Quiz Yourself About Your Moneymaking Abilities


 Quiz Yourself About Your Moneymaking Abilities

Are you struggling with trying to find your place in the world because you're unsure of what type of career is right for you? Well, worry no more! Here are some good quizzes that will help you figure out what your strengths and weaknesses are. They will also help to identify the best way to raise money for yourself or start a business.

One person can change the world, and sometimes it just takes someone with insight into their personality type and certain skillset being able to see that potential within others. This article will hopefully give creative people a boost of confidence in themselves so they can set off on various paths in life.

These quizzes are easy to take and will help you get your thoughts in order so you can get a better grasp on what it is you're passionate about and how you can make the most out of it.

Basic Quiz #1: Personality Types & Moneymaking Needs
This quiz was created for people who believe they already understand their personality type and what it is they want to do in life. The simplest way to look at your personality type is by understanding your career development needs, by analyzing yourself, and what things about yourself make you successful or unsuccessful at certain tasks.

If you were to take this quiz, it will help in helping you see what type of career would be best for you based on your needs and desires. If there is something in particular you are interested in, it is important to note that not every person with that personality type would necessarily do well at that job. This is a good way to find out if the job is right for you, or if you need to try something else first.

Here are some example personality types:

Socializer / Networker – These people really enjoy being around others and make friends easily. They will usually do well at jobs that involve socializing and working on projects with other people. The key to a good job for this person is being able to work well with others. You can also refer to these people as extroverts or gregarious persons.

The Self-Starter / The Independence – This person is good at doing things alone, such as activities or tasks that require self-reliance or independence. You can refer to these people as individualists or loners. They may not need the constant encouragement of others because they are so self-motivated. The key to a good job for this person is finding a career that is self-initiated and rewarding.

The Team Player / The Negotiator – This person enjoys working with people and wants to have a positive outlook on life. They are most comfortable when they are able to cooperate with others, which makes them more successful at finding jobs that require teamwork and building interpersonal relationships. You can refer to these people as team players or optimists. The key to a good job for this person is being able to work well with others in order to achieve the desired result or outcome, as well as getting along with others and having good communications skills.

The Achiever / The Status Seeker – These people usually have high expectations of themselves and others. They believe that they are superior individuals who are living life to their full potential. They tend to pursue careers that will enhance their standing within their community or in some cases, the entire world. You can refer to these people as status seekers or social climbers, who may be driven by personal achievement and success in order to earn a superior reputation or status within the community.

The Striver / The Unattainable – This person is persistent in their pursuit, but is also very self-critical and pessimistic about what it means for them to achieve success…or anything at all for that matter. You can refer to these people as perfectionists or the not-so-crazy ones. They may feel unaccomplished and frustrated when they cannot reach their goals, which gives them a negative view of life in general. The key to unlocking a good job for this person is having a healthy acceptance for themselves and the world around them.

The Rebel / The Troublemaker – This person tends to be very creative and helps their community by being willing to stand up against the establishment in order to push new or radical ideas forward. If there is an opportunity for personal growth, they would rather take it than settle with what everyone else has already accepted. You can refer to these people as mavericks or troublemakers. The keys to a good job for this person are making sure their ideas have some merit and making sure they are always moving forward in life.

The Early Finisher / The Perfectionist – These people are hard on themselves and tend to always strive for excellence in everything they do, which makes them more successful at finding jobs that require rigorous planning, doing tasks meticulously, or finishing projects early. You can refer to these people as being analytical or uptight. As long as their work is error free and well thought out, it will prove that their opinions matter and help them be accepted by others. The key to unlocking a good job for this person is making sure their work is always done well, and that they are always striving to improve themselves and others.

The Questioner / The Thinker – This person has a lot of inner 'thoughts' and often takes things too personally, which causes them to not be as effective at being assertive with others or assertively persuading others of their views. You can refer to these people as thinkers or introverts. As long as they give 100% effort on many things, the overall quality of their work will be high enough that it will achieve success in life, even if it is not the very first thing they tried out.

The Analyzer / The Judge – This person is very discriminating, especially when it comes to themselves and others. They tend to be perfectionists and are hard on themselves for their shortcomings. You can refer to these people as being very critical or demanding. As long as their work and actions meet the standards they set for themselves and/or others, they'll likely be successful in whatever they are doing or trying to do.


Personality type theory may not be 100% accurate, but it can still provide you with some very useful information that is backed by research, psychology, and statistics. It will also be a good base for you to explore and work with in your own unique way. We hope you find success from working with it!


What's Your Personality Type? by Jan Streff at http://www.personalitypage.com/high-level.html, based on the Jungian personality types of Dr. Carl G. Jung and the Myers-Briggs personality types of Isabel Briggs Myers (daughter of Katharine Cook Briggs who created the MBTI system). The Strong Interest Inventory at http://www.

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