Renters Insurance 101 Explained


 Renters Insurance 101 Explained

This blog post will tell you about what renters insurance is, how it can help protect your possessions, and why it's so important to have.

Renters insurance is a covenant to cover damages to your possessions while you are renting an apartment or living in a house. It also protects against accidental harm caused by fires, thefts, falls and more. Most policies also include theft protection for your computer and other electronic devices. You can get this coverage from anywhere from $1/day to around $500/year depending on which company you choose for the coverage.

A typical policy will pay around 65% of the value of your belongings up to a certain limit. For example, you might have enough coverage in your policy to replace all of your items for around $25,000. If the total damage caused by a covered loss is over $25,000 then you would need to pay out-of-pocket for any amount over that. Most policies come with a one or two thousand dollar deductible which means you would have to pay the deductible amount out-of-pocket before they begin paying on damages above that amount.

Renters insurance is something that everybody should get because you never know what could happen. A fire can start while you are asleep or an intruder can try to break into your house and steal your most valuable electronics. Accidents like these are extremely common and they can cause thousands of dollars worth of damage to your stuff if you aren't protected. It's a lot cheaper to pay $150-$200 for a year's worth of insurance than it is to pay off $5,000 in damages from a single burglary or fire!

If you have renters insurance then it will cover any accidents that occur on the property that you rent as well as any valuables that are lost or stolen. There are some exceptions to this. You will not be covered if you damage the property while it's unoccupied, or if you fail to keep it clean and safe. You also can't collect damages for an accident that happens while you're out of town on vacation or leave the country for a long time. Be sure to know all of your exclusions when looking into coverage from a company like ProtectYourDepot .

Renters insurance shouldn't be something that you have to think about every day, but it is a good idea to get put into place once you decide to move into an apartment or buy a house. You should get coverage as soon as possible so that you are protected in case of any damages that could cost a lot to pay for. It's a lot easier to pay a few hundred dollars for insurance than it is to try and find $1,000 or more in money that you might not even have!

To learn more about renters insurance, go to the ProtectYourDepot website. They will have information on all products and can help you choose an affordable and appropriate policy.

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Hosting A Party? Here Are Some Tips & Tricks!

Are you planning on hosting a party? Hosting a party takes a lot of work and it's easy to make mistakes that cost you the entire party if you don't know what you're doing. Today I'm going to share some tips and tricks that will help to make your next get-together more successful and enjoyable for everyone in attendance.

Invite People To Your Party Early

It's always bad form to wait until the last minute to invite people to your party. It's even worse when you tell them that the party will be at "an undisclosed location" and only give them a vague idea of when it will occur. When you delay inviting people for too long, some of them will forget that they were invited. If they think about it at all, they'll assume that you've forgotten about their presence and lost interest in seeing them again. This is why you should invite people as early as possible so that everyone can plan ahead and make arrangements if necessary.

Give Your Guests A Map To Your Party Location

If you're in any way unsure of how to get to your location, give everyone a map or directions and take precautions to avoid any traffic problems. You don't want anyone arriving at the party and ending up lost somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Take good care of all of your guests by not leaving them waiting around for you on a long stretch of road just because you forgot about their presence. By giving them directions prior to your event, you will greatly increase the likelihood that they'll make it on the day of the party and that they'll enjoy themselves while they are there.

Don't Forget The Alcohol!

It's less fun to have a party with no drinks involved. No one likes to drink alone so it makes sense that you should plan ahead and get the alcohol out of the way beforehand. You don't want to try to make a mad dash to the store when all of your friends are there because you forgot a few things. This is why it's imperative that you stock up on everything ahead of time and have everything set aside for use at the party. You'll also want to make sure that there is enough alcohol for everyone attending so that no one can accuse you of not planning properly or being short on supplies on the big night out.

Arrange For Security At Your Location

When you're having a big party in the middle of nowhere, it's important to ensure that security is present and accounted for. Have a good relationship with your neighbors if possible so that you can enlist their help with ensuring security. Get them to cover the area in their yard or even direct traffic away from your location so that no unwanted visitors can come strolling up to your patio. If you aren't able to keep up regular contact with your neighbors, make sure that they are aware of where the party will be taking place by posting signs around the area. Last but not least, make sure that there is someone at the party who knows how to handle any problems should they arise.


Hosting a party is one of the best ways to get everyone together and have fun, but you need to make sure that you're prepared in advance. Make sure that you have the tools necessary for the party so that no one will be left out or without any alcohol at all. If someone shows up late, remind them to call ahead and find out where the party is taking place. If they don't know, try giving them directions so that they'll know exactly where to go. Also remember to get your guests a map or directions so that they can travel on a route that isn't too far out of their way.

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