Rags & Riches: The Small Cap Maze


 Rags & Riches: The Small Cap Maze

You may know the only difference between a rags to riches story and a riches to rags story is how much money they have accumulated, but do you really know why these stories are so prevalent? What are the causes of both scenarios? In this article we will explore the many factors that feed into these stories and why they resonate with people. We'll also explore what you can do if you're struggling in your own life to find happiness or success.

Supply is finite, competition is eternal, and 》 so it's inevitable that some people never find their niche in life. There is a term for that: rags to riches. These are the people who start with little and end up rich, or even billionaires. Although rags to riches stories are prevalent in our society, so much so that there is even an entire genre of films dedicated to them, what drives these characters? Why are they so driven to succeed? And why do some fail while others thrive?

Rags To Riches: The High Stakes

Some of the most famous stories of rags to riches focus on luck and chance more than hard work or perseverance. Think about the stories of John D. Rockefeller or George Lucas – both started with little and became successful overnight through pure luck. As fate would have it, their chance encounters with rich people and a fortuitous trip to California led them to fame and fortune with little effort. And yet, there are some who persevere through all the adversity life throws at them – or as Mark Twain famously said: "The secret of getting ahead is getting started."

For many reasons, most of which have to do with human psychology and society's perception of wealth and the wealthy, rags to riches tales are the most compelling and universally relatable stories. These stories illustrate that things can change in an instant. A friend can be born out of a coincidence; success can come from nowhere; one decision can change everything forever. That is what makes rags to riches stories so fascinating to us.

These stories are also appealing because of their simplicity and the immediately recognizable archetypes they use. Most every movie, book or other medium that you've encountered has used these archetypes: the lone man who overcomes all odds to find love, strike it rich, find true friendship or survive the apocalypse. These elements make a story accessible and understandable for everyone who comes across it.

Another reason these types of stories are so compelling is because they are aspirational – we all want that big score, that lottery win, that chance at success. In fact, we're constantly striving to get ahead. The reason these stories ring true with us is because they represent our own desires on a deep level. They depict the human condition in a very real and relatable way. We all wish for something better or to overcome adversity – it's in our nature to want to be better than we are.

Rags To Riches: The Best Stories Are Personal

It seems like everyone who's ever written a book or made a movie about rags to riches stories has their own interpretation of what motivates the characters within that story. Most people can identify with these characters, but only if they are written as everyman types, not rich kids born into privilege.

Our culture doesn't want to see someone succeed solely because they were born into a rich family and got an expensive education. That's the antithesis of what we want to see. We prefer that the character has some sort of disadvantage (e.g., poor, orphan, low-class) that they overcome through hard work, perseverance or other advantages they may have due to their upbringing (e.g., strong work ethic, higher thinking skills).

We like individuals who can rise above the hardships life throws at them and make something of themselves. We, as a society, want to believe that everyone has the potential to succeed in life regardless of their current situation. We are drawn to these stories because they offer hope – that if we work hard enough and never lose hope, any of us can come out on top.

Rags To Riches: The Source Of Inspiration

These stories have influenced our culture in a very real way and they are found everywhere – from books to movies and television shows. But why? Why do we love watching them? What do we get from them that other genres simply don't provide? In short, rags to riches tales speak volumes about who we are as humans. Our nature compels us toward personal growth and change. They offer us a glimpse into the human condition and the way we operate on a subconscious level.

These stories illustrate how human beings are not content to simply be, so they strive to make something of their lives. Whether that be art, medicine, education, athletics or filmmaking (Lucas), we tend to gravitate toward those fields because they speak to us – they present challenges and opportunities that compel us. They allow us to reach our potential as individuals beyond what we already are. We are drawn to these stories because they offer a path toward self-actualization.

Rags To Riches: Not Just For The Rich & Powerful – Many People Have Made It Happen.

You can't deny the temptation of rags to riches stories – for some, it's a lifelong goal to achieve. There are people who are willing to go the distance to make it happen. This list includes Donald Trump and Oprah Winfrey, who both grew up in poverty, but now they're considered two of the most influential people in the world. These individuals achieved their success through force of will and hard work, not luck and fortune.

Although these stories do provide an element of inspiration for many people, whether or not they will ever achieve this is another story altogether. It takes a certain amount of luck and timing to make it happen, otherwise it's just an average person. Regardless, these stories motivate us to try harder at whatever it is we do in life.

Rags To Riches: The Takeaway

The appeal of rags to riches stories is universal. These tales have influenced filmmakers and writers alike for decades and they will continue to do so for years to come. They provide the world with hope in times of crisis, they present characters that are immediately identifiable with the majority of people on the planet – we all want something better in life and believe that hard work pays off in the end…it's only a matter of time.


The history of rags to riches stories is undoubtedly fascinating, but the real question is what are you going to do with that knowledge? Are you going to write a book about it? Direct a movie about it? Or just sit back and watch the next hit on the big screen.


I hope that this article convinces more people to give rags to riches stories a chance. Everyone can learn something from them – whether or not you personally have an aspiration of making it big or are already successful with your current field. Understanding these stories will help you appreciate what others go through and why they often choose different paths than you might expect.

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