooth.) "I was so hung over when I met my wife that she had to help me get out of the car." (If you're having a rough start to your marriage, at least you have this joke. Hey, you can't say there's no upside.) "I don't know if you can see it but a bunch of my muscles are missing." (So what's missing? The muscles or the teeth?)
"If you think your job sucks just wait until French fries become legal. One day potatoes will really be cool. So I'm thinking, 'If the government lets potatoes be legal, that means they've decided that grazing is bad and pot plants are good. So I'm thinking, 'Well… if pot plants are good, maybe potatoes will be cool because they'll be legal.'"
"I used to have a crush on a girl so I wrote her a letter and I said, 'Listen, here's my problem. My face is too misshapen to kiss.'"
"I saw this kid playing with his balls today and he was having trouble getting them back in his pocket." (That's an interesting topic.) "It's like being black and gay at the same time!"
So there you have it. The book is all done, and you can feel like a real comedian, or at least a pretend one. Well, that was pretty much all I had for you here in this book, so if you haven't picked it up yet then there's no reason to let it go. Here's something else to add: There are some humorous comments on the back. So feel free to read them. I thank you for reading this and I hope you're having a good time with these jokes. And if you want even more then we do have several other books in the collection. So if you're interested in any of those feel free to check out some of our other titles like: Feelin' Good, Volumes One & Two – Positive Quotes That Will Make You Feel Good and Use Your Imagination – Positive Quotes That Will Open Your Mind and Think Outside The Box – Positive Quotes That Will Expand Your Thoughts ;or Life Lessons & Funny Sayings, Volume One: The Best of Life Lessons. Again, if you haven't already picked up this book then I recommend you do so. We hope the rest of your evening is as good as the beginning and I hope to see you soon.
The Original Positive Book Of Inspiration And Humor For The Happiest Life Ever!
Yes, life can get lonely and there are times when we feel down but we don't need to be down about it. This book will show you how to have a happy life and be happy with yourself. The purpose of this book is to inspire and lighten your heart with happiness that comes from within.

So there you have it. These are all of the positive books that we have here in this collection. I hope they've got you feeling good and laughing because I know that that's what they're supposed to do. So if you haven't picked one up yet then I really hope you feel good about doing so because these are all really awesome books. If you like any of these or any other books in this collection then we do have plenty more for you to choose from so feel free to check them out when you get a chance… and thank you again for reading!
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