Quiz - The Ego Of Your Team Member


 Quiz - The Ego Of Your Team Member

What do you know about your team? Take this quiz to find out more about the Ego of your team members. Who is the most confident? The most organized? The fastest to adapt and learn new things? It’s easy for an organization to get lost in the shuffle of day-to-day operations. This quiz is a great way to start getting a clearer picture of what makes your team work!

Here's how: Rate each personality type according to how accurately it applies, then tally up your score and see who emerges as the “most likeable” member of the team.

1. Analytical: [Low score] The people who can predict the future are boring – it’s why reality has no TV shows about them. Analytical people don’t become bored easily and related to others as much as they do to facts, formulas, and theories. They use logic to analyze situations and make informed decisions.

2. Cooperative: [Low score] If cooperation is not a natural instinct in your team, you might do well by giving cooperative members a chance to shine at meetings or events where they can help others work together and keep up morale! People who fit this description tend to be friendly, empathetic, upbeat, and quick to volunteer for team-building activities.

3. Competitive: [Low score] Competitive people want to beat others at everything – and for good reason! They might be the first in line or the last to leave a party on Friday night, but all they care about is winning. Competitive members are committed to excellence and are often viewed as high achievers.

4. Considerate: [Low score] These are the people who take time to listen and help out their friends, families, colleagues, or even strangers they come across in public places. Think of them as people who stop by and ask how we’re doing instead of pestering us at work like a typical “entrepreneurial” team member would!

5. Energetic: [Low score] Energetic people love to joke around, have a good time, and laugh at the crazy things that happen in life. Their ability to laugh in the face of adversity can be inspiring to everyone else – even if they’re not funny.

6. Expressive: [Low score] Team members who are expressive are fun to be around and make it easy for others to get excited about a project or event. They’re full of energy and like to invite others out for a night on the town or a spur-of-the-moment retreat from work. When we ask them “why?” they always have an answer!

7. Intelligent: [Low score] These people are good at everything they do, from business to arts to sports. They’re the ones who learn quickly and can jump into any scenario with confidence. Intelligent members of a team might be the most creative or have the highest level of expertise in their department.

8. Organized: [Low score] There’s nothing worse than working with someone who is disorganized, but as long as they aren’t constantly running late, it probably doesn't matter as much (in most cases). Just like babies and dogs always seem to find enough toys around them, these team members seem to always have everything organized, especially in their workspace!

9. Steady: [Low score] Steady people strive to provide a sense of security for others and are known to bring things back in line. They tend to be a bit low-key and conservative, much like their mothering friends, but ready to jump into action in time of need.

10. Sympathetic: [Low score] Sympathetic people are great listeners and make it readily apparent when they are experiencing a personal loss or tragedy. They’re usually the first ones to attend events or volunteer when needed – maybe it’s their way of helping others through difficult times as well!

11. Talented: [High score] The talented are the “freaks” of their group – the ones who can do anything they put their minds to. Whether it’s music, art, or sports, these people don’t seem to be able to stop until they’re in the zone doing what they love. They also tend to be a little arrogant and might think they’re better than everyone else on the team!

12. Technical: [Low score] These are the people who have a firm grasp of concepts/skills, and are able to use their minds to convert ideas into reality. Technical members have an instinctive understanding of what needs to be done.

13. Traditional: [Low score] Traditional people prefer things the old-fashioned way – with a lot of respect for authority and long hours in the office. They tend to be very punctual, and won’t shirk their duties when it’s time to work!

14. Visionary: [Low score] These are the dreamers who have big ideas – and they’re not afraid to share them. They might be a little stubborn, but when their creativity is unleashed, the results can be extraordinary.

15. Warm: [Low score] These are the people who seem to always care about others – like a good heart surgeon would do for your mother! They want to make sure that everyone is ready and available for their group, and they’re usually seen as a bit of an “over-achiever” in any profession.

16. Witty: [Low score] While these folks don’t want to be involved in direct work, they know how to keep the conversation going and are quick with a joke. They never miss a detail – not even the small ones!

17. Wise: [Low score] The wise are often seen as knowledgeable, intelligent, and outgoing – much like their mother! They might make the most of a situation or might be ready to step into last minute leadership when needed.

18. Idealistic: [Low score] These team members are often in favor of change and think that things should be done differently than they usually are. Though they might not always be practical, their optimism is infectious.

19. Informal: [Low score] These team members wear their heart on their sleeves, and aren’t afraid to show it. They might laugh a lot at the worst of times, but they’re usually more supportive and sensitive than other types!

20. Logical: [Low score] These people are usually seen as superb at problem solving – especially when it comes to math problems or other technical matters! They tend to be driven by facts and are realistic about most things in life – much like our mothers!



In general, we should let our friends and family know what type of personality traits we want to see in our team members so they can be helpful in our new jobs. Then, find some common ground with potential coworkers and have them do the same before bring them on board! It’s a small change that will make your first few weeks at work much less stressful!

For more on this topic, check out The Secret to Successful Teamwork.

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